Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year c)

Sunday 2nd March, 2025

Please contact the parish to receive the newsletter by email each week.

Message from Canon Kristian

Dear brothers and sisters
This is the last Sunday before the beginning of the Holy Season of Lent this coming Wednesday.  In order to enable as many of you as possible to receive the ashes at Mass on Ash Wednesday, there will be Masses at St Andrew’s in Tiverton at 9.00am and 6.00pm and at St Boniface at 12noon.  The Newsletter contains the details of a couple of online courses and some other practical suggestions to enrich this Lenten time of forty days, including the usual booklets of daily reflections and a Lent Cross Challenge.

In addition, we will be starting a special collection of household cleaning products for CHAT.  It seemed appropriate that, as one of the underlying themes of Lent is that of cleansing and purification, we should focus our Lenten support for CHAT on asking parishioners to bring offerings of household cleaning products, such as polish, washing powder/pods, softener, cleaning sprays, sponges, tea clothes, dusters, toilet cleaner, bleach, bin bags etc.  The Foodbank has a great need of these things, which are essential to enable individuals and families to clean their accommodation and their clothes,  both external acts which recognise and enhance the dignity of every person.  The Cleaning Products for Dignity collection will start on Ash Wednesday and last the full 40 days of Lent.  You are invited to leave your donations in the box in the entrance to church.

If you pass by St James now, you will see that walls are beginning to rise above ground.  This is a sign that considerable progress is being made on the rebuilding project.  As you know, the Diocese has very generously agreed to fund the rebuilding itself, but the parish will be responsible for much of the internal furnishings.  Attached to the Newsletter this week is the first of a number of lists of items towards which parishioners are being asked to contribute.  The items on this first list are relatively low in cost, since they are the items of altar linen that are used at Mass.  In addition, since the altar linen at St Boniface is also in dire need of replacement, we have included those requirements in these items too.  Further lists will be produced over the coming weeks and months regarding donations for more substantial issues such as the cost of restoration of the wooden items originating from St John’s Church which will be incorporated into the new St James, eg the Stations of the Cross, the Rood, the Statue of Our Lady, the wooden candlesticks, together with the restoration of some of the pews.  I realise that, for many, finances are tight, but any contribution towards the covering of the costs for these important items for the rebuilt St James, which will be the parish church for many years to come, will be gratefully accepted.

The events of the last week in Washington USA and in Germany have shown just how precarious the situation of our world is at this time in history, especially for our own continent of Europe.  It is important that all Christians, especially we Catholics, ensure that the teachings and actions of Jesus in the Gospels, expressed in Catholic Social Teaching, are not distorted in order to prop up political positions that seek to impose policies which impact negatively on the lives of the poor, the vulnerable, the sick, the oppressed, the marginalised and the refugee. Pope Francis set out this teaching most recently in a recent Letter to the American Bishops
(, particularly with regards to the care of migrants.  Jesus teaches the Gospel Paradox on more than one occasion that, in the Reign of God, the first will be last, and the last first (eg Matthew 19:30, 20:16; Mark 9:35,10:31; Luke 13:30; 16:19-31).
Dear Brothers in the Episcopate, I am writing today to address a few words to you in these delicate moments that you are living as Pastors of the People of God who walk together in the United States of America.
We continue to pray for our Holy Father, Pope Francis, who once again suffered a critical health event yesterday.  Although he remains in good spirits and even managed to do a small amount of work in the week gone by, it is clear that he is still extremely sick and that the long-term prognosis is uncertain.  May he feel the support of our prayers and the consolation of the Holy Spirit.  As we would expect from him, Pope Francis recently thanked everyone for their prayers for him, but at the same time asked those praying for him to pray for peace, for those affected by war in Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, the Middle East, Myanmar, Kivu and Sudan (Angelus Address, 16 February 2025).

Please continue to pray also for those in our own community who are very sick at this time.  I know they too feel supported by your prayers.  We remember to hold before God those who have died recently, especially Kathy Holmes and David Bassett.  May they rise to eternal glory.
May God bless you all
Canon Kristian

Message from Canon Paul with a Statement from Bishop Philip

As you will recall, back in November Bishop Philip issued a statement postponing his installation as the Bishop of Plymouth. He has now written a follow-up statement which was issued last Monday:

At the beginning of November 2024, just before I was to begin my ministry in Plymouth, I let it be known that concerns of a personal nature had been raised, to which I had to attend immediately. This has taken longer than I anticipated.

All things considered, I have come to the decision to present to the Holy Father a request to step down from my appointment as Bishop of the Diocese of Plymouth. The Holy Father has accepted my request.

For the immediate future I will be taking a sabbatical: a time of prayer and personal reflection, the next stage on the journey of my ministry.

I realise, with regret, that this leaves a continuing vacancy in the Diocese of Plymouth. I assure the lay faithful, clergy and religious of the Diocese of my good wishes and prayers and ask the same of them for me.”

This news may come as a shock and a disappointment to you as, I am sure that like me, you were looking forward to having a bishop in post. I expect that you may have some questions, but this statement from Bishop Philip is all the information that I have for you. Please continue to keep Bishop Philip in your prayers particularly at this time, and please pray for those who will be a part of the selection process for our new bishop. Please also keep Pope Francis in your prayers as he continues to struggle with ill health. Thank you so much for all your support. Please continue to keep me, and our Diocese, in your prayers. May God bless you.

