Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)

Sunday of the Word of God

Sunday 26th January, 2025

Please contact the parish to receive the newsletter by email each week.

Message from Canon Kristian

Dear brothers and sisters
This Sunday is the sixth celebration of the Sunday of the Word of God, an annual celebration instituted by Pope Francis.  In order to make the connection between the Jubilee Year that has recently begun and the invitation to become Pilgrims of Hope, the Holy Father has taken a phrase from the Psalms: “I hope in your word” (Ps 119:74).  As well as a special focus on the importance of proclaiming and listening to the Scriptures whenever we gather for Mass, we are encouraged to have an on-going personal and community encounter with the Word of God.  I am delighted that, over the last few weeks, a number of parishioners have come forward to offer themselves for the ministry of Lector or Reader in our community along with those who already serve in the ministry and, as soon as it is possible, specific formation will be offered to them so that they may be true proclaimers of the Word with appropriate preparation.  However, the invitation to an on-going encounter with the Word of God is not only for our Readers, but for all members of our parish community.  Some suggestions are offered to us by the Dicastery for Evangelisation in Rome to enable this:
  • Carrying the Word “in your pocket” : Pope Francis suggests: “[M]ay you have the habit of always carrying a small Gospel in your pocket, in your bag, to be able to read it during the day”. There are several editions of the New Testament or the Gospel, in handy little volumes, pocket versions, that easily fit in our bags or backpacks and that we can carry with us at all times.
  • Carrying the Word in your mobile phone:  You can easily have the Bible on your mobile phone to consult it at any time. There are different apps and websites in different languages, not only with the Bible but also with the Mass readings for each day, pages where to read or listen to the Word of God, pages with commentaries and reflections of the same. You can also use notifications as a reminder to have a moment a day to encounter God’s Word so that it accompanies us wherever we go.
  • Bible Group: A group could be organized in the parish, on a weekly or monthly basis, that organizes formative or cultural moments of in-depth study of Sacred Scripture, and community Lectio divina moments.
  • Meditated Rosary: Another source for praying with Scripture is the variety of traditional Catholic prayers, such as the Rosary. The Rosary is an evangelical prayer focussed on Christ, defined by St. John Paul II as a “compendium of the Gospel.” In fact, it has an essentially contemplative character, since it leads us into the meditation of the mysteries of the Lord’s life, accompanied by the one who was closest to the Lord. To give biblical foundation and greater depth to the meditation, the announcement of the mystery could be followed by the proclamation of a corresponding biblical passage. It is appropriate that after the announcing of the mystery and the proclamation of the Word, there should be pause for a suitable period of time to fix one’s gaze on the meditated mystery, before beginning the vocal prayer (cf. Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae, No. 30-31).
This weekend, the majority of our Confirmation Candidates are away on a Residential on East Shallowford Farm on Dartmoor where, together with other 13-17 year olds from across our diocese, they will be exploring the passage of scripture Job 12:7-10. They will be joining in workshops involving photography, music, art and filming. East Shallowford is a working farm which will also give our youngsters a chance to meet the animals and feed them.  I am sure they will have an enjoyable time getting to know each other better and we look forward to hearing from them about some of their experiences.  One of their catechists, Siobhan Gilroy, has gallantly accompanied them for the weekend!

Because next Sunday falls on 2 February, the Liturgy will be taken from the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord and not from the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time.  In principle, the Sunday Liturgy always takes precedence over all other solemnities and feasts, since Sunday is the weekly and original celebration of the Paschal Mystery – the passion, death and resurrection of Christ – and its weekly observance proclaims its importance for and impact on our Christian lives.  However, by way of exception, in the period of Sundays in “Ordinary Time”, any Solemnities and Feasts of the Lord which fall on a Sunday replace the Ordinary Sunday Liturgy.

Please note that there will NOT be a meeting of the Tough Times Support Group on Tuesday.

We have three parishioners very sick in hospital at the moment, so please remember to pray for them.  You will see that the details of the Requiem Mass for young Ryan Hill, who died over Christmas, have been added to the Parish Diary.  It will take place on Monday 3 February at 11.00am in St Andrew’s.  Please pray for his soul and for his family who are grieving his unexpected death.

May we all be bless ever more lavishly with the theological virtue of hope as we contemplate the reality of our lives and world today, and become Pilgrims and Proclaimers of that Hope who is Christ to all we meet.
God bless
Canon Kristian
Canon Kristian Paver
Parish Priest
Parish of St Boniface and St James Mid Devon
40 Old Road Tiverton EX16 4HJ

Sunday of the Word of God

For this Sunday of the Word of God, Pope Francis has chosen as the theme the words of the psalmist “I hope in your word” (Ps 119:74). It is a cry of hope in a moment of anguish, tribulation and confusion. It is a deeply human experience. Everyone hopes, we all have hopes, but what is communicated to us in the Year of Jubilee is a “Hope” in the singular. It is not an abstract idea or naïve optimism, but a person, alive and present in everyone’s life: Christ crucified and risen, the only one who never abandons us. The Sunday of the Word of God once again allows us to reinvigorate our response to Jesus’ invitation to listen to and cherish his word in order to offer the world a witness of hope that allows us to move beyond the difficulties of the present moment. In fact, it challenges every community not only to proclaim the same faith as always, but above all to communicate it with the conviction that it brings hope to those who listen to it and welcome it with a simple heart.

