30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A)

Sunday 29th October, 2023

Please contact the parish to receive the newsletter by email each week.

Message from Canon Kristian

Dear sisters and brothers
It was good to see a number of you coming to St James on Friday evening between 6-8pm to take part in silent prayer and in a  prayer vigil to mark the Day of Prayer, Fasting and Penance for peace in the world, especially in the Middle East.  The tragic and life-destroying conflict in Gaza and Israel is still on-going and any just resolution seems to be a distant hope.  As people of faith, we continue to reach out with prayer and action to do what we can help our brothers and sisters in the biblical lands to find peace and reconciliation, holding out a flame of hope, however dim it may seem again the darkness.
Unexpectedly this week I found myself having to engage with the media.  One of our neighbours in Old Road had contacted The Times to express their unhappiness, despite their concerns having been addressed by the local planners, about the approved plans to include two or three small bells in a bellcote and a spire in the rebuilding of St James.  This article was also taken up by the Daily Mail and The Sun.  As a result, I was contacted by the BBC and was interviewed and filmed, along with the neighbour concerned, the Chair of the Planning Committee and one of the Town Councillors who was very supportive of our plans.  One of our parishioners who just happened to be at church was also unexpectedly interviewed by the journalist. I have been told that the result of this filming will be aired on BBC Spotlight at 4.55pm this Sunday.  In addition, I have been asked to be interviewed for the Sunday Programme on BBC 4 next Sunday.  I am not a natural media front person, so please say a prayer for me and also pray that what started as a negative news story will become a good news story for our parish.
The first session of the Synod of Rome concluded this week and it will regather for the second part at this time next year.  Many of you will be aware of the discussions that have been taking place at the Synod to address some of the real challenges facing the Church in its mission.  Attached to the Newsletter is a Letter from the Members of the Synod to all the People of God inviting us to participate in the on-going period of listening and discernment of the Holy Spirit which are the marks of a Church which is “synodal” at every level, including at the level of the parish.  Please do take some time to read this Letter.  Once the Synthesis of this first Session becomes available, I will ensure that I pass it on to you all.
As Wednesday is 1 November, we begin our annual month of Prayer for the Dead.  Attached to the Newsletter is a sheet which you can use on which to write the names of those for whom you would like the parish community to pray throughout this month.  Please put these in the receptacle in front of the altar in both our churches.  This year we are profoundly saddened to have to add prayers for the many innocent victims who have died in wars across the world, but especially in Ukraine and in Gaza and Israel.
So, along with the Newsletter, I attach:
  • the weekly guide to a prayerful reading of the Sunday Gospel, offered by Monika Manser
  • number 86 of Inspire, from Deacon Peter
  • the Letter to the People of God from the Members of the Synod
  • a sheet for the names for the November Prayers for the Dead
I am hoping that the new version of Outlook is now working properly and that you are all receiving copies of the Newsletter as usual.  My apologies to those who have not been receive their emails for some reason.
Please remember in your prayers in a special way those of our parish community who are in hospital, in care homes or grieving the death of a loved one.
I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the Masses on 31 OCtober/1 November for the Solemnity of All Saints, which is a Holy Day of Obligation.
May God bless you all
Canon Kristian

Canon Kristian Paver

Parish Priest

Parish of St James & St Boniface

40 Old Road

Tiverton EX16 4HJ

The Pope’s Intention for November

We are asked to join in the Holy Father’s prayer intention for November which is for him as Pope: “We pray for the Holy Father: as he fulfils his mission, may he continue to accompany the flock entrusted to him, with the help of the Holy Spirit”. Visit to watch the Pope introduce this intention personally.

The Solemnity of All Saints

This coming Wednesday, 1 November, is the Solemnity of All Saints. This is a Holy Day of Obligation, which means that we are all expected to participate at Mass on that day. Therefore, there will be a Vigil Mass at St Boniface at 6.00pm on Tuesday 31 October, and Masses at 10.00am and 6.00pm at St James on 1 November itself.

All Souls and Praying for Dead in November

Thursday, 2 November, is the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, commonly called All Souls Day. This day begins the traditional month of prayer for all those who have died. As has become the custom, a receptacle will be placed in front of the altar in both of our churches to receive the names of your loved ones, family, friends and acquaintances who have died and for whom you ask the prayers of the parish community. A sheet is attached to the Newsletter and also available in church for your names. At the 12noon Mass on Friday 1 December these names will be read out and prayed for publicly, so please write the names clearly so that they can be transcribed.

