Palm Sunday and the Passion of the Lord (Year A)
Sunday 2nd April, 2023
Please contact the parish to receive the newsletter by email each week.
Message from Canon Kristian
Dear sisters and brothers
We have arrived at the celebration of Holy Week, the most significant and demanding days of our Church year. “Significant” because they celebrate the salvific acts of the Lord for us and for the whole world, and “demanding” because they require each of us to enter into these events personally and to accompany Jesus in his passion, death and resurrection. This we can do principally by participating in the main Services of the Sacred Paschal Triduum on Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil. However, there are also opportunities to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance on Wednesday and Thursday, as well as celebrations of the Prayer of the Church – the Office of Readings and Morning Prayer – on Good Friday and Holy Saturday. For those unable to get to the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion at 3pm on Good Friday, the Stations of the Cross will be celebrated in both our churches at 7.00pm.
The Blessing of Easter Food will also take place in both our churches on Holy Saturday at 12noon. If you know of people who may not be regular church attenders but who still hold to this tradition, please do let them know about the time. It will not be possible to give this Blessing at other times.
Along with this week’s Newsletter, I attach:
- the weekly guide to a contemplative reading of the Sunday Gospel, offer by Monika Manser
- the Lent Newsletter from our Parish CAFOD Group
- the latest Newsletter from St John’s School
- the job description for the role of Mary’s Meals Church Representative
I look forward to seeing many of you at the Masses and Services during this Holy Week. As always, let us have a special prayer for the sick and vulnerable of our parish community. Let us rejoice and say a prayer too for Levi Roach and Isobel Doble who will be baptised next weekend.
May God bless you
Canon Kristian
Canon Kristian Paver
Parish Priest
Parish of St James & St Boniface
40 Old Road
Tiverton EX16 4HJ
Holy Week and the Sacred Paschal Triduum
T his Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week or Great Week, the most important period of the whole liturgical year. We celebrate and are drawn into the final saving events of the Lord’s life here on earth, from his entrance into Jerusalem, through the celebration of the Last Supper with his disciples and his suffering and death on the Cross, to his glorious resurrection. The celebrations of the Sacred Triduum – the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, the Celebration of the Passion on Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil – are not technically holy days of obligation but they are such important days for Christ’s followers that we should naturally be drawn together at church to celebrate these world-changing and life-changing events. In fact, though these Services take place on three separate days, they are in fact one celebration spread over a number of days. Thus, it would be a great blessing for our parish to see as many parishioners as possible taking part in the Sacred Triduum. In addition, we have the great joy of celebrating the baptism of Levi Roach at the Easter Vigil and of Isobel Doble at the Easter Sunday Mass in St Boniface.
The Bishops’ Conference provides a number of different ways of participating in this most holy of weeks, including through great works of art.
Communion under Both Kinds
The Bishops of England and Wales have decided that the re-introduction of Holy Communion under both kinds will take place from the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper this Thursday. The reception of Holy Communion under both kinds is not obligatory, since our Catholic faith teaches that the totality of the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of the Lord is received in either or both kinds. Thus, it will be for each person to choose whether she or he wishes to receive Holy Communion from the chalice. Please note that it is NEVER permitted for anyone in the congregation to dip the Host into the chalice when they come to receive Holy Communion. The Precious Blood must be drunk directly from the chalice or Communion received in one kind only.
Pope’s Prayer Intention for April
During the month of April, Pope Francis invites us to pray for a culture of peace and non-violence. Together with him we pray for the spread of peace and non-violence by decreasing the use of weapons by States and citizens. Go to to see this month’s intention being introduced by the Holy Father himself.
Flowers for Easter
Donations of Spring flowers, both garden grown and shop bought, would be very gratefully received to help decorate St James at Easter. They can be left in church either on Holy Thursday or on Good Friday.
Walk of Witness in Cullompton
There will be an ecumenical Walk of Witness in Cullompton on Good Friday. People are asked to assemble at Tesco from 10.00am and the Walk will begin at 10.15am, pausing in front of the Baptist Church and in Church Street, before ending at 11am at St Andrew’s Anglican Church.
Mary’s Meals
A few months ago, a representative from the charity Mary’s Meals came to talk at all our Masses and many of us were greatly moved by what we heard. Mary’s Meals has now contacted us to ask whether there might be a parishioner who would be willing to become a Mary’s Meals Church Representative in our parish. A description of the role is attached to the Newsletter and do let Canon Kristian or Rosie in the Parish Office know if you are interested in taking on this role.
Youth Residential Event at Heatree
Young people aged 11- 16 are invited to join together at Heatree Activity Centre from 26-28 May to explore John 20:21 “As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you”. The weekend will comprise of activities that encourage our young people to explore their faith. There will be the opportunity to join in outdoor activities on site such as high ropes and raft building (activities may vary). Cost: £120, which can be paid in instalments. To book, please follow the link: For further information, please contact Saskia:
Great Big Diocesan Quiz
Our parish will be taking part in the Great Big Diocesan Quiz on Friday 28 April at 7.30pm. You are invited to form teams of four people to take part in the Quiz which we will hold in the hall at St James. Please give your team a name and let Rosie know the details of your team at the Parish Office. This event really does help raise much needed funds for the Catholic Children’s Society.
Easter Draw and “Name the Bunny”
This is the last weekend to buy tickets for the Easter Draw and to pick a name for the 1kg Lindt Chocolate Easter Bunny, both of which are £1 a turn. Winners for the draw and the bunny will be announced on Thursday 6 April.
February Parish Giving
Loose: £1159.31 Sumup: £320.00 Standing Orders: £2032.00
200 Club
Canon Kristian will make the draw for April after the 6.00pm Mass on Saturday. New members are always welcome. Please speak to Simon Coombs or Sheelagh Bourdon at St James or Teresa Cummings at St Boniface.
Masses and Events this week
Sunday 2nd April – Holy Week
Saturday 1 April – Lenten Weekday
- Vigil Mass at 6.00pm Pro Populo
Sunday 2 April – Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord (A)
- Holy Mass at 10.00am
- Holy Mass at 12.00am (at St Boniface)
Monday 3 April – Monday of Holy Week
- Singing to Remember at 2.00pm in the Hall
Tuesday 4 April – Tuesday of Holy Week
- Holy Mass at 10.00am
- SVP Meeting at 7.30pm in the Hall
Wednesday 5 April – Wednesday of Holy Week
- Chrism Mass at 12noon in the Cathedral
- Confessions from 6.30-7.30pm
Thursday 6 April – Holy Thursday
- Confessions from 10.30-11.30am
The Sacred Paschal Triduum
- Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7.00pm Nigel Best RIP (anniv)
- Watching before the Altar of Repose until 11.00pm
- Night Prayer (Compline) at 10.45pm
Friday 7 April – Good Friday (Day of Fasting and Abstinence)
- Office of Readings and Morning Prayer of the Church at 9.00am
- Walk of Witness in Cullompton at 10.00am
- Celebration of the Passion of the Lord at 3.00pm
- Stations of the Cross at 7.00pm (at St James and St Boniface)
Saturday 8 April – Holy Saturday (Day of Fasting)
- Office of Readings and Morning Prayer of the Church at 9.00am
- Blessing of Easter Food at 12noon (at St James and St Boniface)
- The Easter Vigil at 9.00pm with the Baptism of Levi Roach
Sunday 9 April – Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord (A)
- Holy Mass at 10.00am
- Holy Mass at 11.30am (at St Boniface) with the Baptism of Isobel Doble