The Most Holy Trinity (Year B)

Sunday 26 May 2024

Please contact the parish to receive the newsletter by email each week.

Message from Canon Kristian

Dear brothers and sisters
Although we have entered once again into that season of the Church’s Liturgical Year called “Ordinary Time“, this Sunday and next we focus on central beliefs of our faith.  This Sunday we celebrate the Christian understanding and experience of God as Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – God the Creator, God the Redeemer and God the Sanctifier,  One God in Three Persons.  These Three Persons are in eternal relationship within the unity of the Godhead and, through grace, prayer and the Sacraments, we ourselves are drawn into this unending relationship of love, and share in the very life of God.  This fundamental teaching of the Christian Faith is an unfathomable Mystery for the human mind, a reality which goes beyond our limited human attempts to understand and explain but which, nonetheless, we come to know through the deepening of our experience of divine love. As St John says:  “So we have come to know and to believe the love God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in them” (1 John 4:16).
Two relatively new and important parish groups meet this week:  the Tough Times Support Group and the Laudato Si’ Group, the former focussing on the need for self care and the latter focussing on the need to care for the environment, our common home.  We are fortunate to have these opportunities in our parish, so do go along and take part in them if you feel that what is being offered speaks to you and your engagement with the world around.
The first phase of the tendering process for the rebuilding of St James has been completed and the Project Board will now undertake an assessment of the tenders in order to decide which is the best and most appropriate.  So, although we do not yet know when the building work is likely to start and the move to St Andrew’s take place, there are plans afoot to hold a final parish gathering in the hall – a sort of “Last Supper” or “Agape Meal” – to celebrate the decades of parish worship and life which has taken place in St James.  An appeal is going out to anyone who has old photographs of St John or St James and the community life that has taken place there over the years, so that we can make a display for that evening, whenever it happens.  If you do have photographs, please bring them to church in a clearly marked envelope with your name and details on, so that they can be safely returned to you.  Deacon Peter will be overseeing this project and will copy any photographs that will be included in the display.
The Summer Catechetical Camps are an important event for young people across the diocese.  I attach two leaflets to the Newsletter, one containing the official information and the other containing some personal reflections from one of our youngsters who participated in the Camps last year.  If you would like your youngster to go, but funding is an issue, please have a word with me or with Siobhan Gilroy and it may be possible to find some help with this.
A new prayer card reminding us to continue to pray for a new bishop is available this weekend.
Along with the week’s Newsletter, I attach:
  • Monika Manser’s weekly guide to a prayerful reading of this Sunday’s Gospel
  • the latest number of Inspire from Deacon Peter
  • two leaflets regarding the Plymouth Diocesan Summer Camps
  • the latest Newsletter from St John’s School
Please have a special thought for the sick of our parish community and pray that they may experience the Lord’s healing touch in whatever way they need it.  It is not long now before our children will be making their First Holy Communion, so please keep them and their families in prayer too.
With every blessing
Canon Kristian

Canon Kristian Paver

Parish Priest

Parish of St James & St Boniface

40 Old Road

Tiverton EX16 4HJ

Coffee Mornings and a Musical Afternoon Tea

Please put the dates for these regular events to raise funds for the internal fixtures of the rebuilt St James into your diaries:

  • Wednesday 5 June, 3.00-5.00pm, April and John, Musical Afternoon Tea, Greenbank, Old Tiverton Road, Bampton, EX16 9DP.

  • Thursday 27 June, 10.00am-12noon, Christine and Babs, 51 Rackenford Road, Tiverton, EX16 5AF.

  • Wednesday 17 July, 10.00am-12noon, Monika and David, Holmelea, 7 Blundells Avenue, Tiverton, EX16 4DL.

  • Saturday 10 August, 10.00am-12noon, Margaret and Sarah, Stylehurst, Ashley, Tiverton, EX16 5PA.

Charity Concert for CHAT

Take Note Community Choir, Tonal Recall and the Mid-Devon Singers will be giving a free Charity Concert in aid of CHAT this Saturday, 25 May, at St Paul’s Church, West Exe, Tiverton, at 7.30pm. The evening includes cake!

Tough Times Support Group

The Tough Times Support Group meets this Tuesday, 28 May, at 7.00pm in the hall at St Boniface in Cullompton, and aims to provide a safe space to share, vent and find solace in navigating life’s storms. It offers a friendly space to find strength in shared experiences and in the comforting embrace of our faith. We are not alone; we can walk this journey together, leaning on the hope found in Christ. All welcome.

