Fifth Sunday of Lent (Year B)
Sunday 17th March, 2024
Please contact the parish to receive the newsletter by email each week.
Message from Canon Kristian
a guide to a prayerful reading of the Sunday Gospel, offered by Monika Manser
issue 106 of Inspire from Deacon Peter
the weekly reflection from the parish CAFOD Group
the Message from the Vatican Dicastery (Department) for Interreligious Dialogue for the Month of Ramadan
the Volunteer Information Letter and Application Form for the Tiverton Lifepath Project
Parish Priest
Parish of St James & St Boniface
40 Old Road
Tiverton EX16 4HJ
Passiontide and Palm Sunday of the Passion
As a sign that we are approaching the most Holy Week of the year, from the Fifth Sunday of Lent, we enter into the liturgical time called Passiontide. The readings from the Scriptures at Mass become more sharply focused the growing sense of opposition and rejection being shown towards Jesus and his message by the religious and secular authorities of his day and the events in Jerusalem which would lead to his Passion. Next Sunday is Palm Sunday of the Passion, when we will hear the whole Passion narrative being proclaimed at Mass, this year taken from the Gospel of St Mark. The Masses on Sunday at St James and at St Boniface will start outside – weather permitting – with the Procession of the Palms. The Mass at St Boniface will start at 12noon.
New Church in Tiverton
The project to redevelop St James’ Church in Tiverton took a major step forward this week. The Trustees of the Diocese gave their consent for the project to proceed to the tendering stage. Therefore, contact has now been made with a number of builders, the majority of them local firms, inviting them to tender to undertake the work. It is foreseen that the tendering period will last between 6-8 weeks and then, hopefully, a builder will be appointed, and the work will begin!
St Patrick’s Day Afternoon Tea
This Fifth Sunday of Lent falls on 17 March, which would normally be the Feast of St Patrick, the Patron of Ireland. To celebrate this feast, we will be holding an Afternoon Tea Party in the Hall at 3.00pm. The Tea will include singing and storytelling. We look forward to seeing all those parishioners, families and children, who have indicated that they will be coming along.
Child Exploitation Awareness Day
This Monday, 18 March, is the annual National Child Exploitation Awareness Day which aims to highlight the issues surrounding child exploitation. Child Exploitation is a form of abuse that involves the manipulation and/or coercion of young people under the age of 18. National Child Exploitation Awareness Day encourages everyone to think, spot and speak out against abuse, and to adopt a zero tolerance towards adults developing inappropriate relationships with children or children exploiting and abusing their peers. For more information on how you can prevent this from happening and/or to make a donate to support this work, go to
Caritas March Newsletter
Please click the link to read the March edition of the Caritas Diocese of Plymouth newsletter, with news of love in action and upcoming events around our diocese
“At the Supper of the Lamb” – A Commentary on the Mass
The finale session looking at the different parts of the Mass, led by Canon Kristian, will take place this Wednesday 20 March at 7.00pm in the Hall. This session will be taking a look at the Communion Rite and the Concluding Rites.
Diocesan Lenten Offerings
Individuals from around the Diocese are producing weekly “Lenten Offerings” to help nourish, inspire, support and uplift us on our spiritual journey. The link for the Fifth Sunday of Lent is:
“Tough Times” Support Group
A “Tough Times” support group is starting in the parish to provide a safe space to share, vent and find solace in navigating life’s storms, offering a friendly space to find strength in shared experiences and in the comforting embrace of our faith. We are not alone; we can walk this journey together, leaning on the hope found in Christ. The group will meet on the last Tuesday of every month at 7.00pm in the hall at St Boniface in Cullompton, from 26 March.
Lifepath Tiverton
Volunteers are requested to be a part of a project that is being organised by a number of churches in and around Tiverton during the week 3-7 June 2024, to be held at St Paul’s Church. Lifepath aims to give primary school pupils the opportunity to learn about the Christian faith through the ‘life path’ of a well-known historic figure who has a link to their location. This is then used as a springboard to encourage pupils to reflect on their own ‘life path’. Tiverton has a connection to the Wesley family (Charles, John, Samuel and their mother, Susanna), as Samuel was Head of Blundell’s School. Each day will include a live drama about the Wesley family and learning about how their faith shaped their lives. The project wants to involve as many people as possible. There are a huge number of ways that you can help out, from behind-the-scenes tasks to up front in the drama, from setting up, playing a musical instrument, funding or praying for Lifepath. Please complete the online volunteer application or use the form attached to the Newsletter.
Holy Week Retreat – Holy Shroud
Next Sunday afternoon, 4.00-7.00pm, at St Rita’s Centre, Honiton, Fr José Romero OAR will lead a time of recollection including two talks and a time of silent adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, meditating through the Sign of the Holy Shroud to the Mystery of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus. To register for the time of recollection, which will cost £10, go to: Holy Week Retreat – Holy Shroud of Jesus.
Let’s celebrate Easter with colour!
Parishioners are invited to bring either bunches or arrangements of Spring flowers of any colour on Good Friday or Holy Saturday morning for us to decorate St James church for Easter Sunday. If you are using vases, please put your name on the base so that they can be returned. Thank you in advance for your contributions – they really helped at Christmas to enhance the celebration.
March Diocesan Newsletter
The latest Newsletter from the diocese, containing news of people and events from across our diocese can be found at:
Masses and Events this week
Sunday 17th March, 2024
Saturday 16 March – Lent Weekday
First Holy Communion Preparation at 10.00am in the Hall
Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm Pro Populo
Sunday 17 March – Fifth Sunday of Lent (B)
Holy Mass at 10.00am Patrick Bolton (birthday int)
Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface) Gabriela Zychlinska RIP (anniv)
St Patrick’s Day Tea Party at 3.00pm in the Hall
Reflective Prayer and Study Group at 6.00pm online
Monday 18 March – Lent Weekday
Sing to Remember at 2.00pm in the Hall
Tuesday 19 March – St Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Holy Mass at 10.00am
Monthly Lunch at 12noon-2.00pm in the Hall
Wednesday 20 March – Lent Weekday
Holy Mass at 12noon (St Boniface)
Adult Formation at 7.00pm in the Hall
Thursday 21 March – Lent Weekday
Confessions with Polish Priest, 4.00pm–6.00pm
Holy Mass in Polish at 6.00pm
Friday 22 March – Lent Weekday
Coffee Morning at 9.30am-11.30am in St Boniface Church Hall
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions at 11.30am
Holy Mass at 12noon
Saturday 23 March – Lent Weekday
Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm Pro Populo
Sunday 24 March – Palm Sunday of the Passion (B)
Holy Mass at 10.00am Zofia Szpara (birthday int)
Holy Mass at 12noon (at St Boniface)
Reflective Prayer and Study Group at 6.00pm online