4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

Sunday 28th January, 2024

Please contact the parish to receive the newsletter by email each week.

Message from Canon Kristian

Dear sisters and brothers
Apologies that the Newsletter is arriving in your inboxes a bit later than usual, but hopefully in time for you to have the necessary information for the coming week.
This Sunday is Racial Justice Sunday.  It is one of those “themed” Sundays which often gets overlooked, but which is a really important aspect of who we are as a faith community.  The equality in dignity of everyone, regardless of their place of birth or the colour of their skin, is an unassailable principle of our worldwide Church family, a part of our very being as Catholic Christians.  The tragic results of racial injustice continue to be apparent not only in areas of Africa, North and South America, Asia, Oceania and the Middle East, but racial injustice and intolerance sadly remains alive and well within our own country and society.  Therefore, to refocus our minds and hearts on this subject at least once a year is both necessary and an intrinsic matter of our faith and mission.  To support the work of CARJ (CARJ -Catholic Association for Racial Justice), the national Catholic Association which works to promote racial justice, there will be a retiring collection at Mass this weekend.
We had a really magnificent “Burns’ Night” celebration on Friday in the Hall at St James. It was great to see people from all areas of the parish and from outside of the parish community all sitting down together to celebrate.  We were again blessed to have the Piper from last year and Dr Alex Revolta gave a stirring rendition as always of the “Address to the Haggis”!  Many thanks to all those who put so much time and effort into preparing the food and festooning the hall in tartan bunting and bows, the Saltire and heather!  Thanks too to Bridget and Michael Tosh for leading us in some Scottish melodies to conclude our evening together.
This coming Saturday, the Parish Laudato Si’ Group will be meeting as usual at 4.00pm in the Hall.  This important parish group helps us to give practical expression to the call of Pope Francis to care for our Common Home and to reflect spiritually on why our faith requires us to protect our environment which, after all, is God’s creation, and to be concerned about its ongoing destruction.  Do come along and join the Group.  New members are always very welcome.
Along with the Newsletter this week, I attach
  • the weekly guide to a prayerful reading of this Sunday’s Gospel from Monika Manser
  • Number 99 of Inspire from Deacon Peter
  • an Update from the Catholic Children’s Society Plymouth
  • the latest Newsletter from the Lighthouse Bookshop and Cafe in Tiverton
Please continue to pray for Stella Henry and Sally Weeks who have died recently, as well as for a young mother who tragically took her own life this week in Cullompton.  May they and all who mourn for them experience the loving and unconditional embrace of God and be supported by our prayers.
May God continue to bless you and your loved ones.
Canon Kristian

Canon Kristian Paver

Parish Priest

Parish of St James & St Boniface

40 Old Road

Tiverton EX16 4HJ

Racial Justice Sunday
This Sunday is Racial Justice Sunday, which has as its theme this year: “Seeing one another in the life of the Church”. It is important to recognise that we are all children of God, regardless of our race and background. The chosen theme seeks to promote reflection, discussion and action and to encourage us to carry this through in the weeks and months after Racial Justice Sunday. We are called to celebrate the diversity of those
who have led holy and exemplary lives: Our Catholic saints walked in this world as we do and were men and women of heroic virtue who can intercede for us to bring our prayers to the Lord. The message from Bishop Paul McAleenan, the Lead Bishop for Racial Justice, can be read here . We are all asked to join in the following prayer this Sunday:

God of light and truth,
you call all men and women to live lives of holiness and justice.
Help us to see in one another:
a heart which is tender, a mind which is humble
and a care for our brothers and sisters;
so that together we may build up the Body of Christ
as a sign of hope and mercy for all.
We make this prayer through Jesus our Lord.

There will be a retiring collection at the end of Mass to support the work of  the Catholic Association for Racial Justice (CARJ).

Unwanted Gifts Stall
There will be an Unwanted Gifts Stall after the Masses in Tiverton.

United Christian Service
This Sunday, 28 January, a United Service will be held at the King Street Chapel, Tiverton, at 6.30pm, at which the Reverend Christian Hill, the Priestin-Charge of St Peter’s Anglican Church, will preach. All welcome.

“Book”/Lunch Group
This Thursday, 1 February, the “Book”/Lunch Group will be meeting at the Bluebell Restaurant for lunch at 12.30pm. If you are not coming, please let Sheelagh know on 07791 802009.

