Baptism of the Lord (Year A)

Sunday 8th January, 2023

Please contact the parish to receive the newsletter by email each week.

Message from Canon Kristian

My apologies that this weekend’s Newsletter is arriving in your inboxes later than usual, but there has been rather a lot to fit into the last couple of days.  As a result, this covering email will be rather brief!

This weekend’s feast of the Baptism of the Lord marks the end of the Season of Christmastide.  We then move swiftly of the “silent years” of the Lord’s life between his revelation to the Magi as the Redeemer of all peoples and the moment of his baptism in the River Jordan by John the Baptist.  Jesus’ baptism is defining moment in his self-understanding as the Anointed One and is the beginning of his public ministry of teaching and healing, which will lead ultimately to his self-giving death and life-giving resurrection.  This year we will be walking with the Gospel of St Matthew on the road of discipleship Sunday by Sunday, hearing often familiar stories of the life and ministry of Jesus, but hearing them in a new way and being moved by them in a new way because each of us has changed as individuals in our own personal and spiritual lives – and the world around us itself has changed – since the last time we heard and reflected on these readings from the Sacred Scriptures.

We will conclude the Christmas Season with a Parish Epiphany Concert in St James at 6.00pm this Sunday and, if you are not one of the performers, it would be great to see as many as possible coming to enjoy and support the Concert.  Biscuits and mince pies will be available during the interval.

As always, hold a special place in your prayers for those of our parish community who are sick at this time and remember those who have died recently.

May God fill your hearts with light.

Canon Kristian

Canon Kristian Paver

Parish Priest

Parish of St James & St Boniface

40 Old Road

Tiverton EX16 4HJ

Christmas Crib Offerings

During this past year, the Catholic Children’s Society (Plymouth) has been supporting vulnerable families in ever increasing numbers, all made possible by donations from parishioners across the Diocese. Today is the last day to leave an offering at the crib to support the work of the Catholic Children’s Society, spreading God’s love and giving families in need – of all faiths and none – hope in times of crisis.

Epiphany Concert

This Sunday, to celebrate the last day of Christmastide, we are holding an Epiphany Concert at St James at 6.00pm. The children, staff and governors of St John’s School, together with the young people, singers and musicians in our parish will be performing. Please come along and give your support to make this a really good parish event.

Burns Night Celebration

On Friday 27 January, starting at 7pm prompt, we will be holding our first ever Burns Night Celebration in the Hall at St James! Come and enjoy Cullen Skink, a Piper to greet guests and to pipe in the Haggis for the main course of Haggis, Neeps and Tatties, followed by Cranachan, with the odd whiskey to taste. Due to limited numbers, this will be a ticketed event and for adults only. Tickets cost £10 and are available from this weekend. Please advise of any special dietary needs at the time of purchase of ticket.

Unwanted Gifts Stall

After Mass at St James next Sunday, there will be a stall to sale any “unwanted gifts” that you may have received at Christmas. If you have any donations, please leave them at the entrance to church.

Parish Pastoral Council Meeting

The next meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council will take place on Wednesday 18 January at 7.00pm in the Parish Hall.

Elizabeth Smith RIP

Let us keep Elizabeth Smith, who died this week, and her family in our prayers. The Requiem Mass for the repose of her soul will take place at 12noon on Friday 20 January at St James. Her body will be received into church the day before at 4.30pm.

Flame 2023 – Special Invitation to our Young People

Anyone 14-21 years of age is invited to join our parish trip to Flame at Wembley Stadium, London, on Saturday 4 March 2023. Flame is the largest Catholic gathering in England and Wales. Transport is from Cullompton on a coach so almost door to door!  If parents want to know a bit more, please talk to Elaine Kelly, Siobhan Gilroy or Eduarda Santos as they have all been before.  It’s such a great day out that the parish would like to treat our youngsters to this experience, so there is no cost to the individual.  To get on the coach we need to book tickets now with the diocesan coordinator as there is a limited number on the group transport, so please give your name to the Parish Office as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.  Siobhan Gilroy will be leading our parish group.

Christmas Flowers and Flower Arrangers

A big “thank you” to those parishioners who brought in their own Christmas flower arrangements for the windows in St James.  The arrangements were both varied and imaginative, and it is obvious that there some budding flower arrangers who might like to join the church flower arrangers! If so, please contact Shelagh on 07990592297. 

Recycling for Good Causes – Catholic Children’s Society

A reminder that there is a box at the entrance to St James for items that can be recycled to raise funds for the Catholic Children’s Society. These items fall into four categories: Jewellery – unwanted gold and silver, including damaged items, costume jewellery, watches; Coins and Currency – banknotes and coins, any currency of any age, including unchangeable currency; Gadgets: mobile phones, video cameras, old film cameras, digital cameras, Sat Navs, games consoles, games and accessories, iPods, MP3 players, Tablet computers; and Stamps: loose/single stamps, first day covers, presentation packs.

200 Club

Congratulations to Anne Hewson who won the £30 prize and to Barbara Parr who won the £20 prize in the January draw. The parishioners who pay their subscriptions annually at this time of year are reminded to do so over the next few weeks. Any queries, please contact Simon Coombs (07761 420703). Anyone wishing to join the 200 Club for as little as £1 a month can do so by speaking to Simon or Sheelagh Bourdon at St James or to Teresa Cummings at St Boniface. 

Operation Warm New Clothes

Thanks to all those who have been contributing to Operation Warm New Clothes, so that, through CHAT, we can do what we can to ensure that local children can keep as warm as possible. It is important to keep the donations coming throughout the winter months. The boxes for your donations are either at the entrance to church (St James) or by the Lady Chapel (St Boniface).

Christmas Fund-raising

Thank you to all who bought raffle tickets before Christmas. The main Christmas Draw raised £413.00 and Canon Kristian’s Christmas Cake Draw raised £318.00. In addition, £109.70 was raised by the Christmas Novelties stall. Special thanks go to Siobhan Warne for her marvellous presentation of the prizes for the Christmas Draw to Margaret Found for her generous creativity in making the Christmas novelties!

Masses and Events this week

Sunday 8th January – Baptism of the Lord

  • Saturday 7 January – Weekday of Christmas after Epiphany

    • Friends of St James and St Boniface at 9.30am in the Church
    • First Holy Communion Preparation at 10.00am in the Hall
    • Vigil Mass at 6.00pm

    Sunday 8 January – The Baptism of the Lord (A)

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am Pro Populo
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)
    • Parish Epiphany Concert at 6.00pm

    Monday 9 January – Weekday (First Week in Ordinary Time)

    • Singing to Remember at 2.00pm in the Hall

    Tuesday 10 January – Weekday

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am
    • SVP meets at 7.30pm in the Hall

    Wednesday 11 January – Weekday

    • Holy Mass at 12noon (at St Boniface)

    Thursday 12 January – St Aelred of Rievaulx, Bishop

    • Holy Mass at 6.00pm

    Friday 13 January – Weekday

    • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions at 11.30am
    • Holy Mass at 12noon

    Saturday 14 January – Weekday

    • Vigil Mass at 6.00pm

    Sunday 15 January – Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am Pro Populo
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)