21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)
Sunday 22 August 2021
Please contact the parish to receive the newsletter by email each week.
Message from Canon Kristian
Dear brothers and sisters
News of the tragic events in Plymouth last week spread far and wide and even reached the ears of the Holy Father, who sent a message of condolence and blessing to the City and to the bereaved families in particular. A copy of his message is available to read here.
As we move into the last full week of August, our focus is beginning to be directed to initiatives that will be taking place in September. Along with the preparations for the World Day of the Poor in October, the postponed 25th Anniversary Service for CHAT will be held on Sunday 5 September at 7pm in St Paul’s Church, Tiverton. It would be really great to see a large representation of our parish community there taking part. We are also blessed to have the opportunity of an Ignatian Retreat in Everyday Life being offered by our parishioner Barbara Strong, starting at the end of September. More details can be found about this in the Newsletter.
Pope Francis has declared that the Season of Creation will run from Sunday 5 September until the feast day of St Francis of Assisi on Monday 4 October. I will be meeting with some members of the Parish CAFOD Group this coming week in order to plan some initiatives that we might undertake both as a parish and as individuals during that time to show our care and concern for the precarious stage of our planet and common home, and to prepare for the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) which will be meeting at the end of October in Glasgow. Pope Francis has indicated that he will be coming personally to Glasgow to participate in the Conference. The Holy Father has left us in little doubt that the care of God’s creation is an integral part of the lived reality of our Christian faith. So this might be a good time to read – or re-read – his teaching on this subject found in his Encyclical Letter, Laudato Si’, teaching which has been well-received and heeded far beyond the borders of our own Church.
Although we are hopefully now coming through the worst of COVID-19, the impact of the virus will continue to be felt on the health and well-being of individuals, families and communities for a long time to come. As you will read in the Newsletter, the help of the Catholic Children’s Society has been needed more than ever by children and families over these last 18 months, just so that they can have the basic necessities. This has obviously had a major impact on the Society’s finances – dependent as it is almost entirely on the donations that it receives from our parishes through the Annual Appeal and the offerings left at the Crib at Christmas. The Annual Appeal takes place next weekend, so do please take a leaflet with you if you are at Mass this weekend. If you will not be able to be physically with us at Mass this week and next, or even if you are, do take a look at the Society’s website to learn something of the important work of the Society and donate via the website if you can. Your generosity will make a huge difference to the lives of some of the neediest families in the diocese.
Thanks as always to Monika Manser for her helpful leaflet on prayerful contemplation on Sunday’s Gospel.
The access details for the Parish Get Together on Zoom on Thursday are available from the parish office as usual.
Enjoy the last week or so of August and let’s hope we will be blessed with some sunny days!
Be assured of my prayers for you all.
God Bless
Canon Kristian
Message from His Holiness, Pope Francis
In a letter communicated to Bishop Mark from the Secretary of State at the Vatican, Pope Francis expressed his spiritual closeness to those affected by the shootings in Plymouth last week and imparts his Blessing to all concerned. His message, a copy of which is available on the diocesan website here, was communicated directly to the bereaved families.
Catholic Children’s Society (Plymouth) Annual Appeal
Next weekend is the annual appeal and retiring collection to support the work of the Catholic Children’s Society. In support of this appeal, Bishop Mark writes:
“Seventeen months have passed since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in our country and many families are still facing crippling economic hardship. Throughout this long period, the Catholic Children’s Society (Plymouth) has continued to respond to an ever-increasing demand from families in our Diocese who find themselves in great difficulty and who lack essential items to meet their basic needs.
Meeting these needs has resulted in a significant depletion of the Society’s limited resources which are needed in order to continue to support such families who have fallen on hard times. So I again appeal to your generosity to support the good work of the Catholic Children’s Society (Plymouth) by offering what you can. In so doing, through the agency of the Society, you will make a real difference to those families who are struggling at the most basic level. May God bless you for responding as generously as you can to this Annual Appeal.”
