First Sunday of Advent (Year A)

Sunday 27th November, 

Please contact the parish to receive the newsletter by email each week.

Message from Canon Kristian

Dear brothers and sisters
Happy New Year!
This Sunday marks both the beginning of a new Church Year and the beginning of the short Season of Advent.
Advent is the time when we heighten our awareness of the “comings of Christ”:  his coming in the flesh, as one like us, in the Incarnation, his coming at the end of time to inaugurate the fullness of the Kingdom of God and his coming to us at every moment of our daily life within each of us, in others and through the circumstances and encounters of our lives.  So, let’s use the next four weeks leading up to the celebration of Christmas to the best of our ability, so that our senses are awake, alert and prepared to greet the Christ who comes to us wherever and in whoever Christ chooses.

Thank you for your generosity in many ways to the mission of the parish and the charitable causes it supports.  I know many of you have already taken the “reverse” Advent Calendar for CHAT as a way of contributing to the Food Bank over this Season.  I attach a copy of the Calendar just in case there are some of you who still want to use it

Please pray for the repose of the souls of Paula Hubbard and Rosaleen Stephenson who have died recently.  May the rest in peace and rise in glory.
Let us keep each other in our prayers as we look forward in faith, hope, love and joy to the coming of Christ.
God bless you all
Canon Kristian

Walk with Me” and “Day by Day” for Advent

As a help to dedicating time each day to experience something of the message of Advent and to prepare ourselves spiritually for Christmas, copies of Walk with Me and Day by Day are available at no cost at church this weekend. Please do take copies before you leave. There are also some Advent Calendars for our children.

Online Event: “I was in prison and you visited me” (Mt 25:26)

A joint on-line event between Caritas Plymouth and the Diocese of Clifton will take place this Tuesday 29 November, 7.00-8.00pm, entitled “A Fresh Start: People affected by Imprisonment”, focussing on prison ministry, prayer and action. Send an email to or use the QR code if you would like to take part.

Mary’s Meals

On behalf of herself and Mary’s Meals, Ann White sends a very big “thank you” for the warm welcome, kind words and generous donations that she received last weekend. Together with the sale of the whole stock of books she brought with her, £603.66 was raised which is enough to give 7,244 hungry children a free school meal or to feed 38 children for a whole school year.

Operation Warm New Clothes

Many thanks to everyone who are so generously donating new warm clothes for children. A number of families have already been helped, including one from Ukraine. Coats, girls’ pyjamas and warm jumpers are especially needed.

Canon Kristian’s Christmas Cake and the Main Christmas Draws

Draw tickets are on sale for this year’s draw for Canon Kristian’s Christmas Cake and for the main Christian Draw. The draw for the cake will take place on Sunday 11 December and the draw for the main Christmas Draw will happen on Saturday 17 December. So, now is the time to purchase your tickets if you haven’t done so already!

Book”/Lunch Club

The lunch for December is a week later than usual. It will take place on Thursday 8 December at 12.30pm at the College, Tiverton. If you are unable to come, please let Sheelagh know on 01884 256312.

Epiphany Concert

We will be holding an Epiphany Concert on Sunday 8 January 2023 at 3.00pm in the Hall at St James and want to involve St John’s School, our young people, singers and musicians. It would be great if different groups could prepare something for the concert and make it a really good parish event. Please let Bridget Tosh know if you are able to contribute a song and/or a piece of music to the concert.

Flame 2023

Those aged from 14-21 years are invited to join the Plymouth contingent going to Flame 2023 at Wembley Stadium, London, on Saturday 4 March 2023. Tickets are £35 and include entry and travel to Wembley. Coaches will pick up from locations in Dorset and Devon. It is a great chance to hear from speakers like Robert Bilott, singer/songwriter Adenike and award winner Guvna B. This is the largest Catholic gathering in England and Wales. To book go to or contact Saskia or Michelle at

Diocesan Job Vacancy – Safeguarding Administrator

The Diocese is looking to appoint a part-time Safeguarding Administrator to work three days a week, preferably Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, based at St. Boniface House, Ashburton, Devon, with some home working to meet COVID secure requirements. Salary: £12.20 per hour pro rata to 3 days, amounting to an actual salary of £13,322 per annum.
The Safeguarding Administrator works as part of the Diocesan Safeguarding Team delivering measures to ensure the safety of the young and vulnerable within the Diocese. The successful applicant will have a good understanding of Microsoft Office, a high level of IT fluency and an ability to learn new IT systems. The post holder will be trained and accredited to manage the Disclosure and Barring Service Checks (DBS).
For an informal discussion, please contact the Safeguarding Co-ordinator Robert Brown on or Annette Moody-Burkinshaw on The job description and person specification are obtainable from the HR Department on 01364 645383 or email Applications are by application form and covering letter. The closing date is Monday 5 December. Interviews will be held during week commencing Monday 12 December. The appointee to this post will be subject to an enhanced clearance through the Disclosure & Barring Service.

Church Key Survey

We need to undertake a key survey for insurance purposes. So, if you hold any keys for either of our churches, please would you put your name and which keys you hold on the paper at the entrance to church as soon as possible.

Day Retreats in Advent in Lynton Convent

The Sisters of Mary Morning Star in Lynton are offering free Day Retreats on the Tuesdays during Advent (29 November, and 6, 13 and 20 December), 11.30am-6.30pm. Following Mass there will be a time for adoration, rosary, walk in the Valley of the Rocks, teaching on lectio divina, ending with Vespers. There is no need to book, just bring a packed lunch and a bible! For more information, email or call 01598 753373.

Masses and Events this week

Sunday 27th November, 2022 – 1st Sunday in Advent Year A

  • Saturday 26 November – Weekday

    • Marriage of Mark Ravnkilde and Victoria Symes at 1.00pm at St Bartholomew’s Church, Cadeleigh
    • Vigil Mass at 6.00pm Victor Menezes RIP (anniv)

    Sunday 27 November – First Sunday of Advent (A)

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am Pro Populo
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)

    Monday 28 November – Weekday

    • Singing to Remember at 2.00pm in the Hall

    Tuesday 29 November – St Cuthbert Mayne, Priest and Martyr

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am
    • Monthly Lunch Club, 12noon-2pm, in the Hall
    • SVP Meeting at 7.30pm in the Hall

    Wednesday 30 November – St Andrew, Apostle, Patron of Scotland

    • Holy Mass at 12noon (at St Boniface) Deceased Priests and Parishioners (FM)

    Thursday 1 December – Advent Weekday

    • Holy Mass at 6.00pm

    Friday 2 December – St Osmund of Salisbury, Bishop

    • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions at 11.30am
    • Holy Mass at 12noon

    Saturday 3 December – St Francis Xavier, Priest

    • Vigil Mass at 6.00pm

    Sunday 4 November – Second Sunday of Advent (A)

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am Pro Populo
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)