Second Sunday of Easter (Year A)

Divine Mercy Sunday

Sunday 16th April, 20223

Please contact the parish to receive the newsletter by email each week.

Message from Canon Kristian

This Sunday is the Octave Day of Easter, the eighth day of the Easter Octave, and I hope you have been able to maintain something of the joy of Easter Day throughout this past week.  In former days, this Sunday was called “Domenica in albis” since, as the newly-baptised Levi heard at the Easter Vigil last weekend, it was the day on which the newly-baptised could take off their white baptismal robe, an external sign of their Christian dignity, which they would have been wearing for the whole of the Easter Octave!  Since 5 May 2000, the Second Sunday of Easter has also been given the title “Divine Mercy Sunday” by decree of Pope St John Paul II.  This is in honour of the devotion of the Divine Mercy (What is Divine Mercy Sunday? | The Divine Mercy), the image of which was first displayed at a Mass in Poland on the Second Sunday of Easter, 28 April 1935.  This Mass was attended by the religious sister, Maria Faustyna Kowalska, whose revelations formed the basis for this devotion and who was herself canonised on 30 April 2000.

Along with the Newsletter this weekend, I attach:

  • the weekly guide to a prayerful contemplation of the Sunday Gospel offered by Monika Manser
  • the latest edition of Inspire offered by Deacon Peter
  • a listing of events planned by Caritas Diocese of Plymouth

Do please continue to pray for those who are sick in our community at this time, as well as for the souls of Ian Skinner, Jane Bailey and Fr Kieran Kirby whose funerals take place this coming week and of Bishop Christopher, whose funeral will take place at the Sacred Heart Church in Exeter on Friday 5 May at 12noon.

With every blessing for the Easter Season

Canon Kristian

Canon Kristian Paver

Parish Priest

Parish of St James & St Boniface

40 Old Road

Tiverton EX16 4HJ

Communion under Both Kinds

Holy Communion under both kinds has now been re-instated. However, the reception of Holy Communion under both kinds is not obligatory, since our Catholic faith teaches that the totality of the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of the Lord is received in either or both kinds. The Precious Blood must be drunk directly from the chalice or Communion received in one kind only. It is NEVER permitted for anyone in the congregation to dip the Host into the chalice.

Spring Concert

To raise funds in memory of Andrew Curtis and to refurbish the St Peter’s church organ, Tiverton Concert Band, directed by John Fitton, will be holding a Spring Concert with guest singers, at St Peter’s, Tiverton, next Saturday 22 April at 7.30pm. Tickets are £5 and can be bought from band members or at the door. Under 18s are free.

Enquirers’ Day for the Permanent Diaconate

An Enquirers’ Day for those men who feel that they might be being called to serve as a Permanent Deacon will be held at St Boniface House, Ashburton, on Saturday 29 April, 10.30am-1.30pm. For more details or to book a place, please contact Deacon Nick Johnson on 07768 622343 or by email at For more information about the Permanent Diaconate see and the Directory for the Permanent Diaconate.

Christian Climate Change Action

Next weekend in London is ‘The Big One’, a peaceful gathering in Parliament Square of people from all walks of life who are deeply worried about the climate and ecological emergency and want to see the Government take real action. With 100,000 people expected to attend, it looks set to be the biggest ever UK Climate Protest. CAFOD, The Laudato Si’ Movement, Christian Aid, Tearfund, Operation Noah, Green Christian and other Christian and Faith Groups are supporting this event and will be present.

At 11.30am on Friday 21 April, hundreds of Christians will meet at St John’s Church, Waterloo, for an ecumenical ‘No Faith in Fossil Fuels’ Service and then make a pilgrimage to the Houses of Parliament. On Sat 22 April, International Earth Day, as well as a March for Biodiversity starting at 1.00pm in Parliament Square, there will be a Catholic Mass at 3.00pm held nearby.

Sally Chapman would like to invite any members of the parish who might be interested in joining her to look at the website of Christian Climate Action The Big One – This April – Christian Climate Action  or to talk to her after Mass.  