First Holy Communion 2024

If you have a child, aged 7 or over, who you would like to start preparation for First Confession and First Holy Communion next year, please pick up an application form at the entrance to church or download a copy from the parish website, and return it to the Parish Office by the end of this week at the latest.

Letter from the Synod to the People of God

The XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in Rome has concluded and those taking part have issued a Letter to the People of God giving thanks for their experiences. They explain the work of the past weeks and express the hope that, in the coming months, everyone will be able to “concretely participate in the dynamism of missionary communion indicated by the word ‘synod’”. A copy of the Letter is attached to the Newsletter.

Laudato Si’ Group – Responding to the Cry of Creation

The Laudato Si’ Group, which looks at ways of highlighting action needed to be taken by individuals, the parish and the wider community with regards to the care for environment, our Common Home, will meet next Saturday, 4 November, at 4.30pm in the Hall. All welcome.

Hands Across the Generations

Tony and Anne Doble invite those from 5 years of age to older teenagers to stay behind after 10.30am Mass next Sunday, 5 November, for between 30-40 minutes to start making Greeting Cards to send from our Parish to the patients in Tiverton Hospital. Older teenagers may wish to take a card and design it at home and then return it back to Canon Kristian. This type of service project, supported by the Parish Pastoral Council, though simple, is an effective way for our parish community, through its young members, of engaging with people in the wider community.

Switch On Support

This year’s parish winter project for CHAT – Switch On Support – is to purchase kettles, toasters and slow cookers to give to people moving into temporary or new accommodation, who are setting up home with a minimum of cooking appliances. Though these appliances are ordinary, they are vital in the process of creating a home. Items can be left at the entrance to church.

Book”/Lunch Group

The “Book”/Lunch Group meets for lunch at The Bluebell, Willand, this Thursday, 2 November, at 12.30pm. If you are unable to come, please let Sheelagh know on 07791 802009.

Music and Singing Afternoon

We will be holding one of our regular music and singing afternoons on Sunday 19 November at 2.30pm. It is the weekend of the World Day of the Poor, so there will be an attempt to focus on music with that theme in mind, as well as celebrating the end of the Church Year. Everyone is warmly welcomed to come along and play or sing. If you have any suggestions for hymns and music, please email

Shoeboxes for Christmas

If you are filling a shoebox as a Christmas Gift for a child in places of poverty and war, these need to be in the Hall by Sunday 12 November.

Dine for Dignity” at the Masquerade Ball

In order to raise funds for CHAT, a “Dine for Dignity” Masquerade Ball will take place at the Upton Barn and Walled Garden EX15 1RA on Friday 17 November, 7.30-11.30pm. Tickets, which can be purchased via the QR code, include a two-course meal and welcome drink, are £37.50. 18+ only. If you use the code “ZOFIA10” when ordering your ticket, you can get 10% off

Masses and Events this week

Sunday 29th October – 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time A

    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm

    ***Clocks Go Back One Hour***

    Sunday 29 October – Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am Pro Populo
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface) Paula Hubbard RIP (anniv)

    Monday 30 October – Weekday

    • Singing to Remember at 2.00pm in the Hall

    Tuesday 31 October – Weekday

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am Jo Pennie RIP (anniv)
    • Monthly Lunch Club, 12noon-2.00pm, in the Hall
    • Vigil Mass for All Saints at 6.00pm (St Boniface)
    • SVP meets at 7.30pm

    Wednesday 1 November – Solemnity of All Saints (Day of Obligation)

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am
    • Funeral Service for David Gaskill RIP at East Devon Crematorium at 2.30pm
    • Holy Mass at 6.00pm

    Thursday 2 November – Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed

    • Book”/Lunch Group at 12.30pm in The Bluebell, Willand
    • Holy Mass at 6.00pm

    Friday 3 November – St Winifride, Virgin

    • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions at 11.30am
    • Holy Mass with Prayers at 12.00noon Teresa Michalowska RIP (anniv), Jozef and Janusz Michalowski RIP and Jozef Gorlo RIP

    Saturday 4 November – St Charles Borromeo, Bishop

    • Friends of St James and St Boniface at 9.00am in the Hall
    • Confirmation Preparation & Service of Reconciliation at 12noon
    • Laudato Si’ Group meets at 4.30pm in the Hall
    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm Pro Populo

    Sunday 5 November – Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am Jessica Bolton (birthday int)
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)