Twentieth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A)

Sunday 18th August, 2023

Please contact the parish to receive the newsletter by email each week.

Message from Canon Kristian

Dear sisters and brothers

It was heartening to see many of you at Mass on Monday and Tuesday to celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady.  Our Catholic appreciation of the person and role of Mary in the history of salvation is so important for a right understanding of the beauty of the human person and her/his capacity to respond faithfully to the call and will of God.  Notwithstanding the uniqueness of her calling, in her role of the first disciple and member of the Church, Mary is the exemplar of all disciples of Christ who would come after her.

You might have heard of the terrible violence aimed against Christians and churches in Pakistan and Northern India recently.  If not, the following websites provide some information about the situations – and Manipur Archbishop: ‘Fear, uncertainty’ following ethnic clashes in Indian state – Vatican News.  We often take for granted the hard-won freedom in which we, as Catholics, are able to practise our faith in this country in the modern era and the ability to live and work alongside people of other faiths and of none peacefully, respectfully and hopefully in friendship.  For centuries, our Catholic forbears were persecuted in this country and we should never forget their sacrifice, courage and perseverance that has enabled Catholics in the modern era to pray together and live out our faith in peace and tranquillity.  We owe them so much and I would encourage all of us to acquaint or reacquaint ourselves with the lives of the Martyrs of England and Wales.  Back to the inter-religious violence of our own day, you will see in the Newsletter that the Aid to the Church in Need Charity has contacted us to ask us to pray in a particular way for what is happening in Manipur in Northern India, which I am sure you will do; but please remember to pray for all those other parts of our world where there is religious persecution, violence and intolerance, not just against Christians – which is on the rise  World Watch List 2023  · Serving Persecuted Christians Worldwide ( – but against peoples of all faiths.

This week in church you will find copies of a booklet entitled “My Final Wishes” which enables you to put down in writing your wishes for your funeral rites.  Just as we are all encouraged to make a Will so that, at our death, our wishes are clear with regards to the disposition of our possessions, so it is important that we also make it clear to our families and friends how we wish our funerals to be celebrated.  Although the booklet has been modified, we are indebted to the Parish of St Joseph in Newton Abbot for the template and idea.  Speaking as a parish priest, it is really helpful that, when a parishioner dies, s/he has made their wishes known, especially if they are the only practising Catholic in their family or perhaps the only Catholic, as sometimes happens.  This is a help not only for the priest, but also for the family and those who are responsible for making the funeral arrangements, who will be wanting to do what you would have wanted.  It may be that you already have had some thoughts about what you want for your funeral which is great.  Hopefully, this booklet will prompt all of us to give this some thought.  Remember that this sort of reflection is neither morbid nor unhealthy for a person of faith, since death for us, though perhaps still emotionally and personally challenging, is a normal part of the shared human journey and the gateway to the fullness of life “…for your faithful, Lord, life is changed not ended” (taken from the Preface for Requiem Mass).

Thanks to Monika Manser as always for her regular contribution giving guidance for a prayerful reading of the Sunday Gospel, attached to the Newsletter.

Please keep in your prayers the sick and housebound of our parish community, as well as those who have died recently and those who mourn for them.  Let us surround them with love.

May God bless you all

Canon Kristian

Canon Kristian Paver

Parish Priest

Parish of St James & St Boniface

40 Old Road

Tiverton EX16 4HJ

Tel: 01884 252292

A Summer Breakfast

Please stay after the 10.00am Mass this Sunday to enjoy a Summer Breakfast, which will include homemade granola, yoghurt and blackberry compote.

Catholic Children’s Society Annual Appeal

The annual appeal of the Catholic Children’s Society will be held next weekend.  Please take an appeal envelope today or visit their website to understand the wonderful work which the Society does to help struggling children and their families.  Donations can also be made by:

  • sending a cheque made payable to ‘Catholic Children’s Society (Plymouth)’ to St Boniface House, Ashburton, Devon TQ13 7JL

  • BACS paid into Catholic Children’s Society (Plymouth) sort code: 52-41-60, account number: 06024335

  • texting 5CCSP to 70085 to donate £5, 10CCSP to donate £10 or 20CCSP to donate £20.

Prayers for Christians in Northern India

W e have been asked, via Aid to the Church in Need, to pray for Christians in Manipur State in north-east India. Archbishop Lemon of Imphal has seen his diocese at the centre of a wave of deadly attacks. Churches have been ransacked and thousands of people have been displaced after their homes were destroyed. The Archbishop has asked for prayers “to transform the minds of the people who are led by hatred and religious violence…the need is enormous…the destruction and loss to communities and the Church is great” … “Let there be peace, harmony and common brotherhood and those who have been deprived of their rights and dignity get their justice.” Let us join with them in prayers for peace and for respect for religious freedom and justice.

