The Most Holy Trinity 

Sunday 4th June, 2023

Please contact the parish to receive the newsletter by email each week.

Message from Canon Kristian

Dear sisters and brothers

Although we concluded the celebration of the Easter Season last weekend with the Solemnity of Pentecost and moved into the “Green” Season of the so-called Sundays in Ordinary Time, for the next three Sundays we will still be having some special “white” liturgical celebrations.  This Sunday is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, a solemn annual reminder of the beauty and significance of the Christian understanding that God is Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – one God in three Persons as it is classically expressed in Christian theological teaching.  Through our baptism we are drawn into that continuous relationship of out-pouring love which takes places between the Three-in-One and the One-in-Three.  God is love and that “love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who has been given to us “ (Romans 5:5).  Pondering on the Mystery of God as Trinity stretches our minds to its human limits and beyond.  We can never stop plumbing the depths of God – the Creator, our Redeemer and the Giver of Life and Holiness – and our own sharing in that divinity.  As the priest or deacon says quietly whilst he is mixing a drop of water with the wine in the Chalice at Mass:  “Through the mystery of this water and wine, we may come to share in the divinity of Christ, who humbled himself to share in our humanity”!

Next Sunday, 11 June,  is the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, commonly called “Corpus Christi”.  At the 10.00am Mass at St James, the first group of our 25 children and young people will be making the First Holy Communion.  The second group will make their First Holy Communion at the same Mass on the following Sunday, 18 June.  This is a great blessing for our parish community, so do please keep these youngsters and their families very much in your prayers over the next couple of weeks.  I want to thank in a special way the parents and families for the support they have given to their children and young people over the course of the preparation and for all the catechists who have given of their precious time to help the children and young people deepen their understanding of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and of the Eucharist – two central spiritual encounters with the grace of God in our Catholic faith.

Along with the Newsletter this weekend, I attach:

  • the weekly aid to a prayerful contemplation of the Sunday Gospel offered by Monika Manser
  • the latest edition of Inspire from Deacon Peter
  • a poster with details of a “Living Theology Weekend” being held at the Ammerdown Centre in Radstock near Bath from 16-18 June, just in case this might be of interest to a few parishioners

As the school half-term concludes this weekend, we wish all our children, students and school staff, especially at St John’s, our parish school, a productive and enjoyable summer term, and let us remember all the sick and housebound, together with those who have died recently, in prayer.

Enjoy the good weather!

With every blessing

Canon Kristian

Canon Kristian Paver

Parish Priest

Parish of St James & St Boniface

40 Old Road

Tiverton EX16 4HJ

Catholic Children’s Society Annual Mass

This year’s annual Mass for the Catholic Children’s Society will be held in our parish in St John’s School Hall this Thursday 8 June at 2.00pm. It would be great to see some support present from our own parish community.

First Holy Communion Celebration Masses

he first of the First Holy Communion Masses will take place next Sunday 11 June at 10.00am at St James. Please note that, as a result, the Mass at St Boniface will start at 12noon on that Sunday and on the subsequent Sunday. Please keep our children and young people in your prayers.

Sponsored Walk for CHAT

Our parishioner, Ewelina Żychlinska, and her daughter, Zofia, are doing a 1000km walk over three months to raise funds to support the work of CHAT. If you would like to support them, you can do so online at Ewelina Żych is fundraising for Churches Housing Action Team (Mid Devon) Ltd ( or by giving your donation to them directly.

Caritas Diocese of Plymouth – Refugee Week Event

Caritas Diocese of Plymouth would like to invite people to learn more about  ‘Love the Stranger - by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales which reflects on our Christian response to the challenges facing those who have left their homeland in search of a better life. There are many in our diocese who welcome those new to their community, reach out to asylum seekers, welcome families through community sponsorship, host Ukrainian families and much more.  This event via Zoom on Wednesday 21 June from 6.00-7.00pm will be an opportunity to find out more about what is happening and to learn from each other. Please email  or fill in a short form to receive the Zoom link

School Transport Funds

Canon Kristian will make the draw for May after the 6.00pm Mass this Saturday. New members are always welcome. Please speak to Simon Coombs or Sheelagh Bourdon at St James or Teresa Cummings at St Boniface.

Mid Devon Show

Volunteers to help with the Churches’ Tent at the Mid Devon Show on Saturday 22 July at Knightshayes are needed. There is an urgent need for people to make cakes or a few litres of soup. People are needed to serve food and to welcome at the entrance of the tent, and there is a need for people to commit to pray from home over the course of the day for the Christian presence at the Show. The Churches’ Tent is a great opportunity for us to show God’s love to our community, to offer food, children’s activities and a place of rest, as well as showcase the charities working across Mid Devon. If you can help, please email Joanna Friend on

Marriage Matters

On Saturday 17 June at 12noon there will be a Mass for Marriage at Plymouth Cathedral. Please pray for this event and save the day. Send your anniversary dates to add to the Order of Service – whether you have been married for one week or sixty plus years. Light refreshments will be provided and (not so light) wedding cake. Please contact Deborah with your details or for more information on

Retrouvaille: Help Your Marriage: Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue … or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille is a programme to support couples who have difficulties in their marriage. It brings a positive focus, new hope and helps nourish and grow your marriage. Tens of thousands of couples headed for divorce have successfully saved their marriages by attending and using the tools provided. The programme helps spouses uncover or re-awaken the love, trust and commitment that originally brought them together. It helps them through difficult times whether they are disillusioned or in deep misery. There is no group therapy or group work. For confidential information about Retrouvaille or to register for the next programme commencing with a Virtual weekend on 6 – 9 July 2023 or a Face to Face weekend in Welwyn Garden City on 13-15 October 2023, call or text 07887 296983 or 07973 380443 or email or visit

Plymouth Diocesan Catechetical Camps 2023

The Summer Camps are a long-standing part of the youth activities of the Diocese of Plymouth and are open to all. This year the theme is “Leap of Faith: Having the Courage to Journey like Mary”. The Junior Camp (Years 3-6) will take place from 30 July-4 August and the Senior Camp (Years 7-10) from 6-11 August at Grangehurst, Buckfast Abbey. The St Petroc’s Camp (Years 11-12) will be held at St Rita’s, Honiton, from 14-18 August. The cost per participant is £230 and bookings can be made at Financial assistance may be available for those who would struggle to pay this amount.

Recycle for the Catholic Children’s Society

id you know that you can help the Catholic Children’s Society to raise funds simply by recycling your ink cartridges via its Recycle4Charity programme? For each ink cartridge recycled via the programme, the Society will receive up to £2 donation. Please pop your used ink cartridges in the box located at the entrance to St James.

Masses and Events this week

Sunday 4th June – The Most Holy Trinity

  • Saturday 3 June – St Charles Lwanga and Companions, Martyrs

    • First Communion Preparation at 10.00am in the Hall
    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm Pro Populo

    Sunday 4 June – The Most Holy Trinity (A)

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)

    Ninth Week in Ordinary Time

    Monday 5 June – St Boniface, Bishop, Martyr and Missionary, Patron of the Diocese

    • Singing to Remember today at 2.00pm in the Hall

    Tuesday 6 June – Weekday

    • Holy Mass at 9.00am Franciszek Kazimierz RIP
    • SVP Meeting at 7.30pm in the Hall

    Wednesday 7 June – Weekday

    • Service of the Word and Holy Communion at 12noon (St Boniface)

    Thursday 8 June – Weekday

    • Annual Mass for the Catholic Children’s Society at 2.00pm in St John’s School Hall, Tiverton
    • Holy Mass at 6.00pm

    Friday 9 June – St Columba, Abbot and Missionary

    • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions at 11.30am
    • Holy Mass at 12noon

    Saturday 10 June – Weekday

    • Confirmation Preparation at 11.00am in the Hall
    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm Pro Populo

    Sunday 11 June – The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (A)

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am
    • Holy Mass at 12.00pm (at St Boniface)