Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A)
Harvest Thanksgiving
Sunday 1st October, 2023
Please contact the parish to receive the newsletter by email each week.
Message from Canon Kristian
Dear sisters and brothers
It was good to be able to have a break away from my various parish and diocesan responsibilities, but it is also good to be back home again – despite the many emails and meetings that now await me! I am really grateful to Fr Paul for his willingness and generosity to take care of the weekend Masses in my absence. I hear that, due to unexpected flooding, he and Deacon Michael were unable to get to St Boniface for Mass on the first weekend of my absence and that the gathered congregation kept calm and celebrated a Service of the Word and Holy Communion instead. What a resourceful and appropriate thing to do!
This coming week marks the beginning and first stage of the long-awaited Synod in Rome. You will recall that we, together with every parish in the world, were asked to reflect on various things and to feed our responses back to our diocese, which then fed these back to the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, which was then fed back to the continental body of bishops, who eventually fed back to the Synod Office in Rome! A final redaction of the responses from around the world was made and has become the Instrumentum Laboris or Working Document which will form the basis of the Synod’s discussions. Although it is not a short document, I would encourage you all to take some time to read and reflect on the Instrumentum Laboris itself, as it reflects much of what has been discussed by communities around the world and will be the catalyst for the work of the Synod this October. As I noted in the Newsletter, this Synod is different from previous Synods of Bishops since, although previous gatherings have included some superiors of some religious orders of priests who were given the right to vote alongside the bishops, this Synod includes representatives of religious women, lay men and lay women not just as advisers, but with the right to vote on the final propositions of the Synod. This is a major step forward for the way in which the Church includes lay people in its governance structures. You can follow both the Ecumenical Prayer Vigil and some of the proceedings of the Synod on the links that I have provided in the Newsletter. Special Prayers of the Faithful for the Synod and a special final blessing will be used at the Masses this weekend throughout the world. A second meeting of the Synod will take place this time next year, after there has been a year to reflect on the outcome of this year’s meeting. More than just an event, Pope Francis wants the Church at all levels, including at the parish level, to live and work in a synodal manner, thereby encouraging everyone to listen to each other and discern together on an on-going basis where the Holy Spirit is at work.
A new diocesan wide newsletter has been launched this month, which includes relevant news, information about upcoming events, spiritual reflections, prayers, poetry, video messages, articles on history and heritage, ‘good news’ faith in action stories and more. In keeping with the mission of our diocese, it is hoped that that the newsletter will help to nurture and foster connectivity, to share useful information as well as articles that will encourage and inspire us as a community, and also individually, on our faith journeys. The newsletter will be featuring contributions from both clergy and laity and will always be open to feedback and suggestions. I am delighted to say that this first edition includes an article by our own parishioner Levi Roach on St Boniface, the Patron of our diocese. The link to the diocesan newsletter is and can also be found at the end of the parish Newsletter. Please contact if you have any ideas for future editions of the diocesan newsletter, perhaps even something you would like to offer yourself.
We are celebrating our annual Thanksgiving for the Harvest this weekend and, as a concrete expression of our desire to share the fruits of the harvest with those in need, we will be placing food items in front of the altar to donate to the CHAT Foodbank on behalf of the parish. A list of basic foodstuffs particularly needed by the Foodbank is contained in the Newsletter.
Alongside the Newsletter, I attach:
- A guide from Monika Manser to assist with a prayerful reading of this Sunday’s Gospel
- A leaflet setting out the sort of things that can be placed in the Orange Box for the Catholic Children’s Society
- The latest Newsletter from The Lighthouse Café and Bookshop in Tiverton
- The latest News from the Catholic National Shrine of Our Lady in Walsingham
Let us remember to pray for each other, especially those amongst us who are sick or in particular need, as well as for peace and justice in our world, especially in Ukraine and Yemen, and for school girl who was stabbed to death in Croydon on Wednesday and for the young girl and coach driver who died yesterday in the accident on the M53. May they rest in peace.
May God bless you
Canon Kristian
Canon Kristian Paver
Parish Priest
Parish of St James & St Boniface
40 Old Road
Tiverton EX16 4HJ
Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday
This Sunday is Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday. As a concrete sign of our thanksgiving to God for the fruits of the earth, every parishioner is asked to bring at least one item of basic foodstuff, especially the “daily essentials” – coffee/tea, long-life milk, cereal, pasta and rice, tinned meat, tinned vegetables, curry/pasta sauce, tinned stew or chilli – to place in front of the altar before Mass, which will then be donated to the CHAT Foodbank, which continues to be very low on stock.