Parish Autumn Fair and Preparation Evening

The Parish Autumn Fair will take place on Saturday 2 September, 11.00am-1.00pm. A list for volunteers willing to help set up on the day with be put up soon. Donations of the following would be greatly appreciated: new goods for the instant raffle, homemade crafts, cakes (on the day), jams, pickles, preserves, very good quality bric-a-brac (no jumble or broken items please), bottles of any description but especially wine, children’s prizes and plants of any kind. There will be a “matchbox challenge” for children aged 11 and under. Keep an eye out for the matchboxes in church!

There will be a preparation session for the Autumn Fair in the Parish Hall at 7.00pm this Tuesday 22 August. Do come along and give a hand.

Parish Pastoral Council Sub-Groups

A reminder that the hall at St Boniface, Cullompton, will be open this Thursday, 24 August, from 7.00pm for members of the PPC to meet and discuss their chosen topics. Light refreshments will be provided.

My Final Wishes”

W e plan many things during our lives, but often we give little thought to our funerals, perhaps because we think it is a bit of a morbid thing to do. Even those of us who do give it some thought sometimes forget to write our thoughts down somewhere. Particularly in our day, when it is not uncommon that family members and those responsible for making the funeral arrangements are either not practising Catholics or people who have little connection with the Church, to set out your wishes for your funeral in writing is a very important way to ensure that your funeral rites are celebrated in the way you would have wanted.

As an aid to help you express your wishes for your funeral, a booklet entitled “My Final Wishes” is available at church which contains a number of questions and topics for you to complete so that there will be a written record of your wishes. This record can then be kept with all your important papers or entrusted to your next of kin.

Parish Showing of “The Letter”

The Parish CAFOD Group will be hosting a showing of the film “The Letter” in the Parish Hall on Saturday 16 September, 1.30-4.00pm. The Letter tells the story of a journey to Rome of frontline leaders where the climate change or the destruction of the environment is having a major impact of their lives to discuss the encyclical letter Laudato Si’ with Pope Francis. The exclusive dialogue with the Pope included in the film offers a revealing insight into the personal history of Pope Francis and stories never seen since he became the Bishop of Rome. This is an important film to watch and discuss, so please make this a date in your diaries.

CHAT Food Bank Needs Stocks Urgently!

Due to increased demand, the stocks at the CHAT Food Bank are greatly reduced. Please remember to use the receptacles for your donations at the checkouts in the major supermarkets in our area or deposit your donations in the CHAT box at church. Remember you can download the BankTheFood App onto your phone, choose the CHAT Foodbank, and find out in real time what our local foodbank urgently needs.

Call of Creation: Reading the Signs of the Times

This September marks a year since the Bishops of England and Wales republished The Call of Creation, a document that encourages us to repair our relationship with God’s creation. It recognises the interconnectedness of the biggest challenges of our times and urges each of us to ask ourselves how we can protect our common home.

You are invited to join a one-hour webinar on Tuesday 12 September at 7.00pm hosted by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, CAFOD and St. Mary’s University in conversation with Archbishop Peter Loy Chong of Fiji and Sr Margaret Atkins. CAFOD’s Director Christine Allen will host and there will be a welcome by Bishop John Arnold. Please register at

July Parish Giving

Loose: £1320.49 Sumup: £450.00 Standing Orders: £3000.00

Masses and Events this week

Sunday 18th August –20th Sunday in Ordinary TimE Year A

  • Saturday 19 August – Weekday

    • Car Book Sale at 9.00am in St James Car Park
    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm Jo Pennie RIP

    Sunday 20 August – Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am Bill McKinney (birthday ints) followed by a Summer Breakfast
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface) Pro Populo

    Monday 21 August – St Pius X, Pope

    • Singing to Remember at 2.00pm in the Hall

    Tuesday 22 August – The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am
    • Preparation for the Autumn Fair at 7.00pm in the Hall

    Wednesday 23 August – Weekday

    • Holy Mass at 12noon (St Boniface)

    Thursday 24 August – St Bartholomew, Apostle

    • Holy Mass at 6.00pm
    • PPC Sub-groups at 7.00pm in the Hall (St Boniface)

    Friday 25 August – Weekday

    • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions at 11.30am
    • Holy Mass with Prayers for Healing at 12noon

    Saturday 26 August – Blessed Dominic of the Mother of God, Priest

    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm Pro Populo

    Sunday 27 August – Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)