Twenty second Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

Season of Creation 2024

Sunday 1st September, 2024

Please contact the parish to receive the newsletter by email each week.

Message from Canon Kristian

Dear sisters and brothers
This Sunday is the first day of September!  Already the summer period is coming to an end, children and young people are returning to school and college, and parish life will resume much of its usual rhythm as we head towards the end of the liturgical year. For our parish, of course, it will also be a time of major change as we move from St James church to use neighbouring church of St Andrew’s in Blundell’s Road, where we are being generously welcomed by our friends from the Church of England.  As I have previously mentioned, this will entail changes of Sunday Mass time for both the St James congregation and the St Boniface congregation in order to fit around the service times of St Andrew’s, as well as a rethinking of travel arrangements as there will only be parking at St Andrew’s for those who have mobility issues or other physical challenges.  I know this will be a considerable upheaval for many members of the parish community, but it is in view of a greater good in the provision of a new church and facilities for the whole community.  It will be essential to be alert for any individual or family who might find these changes difficult, so that we can do everything to help them remain active and connected members of the parish.  Despite the changes of place and time, it is paramount that we maintain our identity and cohesion as a parish family – and this is something in which each and every one of us has a part to play.  I hope to be able to confirm the changes of Mass times which will be effective from 28/29 September next week.
As a way of saying farewell to St James as we have known it up until now and to provide a time to share memories and friendship, a “Last Supper” will be held at St James on Friday 20 September, 7.00-9.00pm.  Along with some delicious food, there will be a display of around 100 photos donated by parishioners which, I am sure, will be the catalyst for many a conversation.  It is hoped that people from all parts of the parish, including those who usually attend St Boniface, will want to come and join in this significant occasion in the history of our parish.  We are also inviting members of the congregation of St Andrew’s to join us too on that evening if they would like to come along.  It will be a good way of starting to get to know and forge friendships with them, as we will be living and worshipping side-by-side for 18 months at least, and it will be the first of many joint events we will be having going forwards.  There will be lists up in church from this weekend asking for the names of those who will be taking part in this Last Supper and also a list of food items that we would like people to donate if they can.  It is really important that we know how many will be coming, so that we can ensure that there is enough space and enough food!
The Newsletter this weekend contains information about the Season of Creation which starts this Sunday and will continue until 4 October, the Feast of St Francis of Assisi.  Due to all the preparations for moving, we have not planned anything specific at the level of the parish for this period.  However, the Diocesan Caritas team proposes a number of things we might do as individuals during this season, such as including moments of silence in our lives to listen to the song of creation, taking part in beach clean-ups or litter-picking in our area, planting trees or leaving part of our gardens to grow a little wild, walking or cycling to Mass if we can and supporting CAFOD’s campaigns.  These are just  a few suggestions, but it is important that each of us takes at least one initiative during the Season to show our love, respect and commitment to care for God’s creation.  Further on in the year, our parish Laudato Si’ Group, in conjunction with the Diocesan Caritas team, will be holding a day on Saturday 19 October in St Andrew’s Church Hall, entitled “Journey to 2030: An Event on Care for Creation“, which will reflect on how we can rejuvenate and incorporate environmental and social themes in the mission of our parish.  Do make a note of this date in your diaries.
Along with the Newsletter this weekend, I attach:
  • the weekly guide to a prayerful reading of the Sunday Gospel, offered by Monika Manser
  • no 129 of Inspire, from Deacon Peter, which covers this Sunday and next
  • the application forms for the Sacrament of Confirmation and for First Holy Communion
Please note that, due to other commitments, the Mass in St James on Tuesday will be at 9.00am and there will not be a Mass or Service of the Word at St Boniface on Wednesday.
As always, please remember in your prayers those who are sick, frail or elderly.
May we rejoice in the great blessing of God’s creation!
Canon Kristian
Canon Kristian Paver
Parish Priest
Parish of St Boniface and St James Mid Devon
40 Old Road Tiverton EX16 4HJ

Prayer Intention for September

Pope Francis invites the Church to join him in prayer this month for the cry of the Earth: “Let us pray that each one of us hear and take to heart the cry of the Earth and of the victims of natural disasters and climactic change, and that all will undertake to care personally for the world in which we live.” To watch a video of the Holy Father introducing this intention go to

The Season of Creation 2024: The First Fruits of Hope

In 2015 Pope Francis instituted the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation which starts the ecumenical Season of Creation. This takes place every year from 1 September to the Feast of St Francis of Assisi on 4 October. In the Pope’s message Hope and Act with Creation, he reminds us that “Hoping and acting with creation means first of all joining forces and walking together with our sisters and brothers throughout the world in common purpose”. We are also called to action and Pope Francis tells us that the Holy Spirit “keeps the believing community alert and continually instructs them, calls them to conversion in lifestyles, to resist human degradation of the environment. Believing in a better future means taking action to bring it to life”. This Sunday at 2.00pm Christians around the world are invited to join an online prayer service to come together in a joyful celebration of our common cause:

Good Father, the cry of the earth

strikes in the Heart of your Son Jesus,

and cries out to us “I want mercy and not sacrifices”.