Ash Wednesday – A Day of Fast and Abstinence

This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of the Holy Season of Lent. There will be Mass with the Imposition of the Ashes at 9.00am and 6.00pm in St Andrew’s and 12noon in St Boniface. As St Andrew’s Hall is in use on a Wednesday, please try to park elsewhere other than the church car park if at all possible.

Ash Wednesday is also a Day of Fast and Abstinence. We are all encouraged to do this if we are able. However, fasting is obligatory for those between the ages of 18 and 59, and abstinence is obligatory from those aged 14 and over.

Day by Day” and “Walk with me” booklets for adults and children will be available to take away to help with a Lenten pause for prayer each day.

Scottish Afternoon Tea

Monika Manser is hosting a Scottish Afternoon Tea which will feature Scottish cuisine including Haggis, oatcakes, Scottish pancakes, treacle scones, tablet etc. It will be held in St Andrew’s Hall this coming Tuesday 4 March, 2.30-4.30pm. Proceeds will go to fund the interior fittings of the new St James’ Church.

Lent Cross Challenge

A parishioner has shared the details of the Lent Cross Challenge, originating from the Anglican Diocese of Bath and Wells. Churches and schools, as well as families and individuals at home, are being encouraged to make a simple daily focus in the 40 days leading up to Easter aiming to keep the cross at the heart of Lent. The challenge is to spot, find, discover, make, bake or create a cross shape each day during Lent. The Lent Cross Challenge 2025 guide suggests where you might find, or how to make, the cross for each day, as well as offering a short Bible reading that points towards the cross. This is both a fun and creative thing to do for Lent, so have a go and perhaps even share some of your results on our parish Facebook page!

Word on Fire Series on the Mass

You are invited to join an online group to watch a new six-part series from Word on Fire, in which Bishop Robert Baron teaches on the Mass, on Wednesday evenings at 7.00pm during Lent and Easter. Each one-hour session will consist of a half hour film, followed by prayer and reflection. For a link or for more information contact

Lent Series of Talks on Zoom

Fr Mark Skelton, the Parish Priest of Newquay, is offering his usual Lent Series of Talks on Zoom. They will take place on a Thursday evening at 7.00pm, but the Zoom call will be open from 6.45pm. Each talk is free-standing. The only link between them is that they seek to reflect on some of the Holy Father’s signs of hope in this Jubilee Year: 13 March – Commitment to Others; 20 March – Debt Cancellation; 27 March – Recognizing Hope; 3 April – Peace; and 10 April – Jesus’s Last Pilgrimage. The link to join the Zoom meeting: Meeting ID: 840 5244 7850 Passcode: 043004.

Parish Social and Fundraising Events

A list of upcoming parish social and fundraising events is attached to the Newsletter. A date for your diaries: Parish Spring Bingo, a fun family event, is planned for Friday 11 April, 7.00-9-00pm in St Andrew’s Hall. The Friends of St James and St Boniface are requesting donations for this event: luxury Easter Eggs for Bingo prizes; wine, chocolate or new items for the Raffle. Please leave them in the basket in the narthex at St Andrew’s.

Handbell Concert and Cream Tea

On Saturday 22 March, at 2.30pm in St Andrew’s, Tiverton, there will be a Handbell Concert by Poole-based quartet, Clapper Chaos. Between them they play a set of 41 bells and a two-octave set of 25 hand chimes. All their arrangements are unique, and you will not hear them played by any other group! This will be followed by a Cream Tea in the Hall. Tickets for the event are on sale at church now, £10.00 each. The proceeds will be shared equally between the communities of St Andrew’s and St James’.

Masses and Events this week

Sunday 2nd March – Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

  • Saturday 1 March – St David, Patron of Wales

    • Friends of St James and St Boniface at 9.00am in St Andrew’s Hall
    • First Communion Preparation at 10.00am at St John’s School Hall
    • Laudato Si’ Group at 4.00pm in St Andrew’s Hall
    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm

    Sunday 2 March – Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)

    • Holy Mass at 9.30am (St Boniface)
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am Pro Populo

    Monday 3 March Weekday

    • Signing to Remember at 2.00pm in St Andrew’s Hall

    Tuesday 4 March – St Walburga, Virgin

    • Holy Mass at 9.00am
    • Scottish Afternoon Tea, 2.30pm-4.30pm, in St Andrew’s Hall

    Wednesday 5 March – Ash Wednesday – Day of Fast and Abstinence

    • Holy Mass at 9.00am
    • Holy Mass at 12noon (St Boniface)
    • Holy Mass at 6.00pm

    Thursday 6 March – Lent Weekday

    • Holy Mass at 9.00am

    Friday 7 March – Lent Weekday

    • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions at 11.30am
    • Holy Mass at 12noon
    • Prayer of the Holy Rosary at 12.30pm after Mass

    Saturday 8 March – Lent Weekday

    • Finance and Property Committee at 9.30am in St Andrew’s Hall
    • Youth Club, 11.00am-12.30pm, in St Boniface’s Hall
    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm

    Sunday 9 March – First Sunday of Lent (C)

    • Holy Mass at 9.30am (St Boniface)
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am Pro Populo