The Feast of the Presentation of our Lord

Sunday 2nd February, 2025

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Message from Canon Kristian

Dear brothers and sisters
This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, commemorating the event when Mary and Joseph, as faithful Jews, offer Jesus as the first born son to God in the Temple.  There are many verses in the Old Testament which emphasise the need to offer the “first fruits” (whether of crops, animals or children) to God in recognition of, and thanksgiving for, the generous gift God has given us in the Promised Land of freedom and salvation. That event becomes the occasion for the proclamation of Jesus as the Light for all Nations.  In earlier centuries of the Church, this Feast marked the conclusion of the Christmas Season since, just like in his Incarnation, Epiphany and Baptism, in the feast Jesus is revealed as the Christ of God, the bringer of salvation to all peoples.  This is symbolised by the lighting of candles, expressive of the Light which has come into the darkness, the Light which guides us along the path of salvation, the Light which was passed on to each one of us at our baptism.
This week an important document was issued by the Vatican regarding the increasing influence and impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in our world. In this Note on the relationship between artificial intelligence and human intelligence, in 117 paragraphs the Dicasteries (ie departments of the Roman Curia) for the Doctrine of the Faith and for Culture and Education highlight the potential and the challenges of artificial intelligence in the areas of education, the economy, labour, health, human and international relations and war. The Pope’s warnings about artificial intelligence in recent years provide the outline for Antiqua et Nova, that offers the results of a mutual reflection between the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Dicastery for Culture and Education. The new document is addressed especially to “those entrusted with transmitting the faith,” but also to “those who share the conviction that scientific and technological advances should be directed toward serving the human person and the common good”.

On Monday this week, the Requiem Mass for young Ryan Hill, who died over Christmas, will take place at 11.00am in St Andrew’s.  Please pray for his soul and for his family at this tremendously challenging time for them.  If you are able, please do come and to take part in the Mass.

Along with the Newsletter this weekend, I attach the weekly guide to a prayerful reading of the Sunday Gospel from Monika Manser and a summary of the life of St Josephine Bakhita, the patron saint for those caught up in modern day slavery, whose feast day occurs on 8 February.  The application form for Gather 2025 is also included again this week.

May God bless you all, especially those in our parish who are sick and infirm.

Canon Kristian
Canon Kristian Paver
Parish Priest
Parish of St Boniface and St James Mid Devon
40 Old Road Tiverton EX16 4HJ

Prayer Intention for February

During the month of February, the Holy Father invites us to join him in praying for vocations to the priesthood and religious life: “Let us pray that the ecclesial community might welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ’s mission in the priesthood and religious life.” Go to to watch a video of Pope Francis himself introducing this month’s intention.

Parish Afternoon Tea

Terry and Elizabeth Starkey will be hosting an Afternoon Tea this coming Wednesday, 5 February, 3.00-5.00pm, at 31 Broomhill, Tiverton, EX16 5AR. All welcome. Proceeds will go towards the fund for the interior fittings of the rebuilt St James’.

Global Day of Prayer for Peace in Myanmar -1 February

Saturday 1 February is an important date for Myanmar, marking the beginning of the current conflict in 2021. The country has faced moments of great suffering and challenges over the past years. As a community of faith, we come together on this day to call for peace, justice and reconciliation in Myanmar. Through this initiative, organised by Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) and its 23 national offices, the aim is to provide some spiritual consolation to the Burmese people and to pray for the restauration of peace, to show our solidarity and to remind them that even in the darkest hours, hope and faith can be a light for the world. Pope Francis has invited people around the world to pray especially for the country of Myanmar and its people on 1 February. If you can, please support prayer for the people of Myanmar on this day or on a day close to 1 February. Use the following link to find out more information about the Global Day of Prayer for Peace in Myanmar | ACN International.

