Advent 2020 – CAFOD NEWS and the journey to Christmas

Life has been tough for us here of late and around the world it has been no different. In countries with less developed health care or education resources CAFOD has been striving to help wherever we can and here is our chance to let you know how you can help too-right now!

WORLD GIFTS-Christmas shopping is always a challenge and of late it has been even more difficult with shops closed, so why not buy a World Gift from CAFOD instead?

For only £6 you could send a gift of soap, reusable facemasks and washing detergent and give a family the opportunity to be safe every day. For many living in poverty, access to these essentials can be difficult, meaning people are unable to go out and safely buy food, work or attend school.

There are loads more gifts to choose from at


Every day, human rights defenders and environmental activists across the world are risking everything to defend our brothers and sisters and protect our common home.  Let’s not forget them this Christmas – you, and your families/friends, could send a card of solidarity to The Brave by December 7th. Check it out at –


This is a fun resource to use at home with your children. It is a terrific resource of daily prayer and reflection to help us all prepare for Christmas. Join us as we journey throughout the season of Advent with our global family.


Join us for some simple and peaceful prayer and reflection as we share our journey of Advent together. We will gather around a candle and be gently led in a time of prayer. No need for a computer camera or microphone or worrying about what to say. Just register then click the link on Sundays through Advent and on Epiphany, the 6th of January. The prayer will start at 6pm and run for less than half an hour. All are welcome to join us on this journey. The link is and you need to register to join in.

Thank you so much for all your support.

The CAFOD team.