Thirty Third Sunday of the Year (Year A)

World Day of the Poor, Safeguarding Sunday

Sunday 19th November, 2023

Please contact the parish to receive the newsletter by email each week.

Message from Canon Kristian

Dear sisters and brothers
Due to the lack of internet this morning, this weekend’s Newsletter is coming to you slightly later than usual!  It is hard to believe that we have already arrived at the penultimate Sunday of the Church Year and that the holy Season of Advent is looming on the horizon.  Next Sunday, the Solemnity of Christ, the King of the Universe, is an extra special celebration for our parish as 12 of our young people will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation during the 10.00am Mass in St James.  As you know, we are still awaiting the appointment of a new Bishop, so during this time of waiting Canon Paul, the Diocesan Administrator, has given each parish priest the faculty to confer the Sacrament of Confirmation on his own parishioners.  Thus, it will be a great joy and privilege for me to be confirming our young people who have been preparing to receive the Sacrament over many months.  In this last week of run up to the celebration, please do remember them especially in your daily prayers.
However, although we are really looking forward to next weekend, we must not overlook the importance of this Sunday.  Along with themes of the Liturgy, we are being invited to focus our prayer and attention on two central facets of Christian life and mission:  the care of the poor and the safeguarding of children and adults at risk in our communities.  Both of these forms of Christian outreach express Christ’s – and therefore our – preferential option for the poor and the vulnerable.  The Holy Father’s Message for the World Day of the Poor provides much food for thought and action and so I am attaching it to the Newsletter for your perusal.  The observance of Safeguarding Sunday gives us the opportunity to listen to the survivors of abuse within the Catholic community and outside, to raise our awareness of the responsibility we each have of ensuring our community is a safe place for children and adults at risk, and to thank our committed team of Parish Safeguarding Reps – Marian Coombs, Shelagh Eastwood, Siobhan Gilroy and Iwona Pacosz – who work hard behind the scenes to support the parish in this important work and make sure that all those who undertake roles within our parish community have followed the safer recruitment process.
Attached to the Newsletter this week is:
  • the weekly aid to a contemplative reading of the Sunday Gospel, offered by Monika Manser
  • number 89 of Inspire, from Deacon Peter
  • Pope Francis’ Message for the World Day of the Poor 2023
  • the latest Newsletter from the Lighthouse Bookshop and Cafe
As always, please remember in your prayers those in our parish community who are sick, especially those who are in hospital or care homes.
Let us also continue to pray for peace in the troubled parts of our world.
May God bless you,
Canon Kristian

Canon Kristian Paver

Parish Priest

Parish of St James & St Boniface

40 Old Road

Tiverton EX16 4HJ

Praying for Dead in November

November is the traditional month of prayer for all those who have died. As has become the custom, a receptacle is placed in front of the altar in both of our churches to receive the names of your loved ones, family, friends and acquaintances who have died and for whom you ask the prayers of the parish community. At the 12noon Mass on Friday 1 December these names will be read out and prayed for publicly, so please write the names clearly so that they can be transcribed.

Hands Across the Generations

Tony and Anne Doble invite those from 5 years of age to older teenagers to stay behind after 11.30am Mass at St Boniface this Sunday for between 30-40 minutes to start making Greeting Cards to send from our Parish to the patients in Tiverton Hospital.

Music and Singing Afternoon

We will be holding one of our regular music and singing afternoons this Sunday at 2.30pm. It is the weekend of the World Day of the Poor, so there will be an attempt to focus on music with that theme in mind, as well as celebrating the end of the Church Year. Everyone is warmly welcomed to come along and play or sing.