December Parish Giving
Loose Plate: £2267.53 Contactless: £535.00 Standing Order: £2886.00

The Friends of St James and St Boniface
The Friends of St James and St Boniface meet this Friday, 2 February, at 1.00pm in the Hall. The Friends is a group of parishioners that plans both
social and fundraising events to support the needs of our parish, particularly with regards to the upkeep of our buildings and the rebuilding of the church in Tiverton. It is a group which is open to everyone since we all have a responsibility to work to support and strengthen our parish community. Please do consider coming along and becoming a “Friend”!

Caritas Warm Spaces Networking Session
Last year, many of the parishes of our diocese opened their doors to provide warm meals and a friendly space. Caritas has gathered some feedback from projects run last year with ideas about how to approach opening a warm welcome space. They will be holding an online informal session this Thursday, 25 January, between 12noon-12.45pm to share good practice, and warmly invite anyone who is involved with warm spaces or is thinking about starting one. Please click here to register and be sent the zoom link.

CCSP Fundraising Round Up for 2023
The Catholic Children’s Society Annual Appeal was a success with 44 parishes supporting the work of the Society compared to 41 in 2022. The final total raised will be included in the next edition of its ‘Children First’ newsletter. Parishes have already begun to send in their Crib offerings too, including £276.45 from our parish. The Orange Box recycling scheme raised a record amount of money for the second year running as £5534.00 was generated through the support and kindness of so many parishioners. This beat the record set the previous year of £3542.63 and in the first collection of 2024 over £800.00 has already been raised! The collection of old ink cartridges via the Recycle4Charity programme has raised £1069.21 since the scheme started in July 2008, which includes £206.00 in the last twelve months alone! Further information about the CCSP is attached to the Newsletter.

An Invitation to Survivors of Abuse
The Diocesan Safeguarding Team held its first survivor group meetings in November, which were an opportunity for anyone with lived experience of abuse to share their thoughts and ideas about survivor support work in our diocese. The diocese would welcome the opportunity to hear from others who have a lived experience of abuse, so that we can involve them in the work that is being done to support survivors. If you would like to help us with this work, or you would like to find out more, please contact Sophie Scagell (Survivor Support Caseworker) on 01364 645436 or

Lent Course on Zoom
The Parish of Teignmouth, Dawlish and Shaldon is holding its annual Zoom Lent Course and invites anyone in the diocese to join them. The speakers, all from our diocese, will base their sessions on the five Gospel readings of Year A on 16 February and 1, 8, 15 and 22 March. The sessions start at 6.30pm:
OcnFCdz09. Meeting ID: 834 4584 0521 Passcode: 862737.

Coffee Mornings for the New Church
As the work on the rebuilding of the church in Tiverton edges closer, to raise funds for items that will be needed in the new building, we are asking
parishioners to hold Coffee Mornings. If you could offer to host a Coffee Morning, please let Canon Kristian, Maggie Pulford or Margaret Found know.

Masses and Events this week

Sunday 28th January – 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

  • Saturday 27 January – Holocaust Memorial Day
    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm
  • Sunday 28 January– Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
    • Holy Mass at 10.00am Pro Popolo
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)
    • United Service at 6.30pm at King Street Chapel, Tiverton
  • Monday 29 January – Weekday
    • Sing to Remember at 2.00pm in the Hall
  • Tuesday 30 January – Weekday
    • Holy Mass at 10.00am
    • Monthly Lunch, 12noon-2.00pm, in the Hall
  • Wednesday 31 January – St John Bosco, Priest
    • Service of the Word and Holy Communion at 12noon (St Boniface)
  • Thursday 1 February – Weekday
    • Requiem Mass for Stella Henry at 12noon
    • “Book”/Lunch Group meet at the Bluebell Restaurant at 12.30pm
  • Friday 2 February – The Presentation of the Lord
    • Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions at 11.30am
    • Holy Mass at 12noon Brian Roocroft RIP (anniv)
    • The Friends of St James and St Boniface at 1.00pm in the Hall
  • Saturday 3 February – St Blaise, Bishop and Martyr
    • First Holy Communion Preparation at 10.00am in the Hall
    • Laudato Si’ Group at 4.00pm in the Hall
    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00
    pm Pro Populo
  • Sunday 4 February– Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
    • Holy Mass at 10.00am followed by a Porridge Breakfast Karol Marynczak (birthday ints)
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)