Twenty Seventh Sunday of Ordinary (Year B)

Sunday 6th October, 2024

Please contact the parish to receive the newsletter by email each week.

Message from Canon Kristian

Dear brothers and sisters

 This is a quick email to attach to this weekend’s Newsletter.  Unfortunately, I have had major problems getting internet access since my arrival in my new accommodation and have only succeeded in getting online in the last hour!  Thankfully, I had already prepared a Newsletter outline ready to go.

 I do want to thank everyone for the way in which you have engaged with the changes that the commencement of the building work at St James has entailed.  I was really heartened to see the full churches at the Masses last weekend in Tiverton and Cullompton. 

 Along with the Newsletter I attach:


  • Monika Manser’s guide to a prayerful reading of the Sunday Gospel
  • The latest number of Inspire from Deacon Peter
  • The Application Forms for the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation


The month of October is dedicated traditionally to the Holy Rosary.  As you will see, Pope Francis is praying the Rosary tomorrow in the Basilica of St Mary Major in Rome – the first church in the West to be dedicated to Our Lady – for peace in the world.  As well as inviting all of us to fast for peace on Monday, there is also the invitation to join with him tomorrow in praying the Rosary for peace.  Even if this is not a form of prayer that you use often, perhaps tomorrow would be a good occasion to join with others around the world in meditating on the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary ( for peace in our world.

 Let us remember in prayer too our parishioners and loved ones who are sick at this time.


God bless,

Canon Kristian

Day of Fasting for Peace

Given the many conflicts which are raging in our world at this time, Pope Francis has asked that this Monday 7 October, the Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, be observed as a day of prayer and fasting for peace by people across the world. The Holy Father will also be reciting the Holy Rosary in the Basilica of St Mary Major in Rome, together with all the participants of the Synod. You may wish to do the same, uniting your prayer to that of the Pope and invoking the prayers of Our Lady, Queen of Peace.

Prayer Cards for our Bishop-Elect and Solemn Vespers

Please take a copy of the prayer card for our Bishop-Elect at Mass this weekend and remember to keep Bishop Philip in your prayers in the lead up to his installation on 9 November.

Although spaces for the Installation Mass itself are very limited and by ticket only, Bishop Philip will be presiding at the solemn celebration of Vespers (Evening Prayer) in the Cathedral on Friday 8 November at 6.30pm, which is open to all wishing to come and pray with and for the Bishop-elect as he prepares for the following day’s profoundly significant ceremonies for him and for our diocese. Please note that there will be no parking available at the cathedral itself and, if you are coming by car, the nearest carpark is the Western Approaches.

Care for Creation: The Journey to 2030

Caritas Diocese of Plymouth and CAFOD invite you to a day of recollection on Care for Creation, being hosted by our own Parish Laudato Si’ Group, here in St Andrew’s Church Hall, on Saturday 19 October, 10.30am-3.00pm. A simple lunch is included. Thet day will reflect on how we can help our church communities to be the hub of transformational change that we want to see in the world. The parish is the ideal place to start this conversation. With our faith as motivation, we can praise God together for the beauty of his creation and live in hope and gratitude. With our church buildings, halls and gardens we have the physical resources to both serve and enable others to take action. Please come along and share your ideas about how to get started in transforming the lives of our communities to help address the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor. Registration is essential as places are limited. Bookings can be made here

Our Story: Our Mission – Preparing for the Jubilee Year

Do you want to discover your true purpose, meaning and identity in your life in Christ? Are you aware of the part you are called to play in salvation history? In response to Pope Francis’ call to be “Pilgrims of Hope” for this forthcoming Jubilee Year, Fr David Marsden will be leading a day at the Schiller Hall in Buckfast on Saturday 2 November, 10.00am-3.00pm, with Mass at 12noon. To reserve a place email or click on this link to fill in the appropriate form.

Listening with the Heart

You are invited to a Synodal day exploring “Conversations in the Spirit”, which is one of the fruits to have emerged out of the current synodal journey. The day will be held at Buckfast Abbey Conference Centre on Saturday 26 October, 10.00am-3.15pm, and will be facilitated by Sarah Adams, the Director of Adult Education and Evangelisation for the Diocese of Clifton. Sarah has been involved in the synodal journey at diocesan, national and international levels and will take you through both the methodology and practice of Conversations in the Spirit and how you might apply it in a variety of settings. For more information email Fr Paul Keys at The day is free, but you need to register by 30 September form.

Diocesan Newsletter – Special Edition

The following is the link to the first of three special edition newsletters focussed on welcoming and introducing our new Bishop-elect Philip, with information about his upcoming Installation, messages from Bishop Philip and from Canon Paul and prayer:

Music at St Boniface

D o you play an instrument? If so, we would love to have you join us in the music group corner at St Boniface. Our little group has got smaller as people have moved away for their next stages in life, so a couple more people to play instruments would really help us out. You don’t have to commit to every week; we can work out how often is good for you! If you can help, please let Jane or Siobhan know and we can get together for a practice.

First Holy Communion 2025

Parents with children 7 years and older who are due to prepare for the reception of First Holy Communion next June are asked to complete the attached form and return it to the parish office as soon as possible.

Confirmation 2025

If there are any young people, aged 14 or over, who would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, please complete the attached form and return it to the Parish Office as soon as possible.


The civil marriage of Fernando and Emelinda will be celebrated according to the Rites of the Church next Saturday, 12 October, at 11.30am in St Boniface. There is a general invitation to come and support them and to join them for some refreshments afterwards in the hall.

Masses and Events this week

Sunday 6th October – Twenty Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time

  • Saturday 5 October – St Faustina Kowalska, Religious

    • The Friends of St James at St Andrew’s and St Boniface
    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm

    Sunday 6 October – Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

    • Holy Mass at 9.30am (St Boniface)
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am Pro Populo

    Monday 7 October – Our Lady of the Holy Rosary

    • Singing to Remember at 2.00pm in St Andrew’s Hall

    Tuesday 8 October – Weekday

    • Holy Mass at 9.00am

    Wednesday 9 October – St John Henry Newman, Priest

    • No Mass (St Boniface)

    Thursday 10 October – St Paulinus of York, Bishop

    • Holy Mass at 9.00am

    Friday 11 October – St John XXIII, Pope

    • Holy Mass at 9.00am

    Saturday 12 October – St Wilfrid, Bishop

    • Marriage of Fernando and Emelinda at 11.30am (St Boniface)
    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm

    Sunday 13 October – Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

    • Holy Mass at 9.30am (St Boniface)
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am Pro Populo