World Day of the Poor 2023

T he annual World Day of the Poor takes place this Sunday with the theme: ‘Do not turn your face away from anyone who is poor’ (Tobit 4:7). A copy of Pope Francis’ Message to us for this Day is attached to the Newsletter. We are invited to make every effort at this time to create moments of encounter and friendship, solidarity and concrete assistance with those who are poor. The Holy Father’s message is a clear call to us not to turn our face away from the poor so that God’s face will not be turned away from us. The recent Synodal Assembly message to the people of God reminds us that to progress in our discernment, the Church absolutely needs to listen to everyone, starting with the poorest. We are invited at all times, but particularly on this Sunday, to reflect on how we can draw close to those who are poor and bring hope and dignity to all who are in need both at a personal and parish level. You can find more information on the Plymouth Diocesan website:

Safeguarding Sunday

This Sunday is also Safeguarding Sunday.  We will be joining other Churches across the UK in highlighting the importance of protecting children, young people and adults at risk.  This is also an opportunity to celebrate those who work behind the scenes to make our Church a safer place for all.  

Safeguarding Sunday Prayer

Dear God, help us to be a Church that loves, welcomes, protects, listens, learns, serves, repents, restores, transforms, values, cares and believes.

God of justice and compassion, hear our prayer.

Help us, heal us, guide us, we pray.

In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Confirmation Sunday

Next Sunday, the Solemnity of Christ, King of the Universe, at the 10.00am Mass, 12 of our young people will be confirmed. This is a great blessing for our parish, so please do keep them in your prayers. Please note that the Mass in St Boniface will take place at 12noon next Sunday as a result.

A “Lament and Light” Service

An ecumenical Service will be held on Thursday 30 November at 3.00pm at Holy Family Church in Plymouth (Beacon Park Road, PL2 3LR).  The Service is in response to the 16 days of action against gender-based violence (25 November – 10 December), which is a campaign for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls.  The Service will be led by Fr Mark Skelton and Rev. Lizzi Green, followed by tea and coffee in the hall.

Switch On Support

This year’s parish winter project for CHAT – Switch On Support – is to purchase kettles, toasters and slow cookers to give to people moving into temporary or new accommodation, who are setting up home with a minimum of cooking appliances. Though these appliances are ordinary, they are vital in the process of creating a home. Items can be left at the entrance to church.

Parish Christmas Draw

Tickets for the Christmas Draw are now on sale, £1 each. Contributions of chocolates and biscuits to add to the prizes would be very welcome. Please leave them at the entrance to church.

Advent Retreat Day

An Advent Retreat Day – “Prepare a Way for the Lord: Faith and Works” – will be held at St Rita’s Centre, Honiton on Saturday 9 December, led by Deacon Nick Johnson.  The day begins at 9.30am and conclude with Mass at 3.15pm. There will be an opportunity for Adoration and Confession during the day. The cost, including lunch, is £25.00. Booking can be made by phone, email or online ( Payment can be made on the day.

Red Mission Boxes

If you have a Red Mission Box that needs to be emptied, please return them to church before the end of November so that Maggie Pulford can finalise the contributions for 2023 to support the work of Missio.

200 Club

Congratulations to Lydia Perry who won the £30 prize and to Tony Reynolds who won the £20 prize in the November draw. The 200 Club is an ongoing fund raiser for the parish and subscriptions start at £1 a month for one number. If you would like to join please speak to either Simon Coombs or Sheelagh Bourdon at St James or Teresa Cummings at St Boniface. 

Masses and Events this week

Sunday 19th November, – 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A)

  • Saturday 18 November – Weekday
    • Confirmation Preparation at 11.00am in the Hall
    • Holy Baptism of Idalia Hunt at 1.00pm (St Boniface)
    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm Pro Populo

    Sunday 19 November – Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), World Day of the Poor, Safeguarding Sunday

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)
    • Music and Singing Afternoon at 2.30pm

    Monday 20 November – Weekday

    • Singing to Remember at 2.00pm in the Hall

    Tuesday 21 November – The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am E.F.Ridout, Parents and Relatives RIP (FM)

    Wednesday 22 November – St Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr

    • Holy Mass at 12noon

    Thursday 23 November – Weekday

    • Holy Mass at 6.00pm Alice Mary Lucy Berkeley RIP (FM)

    Friday 24 November – St Andrew Dũng-Lạc, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs

    • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions at 11.30am
    • Holy Mass with Prayers for Healing at 12.00noon

    Saturday 25 November – Weekday

    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm Pro Populo

    Sunday 26 November – Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe (A), Confirmation Sunday

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am
    • Holy Mass at 12noon (at St Boniface)