Our Common Home implores us

a bold and radical change in our way of life.

We need courage and a holy indignation

to commit ourselves to a cultural change

that welcomes the cry of the Earth and the poor.

We need the fire of your Holy Spirit to burn in our hearts,

to contemplate and give thanks, to welcome and to care,

so that we may all feel as one in You.

May our gestures of love and care for everyone and everything

rise up to You as a universal prayer of adoration,

of thanksgiving and forgiveness.

May our daily living reflect a temperate and modest lifestyle

that moderates how excessively greedy

we tend to be with the world and each other.

May we embrace this cry for help, transforming it

with our decisions into a loving and consoling melody.


Confirmation 2025

Next year is a Confirmation year for the parish, so if there are any young people, aged 14 or over, who would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, please complete the attached form and return it to the Parish Office as soon as possible,

First Holy Communion 2025

Parents with children 7 years and older who are due to prepare for the reception of First Holy Communion next June are asked to complete the attached form and return it to the parish office as soon as possible.

Coffee Morning and Musical Afternoon

Please put the following dates in your diary:

  • A Coffee Morning, hosted by Alan and Nina Newsome, in the St James Hall on Wednesday 11 September, 10.00am-12noon

  • A Christmas-themed Musical Afternoon, hosted by April and John Golding in Bampton, on Wednesday 11 December, 3.00-5.00pm.

If you would like to host a Coffee Morning or similar event in October or November, please have a word with Maggie Pulford or Margaret Found.

Caritas Jubilee Photography Project

As we prepare for the Year of Jubilee, Caritas Diocese of Plymouth would like to invite you to reflect on Care for Creation and how we live this out in our churches and communities today. To explore this issue Caritas would like to collect and share photographs by parishioners of people and places in the Diocese. They would like to explore three themes that call to mind the reflected glory of the Lord in the beautiful world we are asked to care for. The themes are Beauty, Good Choices and Humanity. To find out more please follow the link:

Youth Rally

T he infamous Youth Rally will take place at St Rita’s, Honiton, on Saturday 28 September 2024. Cost £10 per participant which include pizza. As usual there are many activities for all to join in, including the obstacle course, penalty shootout and various inflatable activities. Young people from 6–16 are welcome to form parish teams of 6 to compete against others. A parish group of less than 6 can be combined with another parish. For booking and information, please contact Saskia:

July Parish Giving

Loose Collection: £967.1 Contactless: £380.00 Standing Orders: £3182.50

Coffee Morning at St Andrew’s

As we contemplate our upcoming move to St Andrew’s whilst St James is being rebuilt, we would like to show support for their community events. They will be holding a Coffee Morning on Saturday 7 September in St Andrew’s Church Hall, 10.30am-12.30pm, in support of the New Vine Education and Training Centre in Eastern Uganda, which now has over 100 pupils. Do go along and show your support if you can.

Masses and Events this week

Sunday 1st September, 2024 – 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time B

  • Saturday 31 August – St Aidan, Missionary, and the Saints of Lindisfarne

    • Friends of St James and St Boniface at 9.30am in the Hall
    • Youth Club, 11.00am-12.30pm, in St Boniface Hall
    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm Pro Populo

    Sunday 1 September – Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am Christine Best RIP
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)

    Monday 2 September – Weekday

    • Singing to Remember at 2.00pm in the Hall

    Tuesday 3 September – St Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor

    • Holy Mass at 9.00am

    Wednesday 4 September – St Cuthbert, Bishop

    • No Mass (St Boniface)

    Thursday 5 September – Weekday

    • Lunch/”Book” Club at 12.30pm at Waterloo Cross
    • Holy Mass at 6.00pm

    Friday 6 September – Weekday

    • Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions at 11.30am
    • Holy Mass at 12noon
    • Prayer of the Holy Rosary at 12.30pm

    Saturday 7 September – Weekday

    • Coffee Morning, 10.30am-12.30pm, St Andrew’s Church Hall
    • Laudato Si’ Group at 4.00pm in the Hall
    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm

    Sunday 8 September – Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am Pro Populo
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)