Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B)

Peace Sunday

Sunday 14th January. 2024

Please contact the parish to receive the newsletter by email each week.

Message from Canon Kristian

Dear Sisters and Brothers
As we move into this short period of Ordinary Time, we are immediately reminded of the implications of being a disciple of Christ and of our responsibility to reach out and to invite others to “come and see”, to have that opportunity to encounter Christ in their lives.  This is not an easy task for the great majority of us, hampered as we often are by our own lack of confidence at the level of faith and by the fear of rejection, but it is nonetheless part and parcel of our proclamation of the Gospel message of salvation. So it is always fruitful for us to take some time to reflect on how we are channels or instruments of the Holy Spirit in the circumstances of our own lives, enabling others to connect with God and the deeper realities of life.
This week also sees the start of the annual Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity.  This year the daily reflections have been prepared by the Christian Churches in Burkina Faso. Although there is much which takes place on an informal basis, there is sadly little formal interchurch activity in our parish area.  Be that as it may, it is important for us to remember that we have the obligation coming from the explicit desire of Christ to pray and work for the unity of the Christian family. This Octave of Prayer is a great way to renew friendships with those we know from the other Christian communities in our area and to join together in spirit to pray for an increase in our unity, using the reflections provided by our brothers and sisters in Burkina Faso.
You will read in the Newsletter that, due to limited space in the Cathedral, only two representatives from each parish in the diocese will be able to take part physically in the Episcopal Ordination and Installation of Bishop-elect Christopher on 22 February.  Therefore, a lottery will be held in the parish for these two places so, if you would like to go, please write your name on the slip of paper and put it in the receptacle provided.  You will have this weekend and next weekend to do this.  I am sure that many of you will be disappointed that it is not possible for anyone who wishes to participate in the Cathedral at the Ordination Mass, but do remember that the Mass itself will be live streamed to enable anyone who wishes to take part on line AND that the evening before, on 21 February, there will be a celebration of Solemn Vespers in Cathedral, open to everyone, during which the episcopal insignia for use by the new Bishop will be blessed.
The January Newsletter for Caritas Diocese of Plymouth with news of love in action and upcoming events around our diocese can be found at
Along with the Newsletter this week I attach:
  • the weekly guide to a prayerful contemplation of the Sunday Gospel offered by Monika Manser
  • number 97 of Inspire from Deacon Peter
  • the Message for Peace Sunday from Pope Francis
  • the daily reflections for the Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity
  • the January Update from the parish Laudato Si’ Group
  • the recent Newsletter from St John’s School
  • the advert for the vacancy for the Assistant to the Diocesan Care Officer
Please keep in your prayers those who are sick in our parish community, and pray for the repose of the soul of Stella Henry who died last Sunday fortified by the Sacraments of the Church and whose Requiem Mass will be on Thursday 1 February at 12noon in St James.  May she rest in peace and rise in glory.
God bless you all
Canon Kristian

Canon Kristian Paver

Parish Priest

Parish of St James & St Boniface

40 Old Road

Tiverton EX16 4HJ

Tel: 01884 252292

Peace Sunday 2024
This Sunday is Peace Sunday. For the theme for the World Day of Peace this year, Pope Francis has chosen ‘Artificial Intelligence and Peace’. What
are our concerns as peacemakers in the development of AI? First, there is the direct impact of AI on war and weapons. Drone Wars UK warn that AI is seen by the world’s military powers as a way to revolutionise warfare and gain an advantage over enemies. Worrying military applications of AI are already being rolled out and those in development pose threats to our lives, human rights and wellbeing. Then there are the fundamental concerns that Pope Francis raises in his Message: the need to be vigilant that a “logic of violence and discrimination” doesn’t take root in the development of AI at the expense of the most fragile and excluded, that the advancement of AI does not fuel injustice and inequality and therefore conflict, and, of course, that AI is developed so that it serves humanity and the protection of our common home. The Message from Pope Francis is attached to the Newsletter.

Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity 18-25 January
The parable of the Good Samaritan is one of the best-known passages of Scripture, yet one that never seems to lose its power to challenge
indifference to suffering and to inspire solidarity. It is a story about crossing boundaries that calls our attention to the bonds that unite the whole human family. In choosing this passage of Scripture for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, the Churches of Burkina Faso invite us to join with them in a process of self-reflection as they consider what it means to love our neighbour in the midst of a security crisis. Communities in the British-Irish context may be less vulnerable to acts of mass violence than in Burkina Faso, but there are still many living with the memory and/or the threat of serious violence, centred on issues of identity and belonging. There are also groups within communities, including people from ethnic minority backgrounds and people seeking asylum, who feel particularly vulnerable to violence or being displaced by the threat of violence. The daily reflections are attached to the Newsletter so that we can pray with and alongside our fellow Christians within our parish area.

