The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Sunday 11th June, 2023
Please contact the parish to receive the newsletter by email each week.
Message from Canon Kristian
Dear brothers and sisters
This weekend we have the second big celebration of this new period of “Ordinary Time” – the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, commonly called Corpus Christi. Just like the celebration of the Most Holy Trinity, the Blessed Eucharist forms a central and constant part of our faith experience as Catholic Christians. The Gift of the Body and Blood of Christ, made present and received during the celebration of Mass, in many ways sums up the specific character of spiritual and Church life as Catholics. As the Second Vatican Council reminded us: “The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life” (Lumen Gentium, Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, art 11). This Solemnity is a time to recognise once again the precious nature of the Real Presence of Christ among us in the Sacrament of his Body and Blood and to give thanks for such a great gift. It is a time to renew our awareness of this Presence by the way we prepare to celebrate Mass and review the respect and reverence in how we actually receive Holy Communion. It is a moment to recognise the grace-filled transformative effect which comes from the fruitful reception of the Body and Blood of Christ. As St Augustine of Hippo proclaimed in one of his Easter Sermons: “If you receive the Eucharist well, you are what you eat. Since you are the Body of Christ and his members, it is your mystery which you receive. As you come to communion, you hear the words ‘The Body of Christ’ and you answer ‘Amen’. Be, therefore, members of Christ that your ‘Amen’ may be true. Be what you see. Receive what you already are”. Again, in his Confessions, he hears the Lord saying: “I am the food of those who are mature; grow, and you shall feed upon me; nor shall you change me, like the food of your flesh, into yourself, but you shall be changed into me.’ Pope Benedict XVI, in his Apostolic Exhortation on the Eucharist as the Source and Summit of the Church’s Life and Mission, Sacramentum Caritatis, reiterates this teaching of St Augustine: “It is not the eucharistic food that is changed into us, but rather we who are mysteriously transformed by it” (art 70). However, lest we become too introspective and approach the Gift of the Eucharist as something just “for me and for my private worship of the Real Presence of Christ”, St John Chrysostom starkly sets out the connection between seeing Christ in the Poor and reverencing Christ in the Eucharist: “If you cannot find Christ in the beggar at the door of the church, you will not find Him in the chalice”. The Catechism of the Catholic Church makes the same point: “The Eucharist commits us to the poor. To receive in truth the Body and Blood of Christ given up for us, we must recognise Christ in the poorest, his brethren” (art 1397). Thus, there is a direct connection between the receiving of the Body and Blood of Christ and the actual living out of our Christian life in accordance with the teaching, values, practice of Jesus. This gives us much food for thought and reflection on our daily Christian living.
Many of you have now resumed receiving Holy Communion from the Chalice. This Solemnity is a good time to remind ourselves that we are called to show a sign of reverence as we approach the reception of Holy Communion, most commonly by a bow of the head, whether before we receive the Body of Christ or before we receive the Blood of Christ. Importantly, even if you choose not to receive the Precious Blood, the Real Presence in the Chalice should be recognised by the same sign of reverence as you pass it by. To walk by and ignore this Presence is to contradict our belief in the Real Presence of Christ in both Elements.
On another matter, St John’s, our parish Primary School and Pre-School, was subject to an OFSTED Inspection in May. I am delighted to be able to tell you that our school was assessed in GOOD in all areas of its life and teaching and in its overall effectiveness! What a cause for celebration this is for our parish. Our school is a real blessing for our parish community and I would encourage all our parishioners who have children of pre-school and primary school age to send them to our parish school, where they will receive both a great education and a great formation in the Catholic faith. I attach a copy of the OFSTED Inspection Report to this Newsletter.
Attached to this Newsletter is also:
- the weekly guide to contemplative reflection on the Sunday Gospel, offered by Monika Manser
- the latest edition of Inspire, from Deacon Peter
- the June Update from Christians Together in Devon.
Please keep our children who will be receiving Holy Communion for the first time this weekend and next Sunday in a special, together with their families.
Be assured of my prayer for you all.
Canon Kristian
Canon Kristian Paver
Parish Priest
Parish of St James & St Boniface
40 Old Road
Tiverton EX16 4HJ
First Holy Communion Celebration Masses
The first of our First Holy Communion Masses will take place this Sunday at 10.00am at St James. Our congratulations and prayers go to the children who will receive Holy Communion for the first time this weekend. A special thank you goes to the catechists who have enabled our children to develop their understanding of this most sacred Sacrament and to the children’s families who have supported them along the way. Please note the change of Mass time at St Boniface to 12noon on this Sunday and next.
Well Done St John’s School!
In May OFSTED Inspectors visited our parish school to carry out a Section 5 Inspection. It is now possible to tell you the great news that St John’s was assessed as GOOD in all areas: the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management and early years provision, and therefore GOOD in overall effectiveness. This is an important recognition of the commitment and dedication of our teachers, governors and support staff, the support of our parents and the amazing achievement of our children. As a parish, we are justly proud of them all! The Report is attached to the Newsletter.
