23rd – 25th Sundays in Ordinary Time (Year A)
Sunday 10th – Sunday 24th September
Please contact the parish to receive the newsletter by email each week.
Message from Canon Kristian
Dear brothers and sisters
Please find attached the Newsletter which covers the next three Sundays, taking special note of the changes to the Mass schedule on some of the weekdays.
As well as a reminder that we are now in the Season of Creation, you will see that there are references to a few events connected with this Season:
- the showing of the film “The Letter: A Message to the Earth” next Saturday 16 September in the parish hall. This film is produced by the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development and features interviews between Pope Francis and representatives of peoples across the globe whose lives have been affected by climate change.
- the holding of our annual Harvest Supper and Parish Review on Wednesday 27 September at 7.00pm in the parish hall
- the Celebration of Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday on Sunday 1 October.
Please do make a note of these in your diary. If you could put your name down on the list at the back of church to indicate that you will be taking part in the Harvest Supper and Parish Review, that will help us greatly from the point of view of catering for the supper. It is hoped that by that time we should have received planning permission for the new building at St James and we will hear about some of the issues that have been considered by the Parish Pastoral Council. It is also an opportunity for you to contribute to the discussion about the vision and mission of our parish community. With reference to our Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday, note that in response to the continuing high demand at the CHAT Foodbank and the subsequent lack of basic foodstuffs, as an expression of our thanksgiving each person is being asked to bring to church at least one item to contribute to a parish donation to the Foodbank. I know that you will all response with your usual abundant generosity to this initiative.
Finally, a reminder to all parents who have children aged 7 and over whom they wish to prepare to receive the Sacraments of First Confession and First Holy Communion next June. It is really important that we receive a completed application form for each child by the end of September, so that we will be in a position to make plans for the preparation programme. The application forms are in church or on the parish website.
Be assured of my prayer for you all
Canon Kristian
Canon Kristian Paver
Parish Priest
Parish of St James & St Boniface
40 Old Road
Tiverton EX16 4HJ
Season of Creation 2023
The Season of Creation runs from 1 September to 4 October. During the Season of Creation, we are invited to pray, act and focus on the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor – to listen to those whose voices are less heard; to pray for those individuals, communities, species, and ecosystems which are lost and those whose livelihoods are threatened by climate change. Pope Francis’ message to mark the beginning of this important Season ( encourages us all to take action to care for God’s creation. You can find ideas and resources for celebrating Season of Creation on the diocesan website
Parish Showing of “The Letter”
T he Parish CAFOD Group will be hosting a showing and discussion of the film “The Letter: A Message for our Earth” in the Parish Hall next Saturday 16 September, 1.30-4.00pm. The Letter tells the story of a journey to Rome of frontline leaders where the climate change or the destruction of the environment is having a major impact of their lives to discuss the encyclical letter Laudato Si’ with Pope Francis. It would be great to see a good representation of our parish present, as an invitation to come along has also been sent out to the wider community.
Evangelii Gaudium Sunday
Pope Francis calls on the Church to embark on a fundamental change of direction when it comes to evangelisation, no longer relying on past structures and actions but to read the signs of the times and act passionately in proclaiming the unique message of the Gospel that brings joy to all people who receive it with an open heart. This is the challenge and opportunity we take up on Evangelii Gaudium Sunday on Sunday 17 September. At the Masses over that weekend, there will be a collection to support the work of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales Department of Evangelisation and Discipleship. In order to make a donation online, go to
Harvest Supper and Parish Review
Our Harvest Supper will take place on Wednesday 27 September at 7.00pm in the Parish Hall. During the meal, we will have our annual parish review session to reflect on the priorities and plans of the parish for the next twelve months. Do come along to enjoy some good food in thanksgiving for the harvest and to celebrate our community life. There is a list at the back of church for names, so that we can have a rough number for catering purposes.
Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday
Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday will take place on Sunday 1 October. As a concrete sign of our thanksgiving to God for the fruits of the earth, every parishioner is asked to bring at least one item of basic foodstuff (eg tins of soup and vegetables, pasta sauces and tinned meat) to Mass, which will then be donated to the CHAT Foodbank, which continues to be very low of stock.
First Holy Communion 2024
If you have a child, aged 7 or over, who you would like to start preparation for the reception of First Confession and First Holy Communion next year, please pick up an application form at the entrance to church or download a copy from the parish website and return it to the Parish Office as soon as possible.
Rotas for Liturgical Ministries at St James
Rotas with dates for all readers, extraordinary ministers of holy communion and welcomers are on the board in the hall. Please sign for the dates when you are available to undertake your ministry.
CHAT Food Bank Needs Stocks Urgently!
Due to increased demand, the stocks at the CHAT Food Bank are greatly reduced. Please remember to use the receptacles for your donations at the checkouts in the major supermarkets in our area or deposit your donations in the CHAT box at church. Remember you can download the BankTheFood App onto your phone, choose the CHAT Foodbank, and find out in real time what our local foodbank urgently needs.
Caritas September Newsletter
Caritas Diocese of Plymouth’s September newsletter is now available to read online, full of uplifting news of Love in Action in our parishes and upcoming events. Please click the link here: If you would like a printed copy, please telephone Caritas on 01364 645360.
Masses and Events this week
Sundays 10th – 24th September– 23rd – 25th Sundays in Ordinary Time
Saturday 9 September – Weekday
- Children’s Liturgy Group at 10.00am in the Hall
- Confirmation Preparation at 11.00am in the Hall
- Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm
Sunday 10 September – Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
- Holy Mass at 10.00am Pro Populo
- Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)
Monday 11 September – Weekday
- Singing to Remember at 2.00pm in the Hall
Tuesday 12 September – Weekday
- Holy Mass at 10.00am
Wednesday 13 September – St John Chrysostom, Bishop and Doctor
- Service of the Word and Holy Communion at 12noon (St Boniface)
Thursday 14 September – The Exaltation of the Cross
- No Mass
Friday 15 September – Our Lady of Sorrows
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions at 11.30am
- Holy Mass at 12.00noon
Saturday 16 September – St Cornelius, Pope and Martyr, and St Cyprian, Bishop and Martyr
- Parish Showing and Discussion of “The Letter”, 1.30pm-4.00pm in the Hall
- Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm Pro Populo
Sunday 17 September – Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
- Holy Mass at 10.00am Marlena Marynczak (Birthday Ints) followed by a French Breakfast
- Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)
Monday 18 September – Weekday
- Singing to Remember at 2.00pm in the Hall
Tuesday 19 September – St Theodore of Canterbury, Bishop
- Holy Mass at 10.00am Norman Pennie RIP (anniv)
Wednesday 20 September – Weekday
- Service of the Word and Holy Communion at 12noon (St Boniface)
Thursday 21 September – St Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist
- Holy Mass in Polish at 6.00pm
Friday 22 September – Dedication of the Cathedral
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions at 11.30am
- Holy Mass at 12.00noon Luke Nicholson & Edem Akwayena (wedding)
Saturday 23 September – St Pius of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) Priest
- Friends of St James and St Boniface at 9.30am in the Hall
- Confirmation Preparation at 11.00am in the Hall
- Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm
Sunday 24 September – Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
- Holy Mass at 10.00am Pro Populo
- Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)
**** Total raised by the Summer Fair: £1509.64 ****