CHAT 30th Anniversary Service of Thanksgiving

2025 marks a milestone for CHAT, and while there are several events planned throughout the year, it will begin by thanking God for his provision and guidance over the past 30 years. We are invited to join with other churches from our area in a joint Service of Thanksgiving at St. Paul’s Church, Tiverton, this Sunday 26 January at 6.30pm. CHAT remains steadfast in its mission to prevent homelessness and relieve hardship in Mid Devon and many people in our community continue to need this help. The Service of Thanksgiving will also provide an opportunity to share updates on CHAT’s current situation and to pray together for the future.

Gather Conference 2025

Come and share a weekend of faith, formation and friendship at the annual Gather Conference from Friday 28 – Sunday 30 March at the Livermead Cliff Hotel, Torquay.  David McLoughlin, a theologian and lecturer, will offer keynote presentations on the four great Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council: Dei Verbum, Sacrosanctum Concilium, Gaudium et Spes and Lumen Gentium.  The Booking Form is attached to the Newsletter and is also available on Facebook. Email for more information.

Caritas January Newsletter

To read more about love in action around the Diocese, please follow this link:

Holocaust Memorial Day

This Holocaust Memorial Day, Monday 27 January, marks the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi concentration camp complex, and the 30th anniversary of the genocide in Bosnia. 80 years on from the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, antisemitism has increased significantly in the UK and globally following the 7 October attacks in Israel by Hamas and the subsequent war in Gaza. Extremists are exploiting the situation to stir up anti-Muslim hatred in the UK. It is hoped that HMD 2025 can be an opportunity for people to come together, learn both from and about the past, and take actions to make a better future for all. We can speak up against Holocaust and genocide denial and distortion; we can challenge prejudice; we can encourage others to learn about the Holocaust and more recent genocides. Further practical suggestions can be found here:

Ending Child Poverty

Child poverty levels have remained alarmingly high over the last decade. Caritas Diocese of Plymouth supports the call from the Catholic Bishops’ Conference (CBCEW) to lift the two-child benefit cap as one of the ways in which we can help thousands of children out of poverty. You are invited to join the CBCEW campaign by writing to your local MP. It will take just two minutes to follow the link below and make your voice heard to end the two-child benefit cap: Take action on the two-child cap policy – Catholic Bishops’ Conference.

Lifepath Tiverton 2025

Lifepath Tiverton, which is a joint project of all the churches, will be holding its second year at St Paul’s Church, Tiverton, 3-5 June, based on the life and times of the Wesley brothers. Already almost 300 school children are already signed up to take part in the experience over the three days. A Prayer Support leaflet is attached to the Newsletter. In addition, the following volunteers are still needed:

  • someone to be the ‘sick person’ in the John Wesley area.

  • two people to be in charge of moving props on the day.

  • someone to help John Wesley’s area with washing up in between activities.

  • someone to be the vicar’s helper in the second drama 

  • someone to give their testimony – as a modern Christian who lives today (possibly been abroad like the Wesleys) 

  • a couple of people to be ruffians

  • several Wesley Family helpers to accompany school groups around the activities.

If you can help, please email

Post Vacancies

The Diocese of Plymouth is recruiting a Property Administrator based at St Boniface House, Ashburton. To express your interest in the post, please contact The closing date for applications is Monday 3 February 2025.

December Parish Giving

Loose: £1901.89 Contactless: £520.00 Standing Orders: £2952.50

Masses and Events this week

Sunday 26th January – 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

  • Saturday 25 January – Conversion of St Paul

    • Youth Club, 11.00am-12.30pm, in St Boniface’s Hall
    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm Pro Populo

    Sunday 26 January – Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)

    • Holy Mass at 9.30am (St Boniface)
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am Gerard Rungen RIP
    • Service of Thanksgiving for 30th Anniversary of CHAT at 6.30pm at St Paul’s Anglican Church, Tiverton

    Monday 27 January Weekday

    • Signing to Remember at 2.00pm in St Andrew’s Hall

    Tuesday 28 January – St Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor

    • Holy Mass at 9.00am
    • NO Tough Times Support Group this evening

    Wednesday 29 January – Weekday

    • Holy Mass at 12noon (St Boniface)

    Thursday 30 January – Weekday

    • Holy Mass at 9.00am

    Friday 31 January – St John Bosco, Priest

    • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions at 11.30am
    • Holy Mass with Prayers for Healing at 12noon
    • Prayer of the Holy Rosary at 12.30pm

    Saturday 1 February – Weekday

    • First Communion Preparation at 10.00am in St John’s School Hall
    • Laudato Si’ Group at 4.00pm in St Andrew’s Hall
    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm

    Sunday 2 February – Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

    • Holy Mass at 9.30am (St Boniface)
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am Pro Populo

    Monday 3 February – Weekday

    • Requiem Mass for Ryan Hill RIP at 11.00am