First Sunday in Lent (Year C)
Sunday 9th March, 2025
Please contact the parish to receive the newsletter by email each week.
Message from Canon Kristian
the weekly guide to a prayerful reflection of the Sunday Gospel, offered by Monika Manser
the latest number of Inspire, from Deacon Peter
the Lent Newsletter from the Parish Laudato Si’ Group
Information about the CAFOD Lent Family Fast 2025
an updated list of social, charitable and fundraising events over the coming months
the second list of items for the refurbishment of St James
the latest Newsletter from our parish School St John’s
Pope’s Prayer Intention for March
During the month of March, our Holy Father Pope Francis invites us to join with him in praying for families in crisis: “Let us pray that broken families might discover the cure of their wounds through forgiveness, rediscovering each other’s gifts, even in their differences”. To watch a video of Pope Francis introducing this prayer intention and to find more information about it, please go to
Lent “Walk with me” Booklets
Additional Lent “Walk with me” booklets are available this weekend for those who were not able to get to Mass on Ash Wednesday. These little booklets give a short prayerful reflection for each day of Lent and are an aid to setting aside a special moment of prayer in our day.
CAFOD Lent Family Fast Day Appeal
CAFOD’s Family Fast Day takes place this coming Friday, 14 March. It is a day when we are asked to pray and to make a Lenten sacrifice by eating simply and giving generously. Our parish’s support of CAFOD this Lent is a way for us to be ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ this Jubilee Year, by giving practical help to people affected by war, poverty and climate change so they can build hope for the future. Please take an envelope with you today and return it with your donation next weekend or, alternatively you can donate by calling 0303 303 3030 or online at
March Diocesan Newsletter
Here is the link to the latest diocesan newsletter, which includes a Lenten video message from Canon Paul, stories of hope and a list of upcoming events:
Cleaning Products for Dignity
Our special 40-day collection of household cleaning products for CHAT has gotten off to a fantastic start! As one of the underlying themes of Lent is that of cleansing and purification, our Lenten support for CHAT will be focussed on donations of household cleaning products, such as polish, washing powder/pods, softener, cleaning sprays, sponges, tea clothes, dusters, toilet cleaner, bleach, bin bags etc. The Foodbank has a great need of these things, which are essential to enable individuals and families to clean their accommodation and their clothes, both external acts which recognise and enhance the dignity of every person. You are invited to leave your donations in the box in the entrance to church.
First Jubilee Lent Offering
Here is the link to the first Jubilee Lenten Offering from the Diocese, a reflection on the readings for the First Sunday of Lent by Monsignor Robert Draper and a prayer from CAFOD:
Lent Series of Talks on Zoom
The Lent Series of Talks on Zoom offered by Fr Mark Skelton starts this coming Thursday, 13 March, at 7.00pm, with a talk entitled “Commitment to Others”. Each talk is free-standing, but the link between them is that they seek to reflect on some of the Holy Father’s signs of hope in this Jubilee Year. Remaining talks: 20 March-Debt Cancellation; 27 March-Recognizing Hope 3 April-Peace; 10 April-Jesus’s Last Pilgrimage. The Zoom link is as follows: Meeting ID: 840 5244 7850 Passcode: 043004.
Draw for the Simnel Cake & Guess the Name of the Easter Bunny
The Friends of St James and St Boniface Draw for the Easter Simnel Cake, which will be made by Monika Manser, starts this weekend, £2.00 a ticket. The draw will be made on Sunday 13 April after the 11.30am Mass.
Guess the name of this year’s 1kg Lindt Easter Bunny from this weekend, £2 a name. Canon Kristian has chosen the name from the list and it is sealed in an envelope until Sunday 13 April when the winner will be revealed!
200 Club
Canon Kristian will make the draw for March after the 6.00pm Mass this Saturday. Thank you to those parishioners who have recently joined the 200 Club. If you would like to join for as little as £1 a month, please let Simon Coombs or Sheelagh Bourdon know at St Andrews or Siobhan Gilroy at St Boniface.
Handbell Concert and Cream Tea
On Saturday 22 March, at 2.30pm in St Andrew’s, Tiverton, there will be a Handbell Concert by Poole-based quartet, Clapper Chaos. Between them they play a set of 41 bells and a two-octave set of 25 hand chimes. All their arrangements are unique, and you will not hear them played by any other group! This will be followed by a Cream Tea in the Hall. Tickets for the event are on sale at church now, £10.00 each. The proceeds will be shared equally between the communities of St Andrew’s and St James’.
Parish Social and Fundraising Events
An updated list of upcoming parish social and fundraising events is attached to the Newsletter. A date for your diaries: Parish Spring Bingo, a fun family event, is planned for Friday 11 April, 7.00-9-00pm. In St Andrew’s Hall. The Friends of St James and St Boniface are requesting donations for this event: luxury Easter Eggs for Bingo prizes; wine, chocolate or new items for the Raffle. Please leave them in the basket in the narthex at St Andrew’s.
Word on Fire Series on the Mass
You are invited to join an online group to watch a new six-part series from Word on Fire, in which Bishop Baron teaches on the Mass on Wednesday evenings at 7.00pm during Lent and Easter. Each one-hour session will consist of a half hour film, followed by prayer and reflection. For a link or for more information contact
Masses and Events this week
Sunday 9th March – 1st Sunday in Lent
Saturday 8 March – Lent Weekday
- Finance and Property Committee at 9.30am in St Andrew’s Hall
- Youth Club, 11.00am-12.30pm, in St Boniface’s Hall
- Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm
Sunday 9 March – First Sunday of Lent (C)
- Holy Mass at 9.30am (St Boniface) Janina Kazaniecka RIP
- Holy Mass at 11.30am Pro Populo
Monday 10 March – Lent Weekday
- Signing to Remember at 2.00pm in St Andrew’s Hall
Tuesday 11 March – Lent Weekday
- Holy Mass at 9.00am
Wednesday 12 March – Lent Weekday
- Holy Mass at 12noon (St Boniface)
Thursday 13 March – Lent Weekday
- Holy Mass at 9.00am
Friday 14 March – Lent Weekday – CAFOD Family Fast Day
- Holy Mass at 9.00am
Saturday 15 March – Lent Weekday
- First Holy Communion Preparation at 10.00am in St John’s School Hall
- Confirmation Preparation at 4.00pm in St Andrew’s Hall
- Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm
Sunday 16 March – Second Sunday of Lent (C)
- Holy Mass at 9.30am (St Boniface) Gabriela Zychlinska RIP (anniv)
- Holy Mass at 11.30am Pro Populo
“Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan
and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness” (Luke 4:1)