First Sunday of Lent (C)

Sunday 6 March 2022

Please contact the parish to receive the newsletter by email each week.

Message from Canon Kristian

Dear brothers and sisters

As we enter into Lent, the war in Ukraine continues to menace the peace of our world, as well as to bring immense suffering and death to the people caught up in this conflict, the inevitable and devastating human cost of this aggression.  I am sure you are all keeping the people of Ukraine in your daily prayers and the Newsletter this week contains ways in which you can support them financially.  There will also be a collection at Mass for them this weekend.

A number of Lenten initiatives start this week, including our parish Lent Course, Belong and Believe, and an online prayer and reflection group using the Synodal Journey Lent materials produced by the Diocese of Westminster.  Due to unforeseen circumstances, these two initiatives will take place at the same time on a Wednesday evening, but hopefully this will enable parishioners in different situations the possibility of participating in at least one of these Lent gatherings, since not everyone is able or comfortable to meet in physical gatherings at this time.

This coming Friday will be the CAFOD Fast Day, which is focussed on providing resources and training to mothers so that some of the 200 million children in our world who continue to suffer from malnutrition might be fed.  I know that there are many calls on personal and family finances at this time, including the rise in the cost of living and in fuel bills, but please be as generous us you can as you fast in solidarity with those who have no choice but to not eat.

May we all have a fruitful and blessed Holy Season of Lent.

Be assured of my prayers for you all.

God bless

Canon Kristian

Helping our Brothers and Sisters in Ukraine

You will no doubt be following the continuing crisis and humanitarian situation in Ukraine and the surrounding countries receiving refugees.  As part of Caritas Internationalis, the global Caritas family, Caritas Plymouth has been asked to provide guidance to our parishes about how we can donate to support those in crisis.

Anyone wishing to donate is encouraged to give online to CAFOD ( which is now working to support Caritas partners in the communities that are affected.  There will also be a collection this weekend in church to support the people of Ukraine.

CAFOD Fast Day – Lent Appeal

Family Fast Day takes place this coming Friday, 11 March, a day when we eat simply and give generously to support mums around the world, like Arnie in Sierra Leone, with expert training in growing and making healthy food.  Your small act of love this Lent will make a big difference to many communities affected by extreme hunger and to children suffering from malnutrition.

Please take an envelope with you and return it with your donation next weekend. Alternatively, you can donate online by visiting or by using our contactless payment facility.

Lent Course

The first session of our parish Lent Course, entitled “Belong and Believe”, based on the wisdom of our Celtic Christian past, to help refresh our communities and renew our mission as we exit from the pandemic restrictions, will take place this Wednesday, 9 March, at 7.00pm in the Hall.

A flyer is attached to the Newsletter which gives more information, including the details of the book which you can purchase to accompany the Course if you would like, though it is not essential.  Do let Canon Kristian now if you would like to have a copy.

CAFOD Walk Against Hunger Lent Challenge

We are being invited to take part in the Walk Against Hunger challenge as a parish team, in support of the 200 million children around the world whose lives are at risk due to malnutrition.  To find out how you can take part in “walking around the world”, a mere 40,000 kilometres (!), see the Update from our parish CAFOD rep attached to the Newsletter.

Vacancies in the Catholic Children’s Society (Plymouth)

The Catholic Children’s Society is looking for enthusiastic, new Trustee Directors to fill vacancies that have arisen due to retirement. The Society’s purpose is to provide help to families in urgent need and to alleviate child poverty, avoid neglect or abuse and prevent homelessness. The Society aims to support parents and carers to enable them to provide a better quality of family life.

The Society is seeking Trustee Directors from all sections of the community who have the ability to think creatively and offer their experience to the Society. The Board meets at least four times a year and whilst the position is voluntary, reasonable travelling expenses are paid according to the Society’s policy. For further information or to arrange an informal chat with one of the Co-Chairs of the Society, please phone 01364 645420 or email

Formation for Readers at Mass

On Saturday 19 March, from 2.00-4.00pm in the Hall, there will be a time of formation for those who already read at Mass and for those who would like to start to read.  It is very important that all readers make this session a priority as we start to refresh our ministries exiting from the Covid restrictions.

Lent Retreat Day

A Lent Retreat Day, “Seven Last Words”, will take place on Saturday 2 April 2022 at St Rita’s Centre, Honiton, led by Fr. Tom Dubois.  The cost for the day, including lunch, is £25.00. Booking can be made by phone, email or online Payment can be made online or on the day. A poster with more details and a few application forms can be found at the entrance to church.

Encountering the Spirit: Wilderness

In place of Monika Manser’s usual leaflets, each week during Lent she has received permission to use the Lent reflection materials prepared by the Diocese of Westminster related to the Synodal Journey.  There will be an online time of prayer and reflection on Wednesdays at 7.00pm based on these materials.  Everyone is welcome and the Zoom access can be obtained from the parish office.

200 Club

Canon Kristian will make the March draw after the 6.00pm Mass this Saturday. New members are always welcome. Please speak to Simon Coombs or Sheelagh Bourdon at St James or Teresa Cummings at St Boniface.

Message from Ann Roocroft

Ann would like to say thank you to everyone who helped her and her family with the Requiem Mass and the Gathering afterwards in the Hall.  Ann was dreading the day, but she feels that we all gave Brian a fitting send-off.

Easter Draw

Tickets for the Easter Draw go on sale this weekend.  Donations of chocolate for the prizes would be greatly appreciated.  These can be left at the entrance to the church.

Parish Diary 

Saturday 5 March – Weekday after Ash Wednesday

  • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm

Sunday 6 March – First Sunday of Lent (C)

  • Holy Mass at 10.00am Marie McKinney RIP (anniv) followed by French Breakfast
  • Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)
  • Stations of the Cross at 3.00pm
  • Taizé Service at 6.30pm at St Mary’s, Uffculme

Monday 7 March – Lenten Weekday

  • Singing to Remember at 2.00pm in the Hall

Tuesday 8 March – Lenten Weekday

  • Holy Mass at 10.00am
  • SVP Meeting at 7.45pm in the Hall

Wednesday 9 March – Lenten Weekday

  • Holy Mass at 12 noon (St Boniface)
  • Lent Course “Belong and Believe” at 7.00pm in the Hall
  • Lent Prayer and Reflection Group on Zoom at 7.00pm

Thursday 10 March – Lenten Weekday

  • Holy Mass at 6.00pm

Friday 11 March – Lenten Weekday – CAFOD Family Fast Day

  • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions at 11.30am
  • Holy Mass at 12 noon
  • Tiverton Ranger at 6.30pm in the Hall

Saturday 12 March – Lenten Weekday

  • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm

Sunday 13 March – Second Sunday of Lent (C)

  • Holy Mass at 10.00am
  • Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)
  • Stations of the Cross at 3.00pm