Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

World Day of the Poor

Sunday 17th November

Please contact the parish to receive the newsletter by email each week.

Message from Canon Kristian

Dear sisters and brothers

This Sunday is the penultimate Sunday of the Church Year, which concludes next weekend with the Solemnity Jesus Christ our Lord, King of the Universe. Our focus in the Liturgy is on the coming of Christ at the end of time, when his mission to unite all things in heaven and on earth in Himself will be brought to completion. Judgement – our accountability for the way we have chosen to live our lives – is a part of that process, and so we are invited to have an on-going self-reflectiveness about the choices we make and have made, how these have been informed by our Christian faith, and their impact on ourselves and on others. Far from being a process that should fill us with fear and dread, it provides us with an opportunity to review our faith-lives, be responsive to the need for change and growth, and be increasing open to the action of the Holy Spirit within us. Endings and new beginnings are woven into the very fabric of our human lives and relationships, and they are an essential part of our spiritual lives too and the ultimate underlying movement of our faith – from and through death to resurrection and new life.

This Sunday has two very important prayer themes: the World Day of the Poor, instituted by Pope Francis, and Safeguarding Sunday, promoted by the Charity thirtyone:eight ( Both, in their own particular way, lead us to focus on the most vulnerable and wounded in the world and within our own worldwide Church family. Ali Padfield, the CEO of the Churches Housing Action Team (CHAT), will be speaking at the end of our Masses this weekend about the work our local charity does amongst those who are poor and vulnerable in Mid Devon and the importance of our on-going support for the charity’s work. Thirtyone:eight invites us this year to “have the conversation”, to speak to each other and reflect on the highs and lows of safeguarding within our own local community and in the Church beyond our borders, and to listen to those who have been abused and hear about the on-going impact the abuse has had on their lives. This is not an easy thing to do, but it is something which is essential for us to do if we are to grow in our understanding of safeguarding and the impact of abuse within the Church. I hope we will be able to take this proposal forward in some way in our own parish community over the coming months

I am receiving a number of emails enquiring about the start of our catechetical programmes for First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Plans are well under way with regards to both of these programmes and email contact will be made with the families soon. We can rejoice that, this year, our parish has 20 children for First Holy Communion and 24 teenager and young adults for Confirmation!

Along with the Newsletter this weekend, I attach:

the weekly guide to a prayerful reading of the Sunday Gospel, from Monika Manser
the latest Newsletter from our parish school, St John’s
aflier about the Advent Service of Light at St Andrew’s

I ask your prayers for a very young baby, who died recently, and for his family, and for all who are in particular need of help at this time. As we pray during November, may his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.

God bless

Canon Kristian

Canon Kristian Paver
Parish Priest
Parish of St Boniface and St James Mid Devon
40 Old Road Tiverton EX16 4HJ

World Day of the Poor

The 8th World Day of the Poor takes place this Sunday.  In his message for this World Day of the Poor, the Holy Father reiterates that “the poor hold a privileged place in God’s heart” and invites everyone to learn to pray for the poor and to pray together with the poor, with humility and trust.

We know that poverty is a significant issue both in the UK and globally. The World Day of the Poor encourages us all to pray, reflect and engage in concrete actions against poverty by deepening our encounter with the poor in our communities and considering how we can respond to their needs. We can all take small actions that together make a big difference. Ali Padfield, the CEO of CHAT, will be speaking about its work on our behalf at the end of our Masses.

Safeguarding Sunday

This Sunday we also join other Churches across the UK to highlight the importance of protecting children, young people and adults at risk. The theme for this year is ‘Let’s talk about it’.  It is a time to have open and honest conversations about what we have got wrong and what we are getting right. It is also an opportunity to talk about how we can work together to prevent abuse and create a world where every child and adult can feel and be safe.

Lament and Light” Ecumenical Service

An ecumenical service will be held on Monday 25 November at 2.00pm, at St Mary’s Church, Market Road, Plympton, Plymouth, PL7 1QW, to mark the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence (25 November – 10 December), a campaign for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls. Refreshments will be available afterwards.

Parish Christmas Craft Fair

The Parish Christmas Craft Fair will take place next Saturday 23 November, 2.00-4.00pm, in St Andrew’s Hall. A big thank you to those who have offered to bake a cake for the Fair. Please bring them along from 12noon on 23 November. For those wishing to purchase slices of cake at the Fair, please consider bringing along your own plastic containers to put them in. In this way, we can both enjoy cake and protect our environment from additional plastic waste!