Feast Day of St Josephine Bakhita – 8 February

St Josephine Bakhita is the patron saint of victims of modern slavery and human trafficking.  Josephine Margaret Bakhita was a Sudanese-Italian Canossian religious sister who lived in Italy for 45 years, after having been a slave in Sudan. In 2000 she was declared a saint. On her Feast Day, Saturday 8 February, Catholics are encouraged to pray for all those affected by the crimes of modern slavery and human trafficking, and for the people who volunteer and work to eradicate this crime. Modern Slavery is one of the social action themes for the Jubilee.  To find out more about this important issue and how you can respond, please visit

New Missals

Parishioners are still asking to order new Missals with the new translation of the Mass readings. The cost of a Sunday Missal is £18.95, whilst a Weekday Missal costs £66.49. If you would like to order one, please put your name and contact details on the sheet at the back of church, indicating whether you would like the Sunday or Weekday version.

Unbound Ministry Diocesan Event

In this Jubilee year when Pope Francis has asked us to be “Pilgrims of Hope”, this day, which will be held at Buckfast Abbey Conference Centre (Dart View Room 4), on Saturday 15 February, 10.00-3.00pm, will offer practical guidance on the spiritual battle of life and how inner healing and deliverance can give us true freedom in Christ. The day will be led by Sue Walsh, the National Co-ordinator of Unbound Prayer Ministry UK. There will be an opportunity to go to Mass in the Abbey at noon. The event is free, but bookings need to be done through Any enquiries, please ring 01752 701660.

Lifepath Tiverton 2025

Lifepath Tiverton, which is a joint project of all the churches, will be holding its second year at St Paul’s Church, Tiverton, 3-5 June, based on the life and times of the Wesley brothers. Already almost 300 school children are already signed up to take part in the experience over the three days. The following volunteers are still needed:

  • someone to be the ‘sick person’ in the John Wesley area.

  • two people to be in charge of moving props on the day.

  • someone to help John Wesley’s area with washing up between activities.

  • someone to be the vicar’s helper in the second drama 

  • someone to give their testimony – as a modern Christian who lives today (possibly been abroad like the Wesleys) 

  • a couple of people to be ruffians

  • Wesley Family helpers to accompany school groups around the activities.

If you can help, please email

Jubilee Year Diocesan Newsletter

Here is the link for the Diocesan Newsletter with information about the Jubilee Year:

Post Vacancy – Property Administrator

The Diocese of Plymouth is recruiting a Property Administrator based at St Boniface House, Ashburton. To express your interest in the post, please contact The closing date for applications is this Monday, 3 February 2025.

Gather Conference 2025

Come and share a weekend of faith, formation and friendship at the annual Gather Conference from Friday 28 – Sunday 30 March at the Livermead Cliff Hotel, Torquay.  David McLoughlin, a theologian and lecturer, will offer keynote presentations on the four great Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council: Dei Verbum on Divine Revelation, Sacrosanctum Concilium on the Sacred Liturgy, Lumen Gentium on the Church and Gaudium et Spes on the Church in the Modern World.  The Booking Form is attached to the Newsletter and is also available on Facebook. Email for more information.

Masses and Events this week

Sunday 2nd February – Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord

  • Saturday 1 February – Weekday

    • First Communion Preparation at 10.00am in St John’s School Hall
    • Laudato Si’ Group at 4.00pm in St Andrew’s Hall
    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm

    Sunday 2 February – Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

    • Holy Mass at 9.30am (St Boniface)
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am Pro Populo

    Monday 3 February Weekday

    • Requiem Mass for Ryan Hill RIP at 11.00am
    • Signing to Remember at 2.00pm in St Andrew’s Hall

    Tuesday 4 February – Weekday

    • Holy Mass at 9.00am Ron Yates RIP (anniv)

    Wednesday 5 February – St Agatha, Virgin and Martyr

    • Service of the Word and Holy Communion at 12noon (St Boniface)
    • Afternoon Tea, 3.00-5.00pm, hosted by Elizabeth and Terry Starkey, 31 Broomhill, Tiverton, EX16 5AR

    Thursday 6 February – St Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs

    • Holy Mass at 9.00am

    Friday 7 February – Weekday

    • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions at 11.30am
    • Holy Mass with Prayers for Healing at 12noon
    • Prayer of the Holy Rosary at 12.30pm

    Saturday 8 February – St Josephine Bakhita, Religious

    • Youth Club, 11.00am-12.30pm, in St Boniface’s Hall
    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm Małgorzata Majewska Pacosz RIP (anniv)

    Sunday 9 February – Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)

    • Holy Mass at 9.30am (St Boniface)
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am Pro Populo