Please answer the questions below in the boxes provided below. You need not answer all the questions, only those which you feel are relevant to you. If you have further comments regarding how you feel you are listened to by the Parish or the Church, please provide them in the last box or on a separate sheet of paper. Please be aware that your comments are anonymous.

Once you click ‘submit’ at the end your responses will be passed onto the parish coordinators.

Thank you for your valued input!

Advent Week 4: Dream

In exploring the themes below participants are invited to:

  • Listen actively and without judgment to the Holy Spirit and to others
  • Pay attention not only to the words, but also to the tone and feelings of the speaker
  • Listen actively to yourself, mindful of your own thoughts and feelings as you speak

Advent 4: Dream!

What is God’s dream for me?

What is God’s dream for our Parish?

What is God’s dream for the church/world?

Closing question