Participation at the Episcopal Ordination of Bishop-elect Christopher
Many parishioners are hoping to take part in the celebrations surrounding the episcopal ordination of Bishop-elect Christopher. However, due to the limited space in the Cathedral, only two people per parish will be able to be present physically at the Ordination Mass on 22 February. That said, the Mass will be live streamed via the Cathedral YouTube Channel, so everyone will be able to participate online. In addition, there will be a celebration of Solemn Vespers in the Cathedral the evening before, on 21 February, at which the Bishop-elect’s insignia – his ring, pectoral cross and crozier – will be blessed. This celebration is open to anyone who would like to take part. In order to be as fair as possible, the two parishioners who will represent our parish at the Ordination Mass will be chosen by lottery. Individuals are asked to write their name down on the slip of paper supplied and place it in the receptable provided. Canon Kristian will draw out two names on Monday 22 January. Please remember that each individual will need to be able to make their own way to the Cathedral in Plymouth.

“Name the Bear”
The name of the Harrods Millenium Teddy Bear was OLAF. Congratulations to Liz Livock who picked the right name and gets to take Olaf home!

Unwanted Gifts Stall
On the weekend of 27/28 January there will be an Unwanted Gifts Stall after both Masses in Tiverton. Any donations would be very welcome. Please leave them in the Hall.

Coffee Mornings for the New Church
As the work on the rebuilding of the church in Tiverton edges closer, in order to raise funds for various items that will be needed in the new building – eg altar linen, processional cross and candles – we are asking parishioners to start holding Coffee Mornings in the different areas of the parish. If you would like to offer to host a Coffee Morning, please let Canon Kristian, Maggie Pulford or Margaret Found know.

Inspire Music Festival
The Inspire Music Festival will take place on Saturday 2 March at the Schiller Hall, Buckfast Abbey, 11.30am – 6.00pm. Open to those aged 13-25, join fellow Christians from across the diocese to enjoy inspiring talks by speakers, including Daniella Stephens, and listen to the sounds of One Hope Project, Jozzy, Falmouth Vineyard and Crossbeam. Tickets cost £25. The booking form can be found at For further information, contact Saskia at

A simple and pain-free way to help raise funds for the rebuilding of our church in Tiverton is via the Easyfunding app which can be downloaded from your usual app store. Once you have created an account, the app will guide you to online shops and vendors which donate a percentage of the cost of an item to good causes. The name of our cause is “St James Church Development Fund – Tiverton”.

Laudato Si’ Newsletter
The recent Update from our parish Laudato Si’ Group is attached to the Newsletter, inviting each of us to give one “gift to creation” as we start the
New Year. There is also a hint about the creation of a Parish Recipe Book…!

The annual GATHER Conference unites people from across the Diocese of Plymouth and further afield for a weekend of faith, formation and friendship. It will be held at the Livermead Cliff Hotel, Torquay, 23-25 February. Speakers include Avril Baigent, artist Colin Bentley, Sr Mary Magdalen from the Sisters of Mary, Morning Star, Lynton, and David Wells. Jo Boyce will be leading the liturgies. To book use the QR code on the poster or this link:

200 Club
Congratulations to Barbara Parr who won the £30 prize and to Alan Parr who won the £20 prize in the January draw

Masses and Events this week

Sunday 14th January – 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

  • Saturday 13 January – Weekday
    • First Communion Preparation at 10.00am in the Hall
    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm Pro Populo
  • Sunday 14 January– Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
    • Holy Mass at 10.00am Charles Rice RIP (anniv)
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)
  • Monday 15 January – Weekday
    • Sing to Remember at 2.00pm in the Hall
  • Tuesday 16 January – Weekday
    • Holy Mass at 10.00am
  • Wednesday 17 January – St Anthony, Abbot
    • Service of the Word and Holy Communion at 12noon (St Boniface)
  • Thursday 18 January – Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity begins
    • Holy Mass at 6.00pm
  • Friday 19 January – St Wulstan, Bishop
    • Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions at 11.30am
    • Holy Mass at 12noon
  • Saturday 20 January – Weekday
    • CAFOD Deanery Parishes Meeting, 2.00-4.00pm in the Hall
    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm
  • Sunday 21 January– Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
    • Holy Mass at 10.00am Pro Popolo
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface