Transfiguration of the Lord (Year A)

Sunday 6th August, 2023

Please contact the parish to receive the newsletter by email each week.

Message from Canon Kristian

Dear brothers and sisters

Having just returned from a few days away, there is a very brief covering email to the Newsletter this weekend so that I can get the Newsletter out to you!  You will see that, due to the way the dates fall this year, this Sunday we are celebrating the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord and not the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Feasts of the Lord always take precedence over Sundays in Ordinary Time since they are often celebrations of particular events in the life of Christ which have central importance in understanding the person and ministry of Jesus and which have an impact on the lives of those who choose to follow the path of discipleship.  The Transfiguration is no exception since it gives us an insight into the reality of the fulfilment of all things in the Crucified and Risen Christ and into the power of Christ to radically transform our own lives.

Along with this weekend’s Newsletter I attach:

  • a guide to a prayerful reading of this Sunday’s Gospel offered by Monika Manser
  • an advert from the Diocese regarding a vacancy for a Refugee and Migrant Project Worker
  • the latest update from Churches Together in Devon

If you gift-aid your regular contributions to the parish and have not yet picked up your annual statement, it is available this weekend for you to collect either before or after Mass.  Any remaining statements will either be posted out to you or delivered by hand.  This annual piece of administration offers me a chance to thank you for your on-going and committed support for our parish and its community.  Your support is truly needed as we look forward, especially with regards to the parish’s contribution to the internal furnishing of the renewed and remodelled church in Tiverton which it is aimed to start building at the start of the New Year and to the upkeep of our church and the renewal of the hall in Cullompton.  Alongside these issues, we also have to consider the financial cost of future pastoral and charitable outreach projects which are just as important as – if not more important in some cases than – the “bricks and mortar” side of our life as a parish community. So, thank you once again for your continuing generosity in these financially “tight” times.

Let us remember in prayer at this time those who are presently away from the community on holiday, those within our community who cannot take a holiday due to personal or financial restraints, and those who are visiting our area and who will come to take their rightful place within our family as we gather to worship around the Altar of the Lord this weekend.

God bless,

Canon Kristian

Canon Kristian Paver

Parish Priest

Parish of St James & St Boniface

40 Old Road

Tiverton EX16 4HJ

ugust Prayer Intention

During the month of August, we are invited by the Holy Father to join in his prayer intention for World Youth Day: “We pray that the World Youth Day in Lisbon will help young people to live and witness the Gospel in their own lives. Visit to watch a video of Pope Francis himself introducing this month’s intention.

World Youth Day – Lisbon 2023

World Youth Day has been taking place in Lisbon from 1-6 August, an extraordinary event involving thousands of passionate young people from around the world, including a group from our own diocese. This unforgettable event offered inspiring talks, transformative workshops, powerful prayer sessions, and vibrant performances that are sure to leave a lasting impact. Catch up on all the events which took place over these days by going to the Bishops’ Conference website

Stand in Solidarity with Small Farmers

This weekend, following the information about the CAFOD “Fix the Food System” Campaign in support of small farmers around the world attached to the last two Newsletters, there will be an opportunity to sign a copy of the letter of support that will be sent to the head of the World Bank.

CHAT Food Bank Needs Stocks Urgently!

D ue to increased demand, the stocks at the CHAT Food Bank are greatly reduced. For the first time ever, it even ran out of tinned soup this week! If you can, please remember to use the receptacles for your donations at the checkouts in the major supermarkets in our area or deposit your donations in the CHAT box at church. Remember your can download the BankTheFood App onto your phone, choose the CHAT Foodbank and find out in real time what our local foodbank urgently needs. At the moment these are: biscuits, coffee, tinned meat, tinned fruit, soup, tinned tuna, tinned vegetables, tinned sweetcorn, tinned stew/curry/chilli/meatballs and fruit squash.

Sponsored Walk for CHAT

Ewelina Żychlinska, and her daughter, Zofia, are doing a 1000km walk over three months to raise funds to support the work of CHAT. If you would like to support them, you can do so online at Ewelina Żych is fundraising for Churches Housing Action Team (Mid Devon) Ltd ( or by giving your donation to them directly.

Parish Autumn Fair

We will be holding our Parish Autumn Fair on Saturday 2 September, 11.00am-1.00pm. A list for volunteers willing to help set up on the day with be put up soon. Donations of the following would be greatly appreciated: new goods for the instant raffle, homemade crafts, cakes (on the day), jams, pickles, preserves, very good quality bric-a-brac (no jumble or broken items please), bottles of any description but especially wine, children’s prizes and plants of any kind. There will be a “matchbox challenge” for children aged 11 and under. Watch out for the boxes at church!

Parish Showing of “The Letter”

The Parish CAFOD Group will be hosting a showing of the film “The Letter” in the Parish Hall on Saturday 16 September, 1.30pm-4.00pm. The Letter tells the story of a journey to Rome of frontline leaders, where climate change and/or the destruction of the environment is having a major impact on their lives, to discuss the encyclical letter Laudato Si’ with Pope Francis. The exclusive dialogue with the Pope included in the film offers a revealing insight into the personal history of Pope Francis and stories never seen since he became the Bishop of Rome. This is an important film to watch and discuss, so please make this a date in your diaries.

SVP Parish Skittles Evening and SVP Draw Tickets

Skittles Evening will take place at 7.30pm on Friday 18 August at the Racehorse Pub in Wellbrook Street, Tiverton. Adult tickets £10 each, with donations for children, includes a buffet supper. For catering purposes, please let Simon Coombs (07761 420703) know by 10 August if you would like to attend. The members of the SVP Group are also selling tickets for the National SVP Raffle. Tickets £1 each, first prize is £5000, second prize is £1000, 15 prizes of £100.

Diocesan Youth Rally

This year’s Youth Rally will take place on Saturday 23 September, 12noon-6.00pm, at St Rita’s Centre, Honiton. Join youth from across the Diocese in fun, games and challenges. Are you ready for the infamous obstacle course? Or are you keen to score lots of goals in the penalty shootout or netball challenge. There will be bouncy castles, didi cars, sumo wrestling challenges and much more for you to have a go at. The event is open to anyone aged 7 through to 16. You are encouraged to come as part of a parish group team or simply sign up and be placed in a team. The £8 contribution includes a BBQ and drinks. To book: or contact Saskia for further information:

Caritas Refugee and Migrant Worker Vacancy

The Diocese is looking to hire a Caritas Refugee and Migrant Worker to help it explore how it promotes a culture of encounter and partnership between parishes and their diverse local communities. If you have experience working with migrant and refugee communities and have worked with community projects, the Diocese would love to hear from you. 17.5 hours per week, two-year fixed term contract, hybrid working at home and at St Boniface House, Ashburton, a requirement to travel across the Diocese, DBS check required, annual pro-rata salary £12,500-£13,500. The closing date for applications is Monday 21 August 2023 and interviews will take place on 29/30 August. See the fuller advert attached to the Newsletter or the poster on the noticeboard.

200 Club Draw

Congratulations to Alan Newsome who won the £30 prize and to Pat Kennedy who won the £20 prize in the July draw. The 200 Club is an ongoing fund-raiser for the Parish and new members can join for as little as £1 a month. Please speak to either Simon Coombs or Sheelagh Bourdon at St James or Teresa Cummings at St Boniface. 

Masses and Events this week

Sunday 6th August, 2023 – The Transfiguration of the Lord

  • Saturday 5 August – Weekday

    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm Patricia Hughes RIP

    Sunday 6 August – The Transfiguration of the Lord (A)

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am Pro Populo
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)

    18th Week in Ordinary Time

    Monday 7 August – Weekday

    • Singing to Remember today at 2.00pm in the Hall

    Tuesday 8 August – St Dominic, Priest

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am

    Wednesday 9 August – St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Virgin and Martyr, Patron of Europe

    • Holy Mass at 12noon (St Boniface)

    Thursday 10 August – St Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr

    • Holy Mass at 6.00pm

    Friday 11 August – St Clare, Virgin

    • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions at 11.30am
    • Holy Mass at 12noon

    Saturday 12 August – Weekday

    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm Pro Populo

    Sunday 13 August – Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)