2nd Sunday of Lent (Year B)

Sunday 25th February, 2024

Please contact the parish to receive the newsletter by email each week.

Message from Canon Kristian

Dear sisters and brothers
I hope that your Lenten observance and spiritual journey is bearing fruit.  After last week’s focus on the need to go into the wilderness and to face the reality of temptation and choice in our own lives, this weekend we are taken with Peter, James and John onto the mountain to experience with them the Transfiguration of Jesus.  As the glory of the divine nature of Christ is revealed and the purpose of the journey of Jesus to Jerusalem is made clear – that death and suffering will be transformed into resurrection and new life, we are reminded that, through repentance and conversion, our lives are already being transformed by grace to share in this transfigured life of Christ.  We are given a glimpse of the end of our journey to enable us to go back down the mountain to continue to engage with both the highs and lows of daily life so that, as we share in the death and resurrection of Christ through baptism, our lives as they really are may be healed, transformed and raised up.  This gives us the encouragement we need to persevere along the often challenging path of spiritual renewal and conversion of life.
Please find attached the Newsletter for the Second Sunday of Lent, together with the weekly leaflet from Monika Manser with guidance on a prayerful reading of the Sunday Gospel, the latest edition of Inspire from Deacon Peter and the second CAFOD news from our parish CAFOD group.
God bless
Canon Kristian

Canon Kristian Paver

Parish Priest

Parish of St James & St Boniface

40 Old Road

Tiverton EX16 4HJ

CAFOD Lent Fast Day Appeal

Last Friday, 23 February, was the CAFOD Lent Fast Day. This year your donations will help hardworking people in countries like Liberia with resources, tools and training to feed their families for good. Please return your envelope today, having filled out the Gift Aid declaration if you are a taxpayer. Additional envelopes are available at the entrance to church. Alternatively, you can donate online at Please pray that our sisters and brothers around the world will have what they need to feed their families. The second of the weekly Parish CAFOD Group Lent News is attached.


We are delighted to welcome into the Church through baptism this weekend Antoni Marynczak and Max Joliffe. May God bless them both abundantly and their families.

At the Supper of the Lamb” – A Commentary on the Mass

Canon Kristian will be leading a weekly session looking at the different parts of the Mass from theological, liturgical, pastoral and practical angles. The dates are as follows: Thursday 29 February – The Liturgy of the Word, Tuesday 5 March – The Offertory and Eucharistic Prayer, Wednesday 13 March – The Communion Rite, and Wednesday 20 March – The Concluding Rites. The sessions will take place at 7.00pm in the Hall.

Catholic Children’s Society – Sporting Bundle Prize

The Catholic Children’s Society (Plymouth) has teamed up with three local sporting clubs and grounds to offer one wonderful prize for one lucky winner.  The lucky winner will receive the following sporting bundle:

  • EXETER CHIEFS – 2 standing tickets in the North Terrace for the game against Newcastle Falcons on Saturday 23 March 2024

  • TORQUAY UNITED – 4 seats in the family stand for the game against Havant and Waterlooville on Saturday 20 April 2024

  • EXETER RACECOURSE – 2 complimentary tickets for a race day of your choice in the 2023/24 season.

P lease visit to purchase tickets: £10 for one entry or buy two entries for £20 and receive a third entry for free.  Alternatively scan this QR code to be taken directly to the Crowdfunding Prize Draw page. All proceeds raised from the prize draw will enable CCSP to continue to support families of all faiths and none living in our Diocese.

Lenten Offerings”

Individuals from around the Diocese are producing weekly “Lenten Offerings” – prayers and reflections – to help nourish, inspire, support and uplift us on our spiritual journey. The link is:

Easter Cards for Orchard Lea Residential Home

Next Sunday, 3 March, after the 11.30am Mass in Cullompton our children and young people are invited to make Easter Cards for the residents of Orchard Lea Care Home. The children and young people in Tiverton will be invited to do the same after the 10.00am Mass on the following Sunday, 10 March.

Tough Times” Support Group

A new “Tough Times” support group is starting in the parish to provide a safe space to share, vent and find solace in navigating life’s storms. It will provide a friendly space to find strength in shared experiences and in the comforting embrace of our faith. We are not alone; we can walk this journey together, leaning on the hope found in Christ. The group will meet on the last Tuesday of every month at 7.00pm in the hall at St Boniface in Cullompton, starting on 26 March.

Easter Draw and “Name the Bunny”

The tickets for the Easter Draw go on sale this weekend, £1 ticket. We are also fortunate to have another 1kg chocolate Lindt Easter Bunny to help with our fundraising for the new church in Tiverton. Guess the name of the bunny, which Canon Kristian has selected from the list available, £1 a name!

Vocation Retreat at Buckfast Abbey

Are you discerning God’s will and purpose for your vocation in life? If so, the guided vocation retreat from 17-19 May at Buckfast might be for you. Join the monastic community for daily Mass and Divine Office, in addition to guided talks and the opportunity for individual spiritual direction. To book and for more information go to

Retrouvaille – Marriage Renewal

Retrouvaille has helped many couples find new hope, nourishment and growth in their marriages. If you want to uncover or reawaken the love, trust and commitment that brought you together and work through difficult times in your marriage contact Retrouvaille confidentially for more information about their 2024 programmes. There is no group therapy or group work. The next programme commences with a weekend in Welwyn Garden City on 14-16 June 2024. Call or text 07887 296983 or 07973 380443, email, or visit

The CAFOD Big Lent Walk

This Lent CAFOD is calling all Catholics who can to walk 200km in 40 days to help fight global poverty. Walk when and where you choose over 40 days, alone or with friends. Sign up today and do the Big Lent Walk yourself, putting your best foot forward with the biggest group of Big Lent Walkers yet. When you sign up, CAFOD will send you a welcome pack with a wallchart and a pair of ‘Big Lent Walk’ laces. If you hit the target of £200 on your fundraising page, then CAFOD will send you a ‘Big Lent Walk’ Tote Bag!

Masses and Events this week

Sunday 25th February – 2nd Sunday in Lent

  • Saturday 24 February – Lent Weekday

    • First Communion Preparation at 10.00am in the Hall

    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm Michael McAdams RIP (anniv)

    Sunday 25 February– Second Sunday of Lent (B)

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am with Baptism of Antoni Marynczak Pro Populo

    • Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface) Kathryn McAdams RIP (anniv)

    • Baptism of Max Joliffe at 3.00pm

    • Reflective Prayer and Study Group at 6.00pm online

    Monday 26 February – Lent Weekday

    • Sing to Remember at 2.00pm in the Hall

    Tuesday 27 February – Lent Weekday

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am

    • Monthly Lunch, 12.00noon-2.00pm, in the Hall

    Wednesday 28 February – Lent Weekday

    • Holy Mass at 12noon (St Boniface)

    Thursday 29 February – Lent Weekday

    • Holy Mass at 6.00pm Charles, Sarah, Sven and Lloyd (ints)

    • Adult Formation at 7.00pm in the Hall

    Friday 1 March – St David, Bishop, Patron of Wales

    • Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions at 11.30am

    • Holy Mass at 12noon Margaret and Ronald Bolton RIP (anniv)

    Saturday 2 March – Lent Weekday

    • Parish Property and Finance Committee at 9.30am in the Hall

    • Laudato Si’ Group at 4.00pm in the Hall

    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm Pro Populo

    Sunday 3 March – Third Sunday of Lent (B)

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am Alice and Harry Southworth RIP (anniv)

    • Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)

    • Reflective Prayer and Study Group at 6.00pm online