Plymouth Diocesan Catechetical Camps 2023

The Summer Camps are a long-standing part of the youth activities of the Diocese of Plymouth and are open to all. This year the theme of the Camps is “Leap of Faith: Having the Courage to Journey like Mary” and the Camps are returning to the pre-Covid format. The Junior Camp (Years 3-6) will take place from 30 July-4 August and the Senior Camp (Years 7-10) from 6-11 August at Grangehurst, Buckfast Abbey. The St Petroc’s Camp (Years 11-12) will be held at St Rita’s, Honiton, from 14-18 August. The cost per participant is £230 and bookings can be made at Financial assistance may be available for those who would struggle to pay this amount.

In addition, if you are a young adult who could offer a week of their time to help out at one of the Camps, please speak to Canon Kristian and he can put you in contact with the Camp organisers.

John Bradburne Memorial Society

J ohn Bradburne, who became a Catholic at Buckfast Abbey in 1947, is now a Servant of God and on the way towards canonisation as a saint. John dedicated his life to looking after the neediest leprosy patients and society’s outcasts in Zimbabwe for ten years until he was murdered in 1979. The John Bradburne Memorial Society will be holding a celebration at Buckfast Abbey on Saturday 10 June, starting with Mass at 12noon and followed by lunch, talks and music. Because space is limited, the talks and music after Mass will be ticketed and the tickets cost £25 per person. All the proceeds will go directly in supporting the people living at Mutemwa Leprosy Care Centre in Zimbabwe where John worked.

For more details concerning the speakers and the music at the event, as well as the ability to purchase tickets online go to There are also a number of flyers and pamphlets about the event and John Bradburne’s life at the entrance to church.

Mid Devon Show Churches Tent AGM

The Mid Devon Show on Saturday 22 July is a major opportunity for the Churches of Mid Devon to show that we are alive and active within the community across the region. It is also a chance to serve people with food, children’s activities and a place to rest, and to showcase the Charities working in Mid Devon. The Mid Devon Show Churches Tent AGM will take place this Monday, 17 April, at 7.30pm in Halberton Methodist Church. It would be great to see more people at this year’s AGM, as it is your chance to think about what you might like to see in the Tent going forward and share ideas!

200 Club

Congratulations to Tony Reynolds who won the £30 prize and to Annie Daniels who won the £20 prize in the April draw. The 200 Club is an ongoing fund raiser for the Parish and new members can join for as little as £1 a month. Please speak to either Simon Coombs or Sheelagh Bourdon at St James or Teresa Cummings at St Boniface. 

Liturgical Ministry Rotas

The rotas for those who carry out the ministries of welcome, reader and extraordinary minister of Holy Communion at St James are now posted on the noticeboard in the Hall. Would ministers please put the names down for the dates and times when you will be carrying out your ministry.

Masses and Events this week

Sunday 16th April – Second Sunday of Easter

  • Saturday 15 April – Easter Saturday

    • Car Boot Sale at 9.00am in St James’ Car Park
    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm Pro Populo

    Sunday 16 April – Second Sunday of Easter/Divine Mercy Sunday (A)

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am Deacon Peter Found (birthday ints)
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)

    Monday 17 April – Easter Weekday

    • Singing to Remember at 2.00pm in the Hall

    Tuesday 18 April – Easter Weekday

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am
    • Reception of the Body at 4.30pm

    Wednesday 19 April – Easter Weekday

    • Requiem Mass for Ian Skinner RIP at 11.00am (at St James)
    • Parish Pastoral Council Meeting at 7.00pm in the Hall

    Thursday 20 April – Easter Weekday

    • Requiem Mass for Fr Kieran Kirby RIP at 12noon at the Church of the Sacred Heart, South Street, Exeter
    • Reception of the Body at 4.30pm
    • Holy Mass at 6.00pm

    Friday 21 April – St Anselm, Bishop and Doctor

    • Requiem Mass for Jane Bailey RIP at 12noon

    Saturday 22 April – Easter Weekday

    • First Holy Communion Preparation at 10.00am in the Hall
    • Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00pm

    Sunday 23 April – Third Sunday of Easter (A)

    • Holy Mass at 10.00am George Carter RIP followed by Potato Scone and Bacon Breakfast
    • Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface)