Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

Sunday 13th October, 2024

Please contact the parish to receive the newsletter by email each week.

Message from Canon Kristian

Dear sisters and brothers

Finally I am able to resume “normal” service with regards to the weekly newsletter as, thanks to Simon Grimmett, our diocesan IT Officer, I now have usable internet in my new home along with access to the printer!

It has been great to see both of our churches full and vibrant over the last couple of weeks following the changes that have taken place to facilitate the start of the rebuilding works at St James. The workers have made rapid progress on the site and a few parishioners have expressed sadness at the forlorn sight of the church as it has been stripped of its doors, windows and internal fittings. It is true that it now gives the impression of being an something of an “empty shell”, but that is because the “living soul” of the building is now gathering at St Andrew’s. It is the gathered community that makes a church (with a small “c”) building a Church (with a capital “C”), the “living stones making a spiritual house”, as the First Letter of St Peter famously puts it (cf 1 Pet 2:5). Once the rebuilding at St James as been completed, the living soul of the gathered community will return to bring it back to life! The Paschal Mystery – the death and resurrection of Christ – teaches us that new life always comes through some kind of death, and we can understand what is happening to the “old” St James building in the same way – the phoenix will rise from the ashes in the new life which will take shape in the “new” St James building.

One of the issues which it will take some time to adapt to in our new home at St Andrew’s is the sheer height of the building compared to St James and the inevitable impact this has on sound. We have come from a building which had absolutely no resonance at all, due to the carpeted floor and the tiles in the ceiling, to one which has a tremendous reverberation and echo due to the concrete and brick of the walls and ceiling. As I result, I know that many of you are having issues hearing during Mass. Hopefully, with time, we will get to know how to use the sound system well, so that more people can hear the spoken word clearly. I will also arrange to meet with those who read at the Masses at St Andrew’s to rehearse the reading technique which is very different to that of how we used to reading in St James. Even with amplification, it is necessary to read much more slowly and with greater awareness of diction, particularly not “swallowing” the ends of words, which many of us do naturally in normal speech. I am sure that, in time, we will get to use to our new surroundings – it has only been two weeks after all!

Life is also flourishing at St Boniface, requiring us to add extra chairs into the church for Mass. The Parish Youth Group, which meets at St Boniface Hall, will be getting back to its usual rhythm soon, so please take note of the dates in the Newsletter. You will also see that some of the wonderful members of our parish community who come from the Indian Subcontinent are putting on another “Indian Evening” on 25 October. This was such a roaring success last year that they have decided to hire Cullompton Town Hall this year so that more people can be accommodated comfortably. Those who came to last year’s event will remember how we all squashed into the hall at St Boniface, so many of us turned up! The cultural mix of our parish community is an absolute joy and something we should all prize highly. It is our diversity that makes us the beautiful, vibrant and united community we are.

Next Saturday, we will hosting a deanery event in St Andrew’s Hall, looking at how we can make the care for the environment a core part of parish life. It would be great to see many of our community taking part. Please see the Newsletter for details of how to register.

Along with the Newsletter this week, I attach:

the usual guide to a contemplative reading of the Sunday Gospel, offered by Monika Manser
number 132 of Inspire, from Deacon Peter
the October Newsletter from our Parish Laudato Si’ Group
a poster with details of the Care for Creation Event next Saturday
a flyer from our diocesan Caritas regarding pension credit for low income pensioners
a flyer from Lifepath Tiverton with prayer requests

The temporary parish office is still without a telephone connection for the next few days, but I am hoping that this will be resolved by the beginning of next week. In the meantime, if you are aware of any parishioners who in particular need of a visit from me, please do get the message to me either verbally or via email.

Let us keep the precarious nature of our world in prayer, both from the point of view of the ever-increasing conflicts between peoples and of the impact of the degradation of our environment. We also hold before God those in our community who are seriously sick and the loved ones of our parishioners who have died recently.

May God bless you all.

Canon Kristian

Canon Kristian Paver
Parish Priest
Parish of St Boniface and St James Mid Devon
40 Old Road Tiverton EX16 4HJ

Prisoners’ Sunday

This Sunday is Prisoners’ Sunday which is an opportunity to put our faith into action and to consider how we as individuals, as a Church and as communities are serving our brothers and sisters affected by imprisonment. Last year, PACT supported more than 485,000 prison visits, assisted more than 36,000 family members through the Prisoners’ Families Helpline and helped over 408 people with emergency welfare grants. A retiring collection will take place this Sunday to support the work of PACT. Envelopes are available for Gift Aid donors. Please visit for more information about this work of our national Catholic Charity for prisoners and the families.