Caritas November Newsletter

Click to read the latest news about upcoming events and love in action around the diocese.

Not Dead Yet UK” Cards to MPs

Not Dead Yet UK, a network of disabled and terminally ill people who believe that, if the Bill permitting assisted suicide is passed, some people’s lives will be ended prematurely due to mistakes and abuse, are asking us to send cards to our MPs. These cards ask them to attend parliament on 29 November and to vote against the Terminally Ill (End of Life) Bill. Please take a card with you today.

Toasters and Kettles for CHAT

Please continue to bring in toasters and kettles so that CHAT can replenish their stock which they use to assist those who are given accommodation and who have little by way of possessions or resources to set up a home. These basic items, though seemingly insignificant, really help to make a place a home.

Cards for Those in Residential Homes

Tony and Anne Doble will be making Christmas cards with our children after the Morning Masses at St Boniface and St Andrews next Sunday 24 November for the sick and elderly in local nursing homes.

Christmas Draw Tickets

The tickets for the Christmas Draw go on sale this weekend. This year the prizes are different from previous years. Instead of multiple prizes, there are only three large hampers, filled to the brim with luxury or local products for Christmas! Tickets are £5.00 each.

Praise him with sound of trumpet, Praise him with strings and pipe!

We’re running short on musicians at St Boniface. So it’s time to take your music talent out from under a bushel and let it shine! If you can make a tune on something, please get in touch with

Caritas Dementia Awareness Session

Caritas is hosting an hour long Zoom online session on Tuesday 3 December at 11.30am for dementia awareness and how we can be welcoming and accommodating to those who are living with this disease. This session is specifically aimed at clergy, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, and other parish ministers and volunteers The link for the session is

200 Club

Congratulations to Jean Fitz-Costa who won the £30 prize and to Alan Parr who won the £20 prize in the November draw. If you are not already a member, please consider joining for as little as £1 a month. Speak to Simon Coombs or Sheelagh Bourdon at St Andrews or Siobhan Gilroy at St Boniface. 

Advent Reflection Group

Amidst the flurry of Christmas preparations and the bombardment of consumer products, it is important to re-energise spiritually during the Advent period. Why not join Monika Manser at 7 Blundell’s Avenue after 9.00am Mass each Tuesday in Advent to reflect on the daily meditations in the book “Advent and Christmas Wisdom” by Henri J.M Nouwen? The daily Advent Action at the end of each reflection will help focus on living the Advent and Christmas message in our daily lives. The book is published by Redemptorist Publications and is readily available from various on-line bookshops.

Advent Service of Light

The congregation of St Andrew’s invites us to join them at 4.00pm on Sunday 1 December for their Service of Light, with the In Ecclesia Choir from Taunton.  The Service will be followed by refreshments in the Hall. 

Masses and Events this week

Sunday 17th November – Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 

  • Saturday 16 November – St Edmund of Abingdon, Bishop, and St Margaret of Scotland

    • Youth Club, 11.00am-12.30pm in St Boniface’s Hall
    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm Elizabeth West (ints)

    Sunday 17 November – Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

    • Holy Mass at 9.30am (St Boniface) Pro Populo
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am Sidney Duggan RIP (FM)

    Monday 18 November – Weekday

    • Singing to Remember at 2.00pm in St Andrew’s Hall

    Tuesday 19 November – Weekday

    • No Mass

    Wednesday 20 November – Weekday

    • No Mass at St Boniface

    Thursday 21 November – Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    • Holy Mass at 9.00am E.F.Ridout, his parents and relatives RIP (FM)

    Friday 22 November – St Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr

    • Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 11.30am
    • Holy Mass at 12noon Alice Mary Lucy Berkeley RIP (FM)
    • Prayer of the Holy Rosary at 12.30pm

    Saturday 23 November – Weekday

    • Holy Baptism of Lilia McDonagh at 12noon
    • Christmas Craft Fair, 2.00-4.00pm, in St Andrew’s Hall
    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm Marie McKinney RIP (anniv)

    Sunday 24 November – Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe (B)

    • Holy Mass at 9.30am (St Boniface) Pro Populo
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am