Please take a leaflet today or visit the CCSP website at to understand the wonderful work the Society does to help struggling children and their families. Please pray that this vital work will continue to make a difference. Thank you.
CHAT 25th (+1!) Anniversary Service
Calling Altar Servers!
We are once again able to have altar servers at Mass. This important ministry aids the dignified celebration of Mass. If there are any children who have made their First Communion or any young people who would like to serve, please speak to Canon Kristian, Deacon Michael or Deacon Peter as soon as possible.
Walking with the Poor
Caritas Plymouth will be holding an event on Saturday 9 October from 10.30am-3.00pm at St Rita’s Centre, Honiton, to prepare for the World Day of the Poor which takes places in November. This free event includes lunch, and thoughts and ideas will be shared about how we are reaching out to the poor and whether we need to take a different approach to poverty. Speakers include Bishop Mark and Raymond Friel from the Caritas Social Action Network. Best practice on Covid safety measures will be followed. Spaces are limited, so booking is essential. Click here to register or paper forms are available at the entrance to church.
Introducing an Ignatian Retreat in Everyday Life
In this increasingly challenging world,
where is God at work in the fabric of our lives?
Come and share with a group of fellow travellers some of the experience of your life and your prayer, by giving voice to your thoughts and feelings along the Way of life in a safe and secure space.
We will be using a beautifully illustrated handbook produced by the Glasgow Ignatian Centre and will start with an introductory meeting in person on Sunday 26 September in the Parish Hall, 6-7pm.
This retreat requires a commitment of at least ten minutes a day in quiet reflection and prayer, reading the daily scripture passages as you follow the life of Jesus presented in the handbook. It follows the same pattern as the Lent online retreat which some of you participated in earlier this year.
The meetings will be at the same time and location weekly unless there is another lockdown, in which case we will transfer online. We will continue for seven weeks, taking us up to the start of Advent. The retreat will have no more than ten participants. Further retreat experiences may be offered at a later date if there is greater interest.
If you are interested or would like to know more, please email Barbara Strong – contact details available from the parish office.
Book/Lunch Group
The Book/Lunch Group will be going for lunch at Halfway House on Thursday 2 September 2021 at 12.30pm, returning to the Parish Hall for a drink and a chat. If you are unable to go, please let Sheelagh Bourdon know – contact details available from the parish office.
Dates for your Diary
The Parish Barbecue is scheduled to take place on Saturday 4 September at 12noon. The next Car Boot Sale will take place on Saturday 18 September in St James’ Carpark – 9.00am (buyers), 8.00am (sellers).
Message from the Police
The Police are investigating the crash which took place in Blundell’s Road, Tiverton, on Wednesday 18 August, in which sadly an elderly man died. If you have information which may help or you witnessed anything, please email quoting “Log 0410 for Wed 18/8”.
Parish Services and Events This Week
Saturday 21 August – St Pius X, Pope
- Holy Mass at 6.00pm (Vigil Mass)
Sunday 22 August – Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
- Holy Mass at 10.00am Pro Populo
- Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)
Tuesday 24 August – Feast of St Bartholomew, Apostle
- Holy Mass at 10.00am
- Parish CaFOD Group Meeting at 10.45am in the Parish Hall
- SVP Meeting at 7.45pm in the Parish Hall
Wednesday 25 August – Weekday
- Holy Mass at 12noon (at St Boniface)
Thursday 26 August – Blessed Dominic of the Mother of God, Priest
- Get Together at 11.00am on Zoom
- Holy Mass at 6.00pm
Friday 27 August – St Monica, Patron of Mothers
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at 11.30am
- Holy Mass at 12noon
Saturday 28 August – St Augustine, Bishop and Doctor
- Singing Practice at 11.00am in St James
- Holy Mass at 6.00pm (Vigil Mass) Charlie Gorman RIP
Sunday 29 August – Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
- Holy Mass at 10.00am Pro Populo
- Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)