Prayer Cards for Bishop-Elect Philip and Live Stream Links

If you did not take one last week, please do take a copy of the prayer card for our Bishop-Elect this weekend and remember to keep Bishop Philip in your prayers in the lead up to his installation on 9 November. The Cathedral has now issued the links for the live stream of the Vespers on 8 November and the Mass on 9 November:

Care for Creation: The Journey to 2030

Caritas Diocese of Plymouth and CAFOD invite you to a day of recollection on Care for Creation, being hosted by our own Parish Laudato Si’ Group, here in St Andrew’s Church Hall, on Saturday 19 October, 10.30am-3.00pm. A simple lunch is included. The day will reflect on how we can help our church communities to be the hub of transformational change that we want to see in the world. Registration is essential as places are limited. Bookings can be made here

Support for Pensioners on Low Incomes – Message from Caritas

An estimated 880,000 low-income pensioner households eligible for pension credit currently fail to claim it and a deadline is approaching. If you know a pensioner on low income, please encourage them to check if they could be eligible for pension credit. This can be done online through or people can get advice via phone on weekdays on 0800 99 1234. There is a leaflet with more details and advice attached to the Newsletter.

Parish Youth Group

The Parish Youth Group meets at St Boniface Church Hall every two weeks, on a Saturday, 11.00pm-12.30pm. Please put the following dates into your diary: 19 October, 2/16/30 November.

Catholic Children’s Society

The Catholic Children’s Society (Plymouth) are looking for new members to join their 50:50 Club – Helping Hands. Half of the money raised by subscriptions each month is retained by CCSP and the other half is returned to members as prize money. It costs £12 a year for one entry into all 12 monthly draws and you can enter each draw more than once so £24 for 2 numbers, £36 for three etc.  Please call the office on 01364 645420 or email to request an application form. 

Kettles and Toasters for CHAT

CHAT is running very low on kettles and toasters which are given to those who are setting up home from scratch to provide some of the essentials for daily living. Last year our appeal for these was a great success, so once again, let us show our concern for those in need by purchasing a kettle or a toaster (or both!). Please leave them at the back of church.

Vocations Retreat

Are you called to witness as a Permanent Deacon, a Religious or a Priest? There is an opportunity to reflect on this with other discerners and others living out vocations as a Permanent Deacon, Religious or Priest starting at 5.00pm on Friday 1 November at St Rita’s Centre, Honiton. Day delegates are welcome to join on Saturday 2 November at 9am. For more information and to register your interest, email or

Accompaniment Training for Youth Volunteers

Those who currently work with youth in our parishes or further afield within the diocese, or who would like to, are invited to attend training in accompaniment on Saturday 16 November, 10.00am-4.00pm, at St Rita’s Centre, Honiton. We are called to accompany young people through the transition from childhood faith to take ownership of their own spiritual journey. Click the link to book a place: For further information contact, Saskia:

200 Club

Canon Kristian will make the draw for October after 6.00pm Mass this Saturday.  If you would like to join this parish fund raiser for as little as £1 a month, please let Simon Coombs or Sheelagh Bourdon know at St James or Siobhan Gilroy at St Boniface.

World Mission Sunday

Next Sunday is World Mission Sunday. There will be a retiring collection to support Missio, the national Catholic Charity which works alongside the Pontifical Mission Societies around the world to spread the Gospel.

Indian Evening

Last year members of our community originating from the Indian Subcontinent treated us to an amazing array of traditional food at the Indian Evening that they held in St Boniface Hall. We are being invited to come along and enjoy their extraordinary hospitality again this year, on Friday 25 October, at 7.00pm in Cullompton Town Hall. It promises to be a great evening, so make a date in your diary. You will not be disappointed!

August Parish Giving

Loose Collection: £897.72 Contactless: £345.00 Standing Orders: £2869.00

Masses and Events this week

Sunday13th October – Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time B

  • Saturday 12 October – St Wilfrid, Bishop

    • Marriage of Fernando and Emelinda at 11.30am (St Boniface)
    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm

    Sunday 13 October – Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

    • Holy Mass at 9.30am (St Boniface) Mary Scaria RIP (anniv)
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am Pro Populo

    Monday 14 October – Weekday

    • Singing to Remember at 2.00pm in St Andrew’s Hall

    Tuesday 15 October – St Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor

    • Holy Mass at 9.00am

    Wednesday 16 October – Weekday

    • Holy Mass at 12noon (St Boniface)

    Thursday 17 October – St Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr

    • Holy Mass at 9.00am

    Friday 18 October – St Luke, Evangelist

    • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at 11.30am
    • Holy Mass at 12noon
    • Prayer of the Holy Rosary at 12.30pm
    • SVP at 12.45pm in St Andrew’s Hall

    Saturday 19 October – Weekday

    • Care of Creation Day, 10.30am-3.00pm, St Andrew’s Hall
    • Parish Youth Group, 11.00am-12.30pm in St Boniface’s Hall
    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm Pro Populo

    Sunday 20 October – Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

    • Holy Mass at 9.30am (St Boniface)
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am Marcin Gorlo (birthday ints)