200 Club
Congratulations to Colette Best who won the £30 prize and to Anne Doble who won the £20 prize in the May draw. The 200 Club is an ongoing fund raiser for the Parish and new members can join for as little as £1 a month. Please speak to either Simon Coombs or Sheelagh Bourdon at St James or Teresa Cummings at St Boniface.
Sponsored Walk for CHAT
Our parishioner, Ewelina Żychlinska, and her daughter, Zofia, are doing a 1000km walk over three months to raise funds to support the work of CHAT. If you would like to support them, you can do so online at Ewelina Żych is fundraising for Churches Housing Action Team (Mid Devon) Ltd ( or by giving your donation to them directly.
Caritas Diocese of Plymouth – Refugee Week Event
Refugee Week is approaching and the theme this year is Compassion. Caritas Diocese of Plymouth would like to invite people to learn more about ‘Love the Stranger’ - a new publication by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales which reflects on our Christian response to the challenges facing those who have left their homeland in search of a better life.
Many in our diocese welcome those new to their community, reach out to asylum seekers, welcome families through community sponsorship, host Ukrainian families and much more. This event will be an opportunity to find out more about what is happening and to learn from each other. All welcome to join Caritas via Zoom on Wednesday 21 June from 6.00-7.00pm. Please email or fill in this short form to receive the Zoom link
School Transport Funds
The School Transport Fund aims to subsidise the cost to parents of children travelling to Catholic schools in the Diocese. If you feel that you may qualify to be assisted by this Fund, please speak to Canon Kristian or to Rosie in the Parish Office and, if appropriate, they can provide you with an application form. The closing date for applications is 31 July 2023.
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
T his Thursday, 15 June, is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. The abuse of older people is a serious and growing problem, so it is vital to raise awareness of this to enable us all to take responsibility for preventing elder abuse in our communities. Elder abuse comes in many forms including physical, emotional, sexual and financial abuse, as well as neglect. A survey commissioned by the charity Hourglass in 2020 revealed that 1 in 5 UK residents has personal experience of abuse as an older person or know someone who has been abused.
If you are an older person and you have experienced abuse, or you are concerned that someone you know may be a victim of abuse, you can contact: The Safeguarding Office on 01364 645430 (Monday to Friday, 9.00-4.30pm). Hourglass, a charity working to challenge and prevent the abuse and neglect of older people, has a 24/7 telephone helpline number 0808 808 8141 or text 07860 052906. The charity’s website includes a live chat service:
Mid Devon Show
Volunteers to help with the Churches’ Tent at the Mid Devon Show on Saturday 22 July at Knightshayes are needed: people to make cakes or soup, people to serve food and to welcome at the entrance of the tent, as well as people to commit to pray from home over the course of the day for the Christian presence at the Show. The Churches’ Tent is a great opportunity for us to show God’s love to our community, as well as showcase the charities working across Mid Devon. If you can help, please email Joanna Friend on
Day for Life
Next Sunday, 18 June, is the annual Day for Life. There will be a retiring collection to support the work of the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales in promoting the Gospel of Life in all areas of our national and political discourse.
Survey for the New Diocesan Newsletter
The Diocese is in the process of launching a monthly newsletter and the Communications Team would love to get a better idea of what content people would be most interested in receiving by answering the few short questions in this survey by the end of June.
Masses and Events this week
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Saturday 10 June – Weekday
- Confirmation Preparation at 11.00am in the Hall
- Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm Pro Populo
Sunday 11 June – The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (A)
- Holy Mass at 10.00am
- Holy Mass at 12.00pm (at St Boniface)
Tenth Week in Ordinary Time
Monday 12 June – Weekday
- Singing to Remember today at 2.00pm in the Hall
Tuesday 13 June – St Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor
- Holy Mass at 10.00am
Wednesday 14 June – Weekday
- Holy Mass at 12noon (St Boniface)
Thursday 15 June – Weekday
- Holy Mass at 6.00pm
Friday 16 June – The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions at 11.30am
- Service of the Word and Holy Communion at 12noon
- Jubilarians’ Mass at 12noon at the Cathedral, Plymouth
70 years – Fr Denis Collin, Fr Paddy Kilgariff
60 years – Fr Paul Rea
25 years – Canon Philip Dyson, Fr Dylan James, Fr Brian Stevens
Saturday 17 June – The Immaculate Heart of Mary
- Car Boot Sale from 9.00am in St James Carpark
- Baptisms of Oleg, Nadia and Lara Karpienko at 2.00pm
- Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm Pro Populo
Sunday 18 June – Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
- Holy Mass at 10.00am
- Holy Mass at 12.00pm (at St Boniface) Joan Harvey RIP