October Prayer Intention – Prayer for the Synod
On Tuesday, 4 October, the Synod opens in Rome to reflect on the results of the listening process that has taken place in parishes and communities throughout the Church, a Synod which, for the first time, will include lay men and women with the right to vote alongside the Bishops. Pope Francis has clearly stated that “without prayer there will be no Synod” and so asks us to pray for the Church “that she may adopt listening and dialogue as a lifestyle at every level and allow herself to be guided by the Holy Spirit towards the peripheries of the world”. See In his letter to the Bishops of the world, Cardinal Mario Grech, the General Secretary of the Synod, reminds them that prayer is first and foremost listening, then prayer is adoration, intercession and thanksgiving.
An Ecumenical Prayer Vigil ( will take place in Rome this Saturday afternoon, 30 September, which will be live streamed on and on the Vatican YouTube Channel.
Good News for our Church in Tiverton!
After many years of unfulfilled promises and unrealised plans, this week we were finally granted planning permission to proceed with the extension and rebuilding of St James! This is a major step forward and marks a new stage in the process. Let us give thanks to God for this blessing for our community.
CAFOD Harvest Fast Day
This coming Friday, 6 October, is the CAFOD Harvest Fast Day. Please take an envelope with you today and return it with your offering next weekend.
Lost Property
A number of items of clothing and a walking stick have been left in St James over the last few months. They are on the hooks at the entrance to the church. Please take a look to see if anything belongs to you. If they remain unclaimed, we will donate them to a Charity Shop.
Catholic Children Society Recycling Boxes
New Orange Boxes for items which can be recycled to raise money for the Catholic Children’s Society can be found at the entrance to church in St James and in the hall at St Boniface. A leaflet listing the types of things that can be recycled is attach to the Newsletter.
First Holy Communion 2024
If you have a child, aged 7 or over, who you would like to start preparation for the reception of First Confession and First Holy Communion next year, please pick up an application form at the entrance to church or download a copy from the parish website and return it to the Parish Office as soon as possible.
Day of Reflection for the World Day of the Poor 2023
All are welcome to come and spend the day at St Rita’s Centre, Honiton, on Saturday 14 October, 10.30am-3.30pm (lunch included) to pray and reflect on Pope Francis’s message for the 7th World Day of the Poor – “Do not turn away your face from anyone who is poor”(Tobit 4:7) – and how we are called to respond. There will be two thought-provoking guest speakers with national and international reputations: David Wells, a well-known author and popular motivational speaker from our own Diocese, and Jenny Sinclair, founder of Together for the Common Good. They will leave participants feeling both uplifted and challenged. Come along to celebrate those who give their time to others and reflect on how we can extend the hand of welcome. Places are filling up fast for this FREE event so booking is essential by 2 October by emailing
Exeter Deanery Liturgy and Music Day
Are you involved in, or interested in liturgy and music in the parish? Do you want to find out more about using music to enhance the liturgy? The Deanery is privileged to welcome Jo Boyce and her friends to Blessed Sacrament Church in Exeter for a day of uplifting teaching, music and worship on Saturday 14 October, 10.15am-6.00pm. Jo will be helping us to understand how music can be used to enhance liturgy. By sharing teaching and techniques she will deepen our formation, knowledge and skills to use within our parish settings. The day will start at 10.15am with tea and coffee in the St Richard Reynolds Centre next to the Blessed Sacrament church and finish with the celebration of Mass in the church at 6.00pm. Please bring a packed lunch. There is plenty of parking on site. Bring your voice, an instrument if you play one, and most importantly, your desire and enthusiasm for praising God in the Liturgy of the Church. To let us know to expect you, please complete the form by clicking this link.
August Parish Giving
Loose: £892.71 Contactless: £280.00 Standing Order: £2792.00
Beetle Drive
This coming Friday, 6 October, the Tiverton Soroptimists will be holding a Beetle Drive in the Hall at St James at 7.00pm to raise money for Unite Carers Tiverton and for a small project in Sierra Leone. Tickets will cost £5.00 for adults and £2.50 for children. The evening is open to all, so come along, have fun and help support these two worthy causes.
Masses and Events this week
Sunday 1st October –26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday 30 September – St Jerome, Priest and Doctor
- Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm
Sunday 1 October – Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday (A)
- Holy Mass at 10.00am Pro Populo
- Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)
Monday 2 October – The Holy Guardian Angels
- Singing to Remember at 2.00pm in the Hall
Tuesday 3 October – Weekday
- No Mass
- SVP Meeting at 7.30pm in the Hall
Wednesday 4 October – St Francis of Assisi, Religious
- Holy Mass at 12noon (St Boniface)
Thursday 5 October – St Maria Faustina Kowalska, Virgin
- Holy Mass at 6.00pm
Friday 6 October – Weekday – CAFOD Fast Day
- Holy Mass at St John’s School at 9.30am
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions at 11.30am
- Holy Mass at 12.00noon
Saturday 7 October – Our Lady of the Rosary
- Confirmation Preparation at 11.00am in the Hal
- Holy Baptism of Faith Fury at 1.00pm
- Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm
Sunday 8 October – Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
- Holy Mass at 10.00am Pro Populo
- Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)
Click here to read our new Diocesan Newsletter: