Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

Sunday 23rd June, 2024

Please contact the parish to receive the newsletter by email each week.

Message from Canon Kristian

Dear sisters and brothers

We had a wonderful Sunday in the parish last weekend with the celebration of First Holy Communion for 16 of our children and the baptism of one of our youngest babies. St James’ church was literally filled to overflowing, with people having to be seated in the hall, and it was also a very warm day! It is heartening to see our parish community flourishing in all parts of our far-flung parish.

This coming week, the old carpet will be removed from St Boniface and a new floor laid. Therefore, to facilitate this work, there will not be a Mass at St Boniface this coming Wednesday. Importantly, in order to prepare the church for the floor-layers, we need to transfer all the church furniture into the hall after the 11.30am Mass this weekend. Therefore, I am hoping that there will be a big gang of strong parishioners on hand to help with this. Even if you will be attending Mass elsewhere this weekend, if you are able to help carry heavy objects like pews, please do consider coming along and helping around 12.30pm.

We are still looking to employ a new parish secretary. So, if you and someone you know might be interested in the post, please have a read of the information in the Newsletter and contact the diocese using the email address listed there.

Together with the Newsletter this weekend, please find attached:

Monika Manser’s weekly guide to a contemplative reading of the Sunday Gospel
Number 120 of Inspire from Deacon Peter
The latest Newsletter for the Lighthouse Cafe and Bookshop in Tiverton

Please continue to pray for those who are very sick in the parish. We remember also in our prayers the souls of Jean Moore and Pat Kennedy who died recently. May they rest in peace and rise in glory!

May God bless you and your loved ones.

Canon Kristian

Canon Kristian Paver
Parish Priest
Parish of St Boniface and St James Mid Devon
40 Old Road Tiverton EX16 4HJ

Message from Rosie

Following her recent retirement as parish secretary, Rosie sends you all this message: “Dear lovely people of St James and St Boniface, as you will have gathered if you were at Mass last Saturday evening, I was truly overwhelmed and immensely touched to receive your delightful gifts! I had no idea of your and Fr Kristian’s shenanigans; guys, I was only doing what I was paid to do. I send you my heartfelt thanks for your kindness to me. I shall remember each and every one of you always. If you need anything or help, do please be in touch. However, I can’t do car mechanics or bricklaying!! Oh, and I can’t mend fuses either! I love you all to bits. God bless. Rosie x”

Parish Coffee Mornings

Please put the dates for these regular events to raise funds for the internal fixtures of the rebuilt St James into your diaries:

  • Thursday 27 June, 10.00am-12noon, Christine and Babs, 51 Rackenford Road, Tiverton, EX16 5AF.

  • Wednesday 24 July, 10.00am-12noon, Monika and David, Holmelea, 7 Blundells Avenue, Tiverton, EX16 4DL.

  • Saturday 10 August, 10.00am-12noon, Margaret and Sarah, Stylehurst, Ashley, Tiverton, EX16 5PA.

A Journey into Faith – Levi Roach

Following an invitation from the Parish Pastoral Council, Levi Roach, who was baptised here at St. James at the Easter Vigil, will be talking to the parish about his journey to conversion this Wednesday 26 June from 7.00-9.00 pm in the parish hall.  Please come and join us to learn all about his remarkable and touching story.

Diocesan Youth Event – Segway Olympics and Obstacle Course

The Segway Olympics and Obstacle Course, for young people aged 10 – 16, will take place on 29 June at Devon Activity Centre. During the day, they will have the chance to explore the Scripture verse 2 Tim 1:7, whilst facing the challenges of the Segway Olympics and the wet obstacle course. A recommended contribution is £20 per person or £15 for multiple siblings and those on low income. For more detailed information and to book follow: or contact Saskia at

St James and St Boniface Youth Club

The next meeting of the St James and St Boniface Youth Club will take place on Saturday 6 July, 11.00am-12.30pm, at St Boniface’s Hall, Cullompton. The Club is open to youngster aged 9-14.

Tough Times Support Group

The Tough Times Support Group meets this Tuesday at 7.00pm in St Boniface’s Hall, Cullompton. It aims to provide a safe space to share, vent and find solace in navigating life’s storms. It will provide a friendly space to find strength in shared experiences and in the comforting embrace of our faith. We are not alone; we can walk this journey together, leaning on the hope found in Christ. All welcome.

June Diocesan Newsletter

The link for this month’s Newsletter is:

Peter’s Pence

Next Sunday is the transferred Solemnity of St Peter and St Paul. This celebration provides our annual opportunity to donate directly towards the charitable work of our Holy Father Pope Francis through the retiring collection known as “Peter’s Pence”. As you will be aware, Pope Francis is very active in giving aid to the poor and homeless of Rome and to those around the world who find themselves in dire need. Please be as generous as you can.

Diocese of Plymouth Summer Camps 2024

Applications are now being taken for places at the Plymouth Diocese Catechetical Summer Camps at Grangehurst, Buckfast Abbey. Three: Junior Camp (Years 3-6, 4-8 August), Senior Camp (Years 7-10, 28 July-2 August) and St Petroc’s Camp (Years 11-12, 31 July-2 August). Summer Camps are a great opportunity to meet other young people in the Diocese and to get to know each other through games, quiz nights, treasure hunts, days out and much more! For further information, see the leaflet in church, contact, or speak to Siobhan Gilroy or Canon Kristian.

Diocesan Vacancies

The Diocese is recruiting for two posts: (1) Parish Secretary for St James and St Boniface, Mid Devon – 16 hours per week, Tuesday-Friday, based at The Presbytery, 40 Old Road, Tiverton – to manage the administrative and secretarial support to ensure the smooth running of the parish and to enable the parish priest to carry out his diocesan responsibilities. Closing date 1 July 2024; and (2) Bookkeeper Exeter – homebased in Exeter/Torbay with regular travelling across Devon. 17.5 hours per week, flexible working days and hours between Monday and Friday, 9.00am-5.00pm – with responsibilities that range from entering monthly receipts/payments onto an online accounting system to training non-financial team members. Closing date 24 June 2024. For more information about both roles and to obtain a full job description, please visit the careers page on the Diocese of Plymouth website. To apply, please send your application form and covering letter to

May Parish Giving

Loose: £1168.24 Contactless: £290.00 Standing Orders: £3669.00

Masses and Events this week

Sunday  23rd June – 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

  • Saturday 22 June – St John Fisher, Bishop, and St Thomas More, Martyrs

    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm

    Sunday 23 June – Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

    • Holy Mass Pro Populo
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)

    Monday 24 June – The Nativity of St John the Baptist

    • Singing to Remember at 2.00pm in the Hall

    Tuesday 25 June – Weekday

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am
    • Monthly Lunch, 12noon-2.00pm, in the Hall
    • Tough Times Support Group at 7.00pm in St Boniface’s Hall

    Wednesday 26 June – Weekday

    • No Mass today at St Boniface
    • Talk by Levi Roach at 7.00pm in the Hall

    Thursday 27 June – Weekday

    • Coffee Morning, 10.00am -12noon, hosted by Christine and Babs at 15 Rackenford Road, Tiverton, EX16 5AF
    • Holy Mass at 6.00pm

    Friday 28 June – St Irenaeus, Bishop and Martyr

    • Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions at 11.30am
    • Holy Mass at 12noon
    • Prayer of the Holy Rosary at 12.30pm

    Saturday 29 June – Vigil of St Peter and St Paul

    • Property and Finance Meeting at 9.30am in the Hall
    • Holy Baptism of Bejamin Szewczyk and Leon Ryś at 2.00pm
    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm

    Sunday 30 June – Solemnity of St Peter and St Paul

    • Holy Mass Pro Populo
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)