Stella Maris Update and Thank You Webinar

To report back on the use of its funds, the Catholic maritime charity, Stella Maris, invites you to join an online update and thank you webinar this Tuesday 28 May, 7.30-9.00pm. You will hear about the impact of your generosity on the lives of seafarers, fishers and their families over the last year. To register, please visit

Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Shrine of St Boniface

T he Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Shrine of St Boniface, the Principal Patron of our Diocese, in his birthplace of Crediton, will take place on Sunday 9 June, presided over by Canon Paul Cummins. Everyone from around the Diocese is warmly invited to gather from 4.00pm at the church in Park Road, Crediton, for Vespers and Benediction. Light refreshments will be provided.

I was a stranger and you welcomed me” (Matthew 25:35)

Caritas Diocese of Plymouth invites you to a Zoom event on Thursday 13 June, 6.00-7.00pm, to reflect on Refugee Week which, this year, has as its theme “Our Home”. Pope Francis calls on us to WELCOME, PROTECT, PROMOTE and INTEGRATE people fleeing from conflict and persecution. To reflect and explore what this can mean in practice, you will hear from someone who has been through the asylum system, sustained and supported by her Catholic faith, and from people who have answered the call to help and support in different ways. We all have the opportunity to make a positive difference: from the power of prayer to the warmth of a welcome, to practical support, to donations, to supporting campaigns, to short-term hosting. Together we can improve the lives of people forced to flee danger.

Please come and join in this event to reflect upon how we can make our churches and parishes places of welcome and support for those forced to leave their homes in search of peace and freedom. Please click to register or email

Diocese of Plymouth Catholic Charismatic Renewal Event

A day of encounter for all ages – Jesus is in the house! (Mark 2:1) Come and encounter Him – will take place at St Cuthbert’s Conference Centre, Buckfast Abbey, 10.00am-6.00pm, on Saturday 29 June. Experience joyful praise and worship, ways of connecting to God’s voice, prayer from the heart, workshops, prayer ministry, Adoration, and Mass.  Hot/cold drinks are included, either pay for the optional two course lunch or bring your own packed lunch.  Tickets are available from Eventbrite Please contact for more information or if you have any questions.

 Diocese of Plymouth Summer Camps 2024

Applications are now being taken for places at the Plymouth Diocese Catechetical Summer Camps to be held at Grangehurst, Buckfast Abbey. Three Camps are being run: Junior Camp (Years 3-6, 4-8 August), Senior Camp (Years 7-10, 28 July-2 August) and St Petroc’s Camp (Years 11-12, 31 July-2 August). Summer Camps are a great opportunity to meet other young people in the Diocese and to get to know each other through games, quiz nights, treasure hunts, days out and much more! For further information, see leaflet in church, contact, or speak to Siobhan Gilroy or Canon Kristian.

Call for Foundation Directors for Plymouth CAST

Plymouth CAST is a Catholic multi-academy trust of 34 schools and one nursery, spanning the Diocese of Plymouth. Its mission is to be a community of outstanding schools in which its pupils flourish in safe, happy, and stimulating environments and leave school with the knowledge and skills, personal qualities, and aspirations, to make the world a better place, inspired by the Gospel. 

Plymouth CAST is currently recruiting to expand its Board of Directors. We are particularly interested in hearing from you if you have skills and experience in Finance, HR and/or Education. Please contact the Clerk to the Trust Board for further information, Mrs Leah Paiano

April Parish Giving

Loose: £1069.71 Contactless: £395.00 Standing Orders: £3200.00

Masses and Events this week

Sunday 26 May – The Most Holy Trinity

Saturday 25 May – St Bede the Venerable, Priest and Doctor

    • Friends of St James and St Boniface at 9.30am in the Hall
    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm Pro Populo

    Sunday 26 May – The Most Holy Trinity

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am Kathleen Hatherley RIP (anniv)
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)

    Eighth Week in Ordinary Time

    Monday 27 May – St Augustine of Canterbury, Bishop

    • Singing to Remember at 2.00pm in the Hall

    Tuesday 28 May – Weekday

    • Requiem Mass for Peter Jee RIP at 12noon
    • Tough Times Support Group, 7.00pm, St Boniface Hall

    Wednesday 29 May – Weekday

    • Holy Mass at 12noon (St Boniface)

    Thursday 30 May – Weekday

    • Holy Mass at 6.00pm

    Friday 31 May – The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    • Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions at 11.30am
    • Holy Mass with Prayers for Healing at 12noon

    Saturday 1 June – St Justin, Martyr

    • Laudato Si’ Group, 4.00pm, in the Hall
    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm Pro Populo

    Sunday 2 June – The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am Christopher Daly RIP followed by French Breakfast
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)